Ohar batzuk fonologiaren magiaz
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Irurtzun Sviaguincheva, Aritz
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Anuario del Seminario de Filología Vasca Julio de Urquijo 57(1/2) : 515-538 (2023)
In acts of magic or in supernatural rituals it is often the case that speech acts are performed in the search of obtaining the desired supernatural result. In this article I provide a first analysis of the words and formulæ that (allegedly) have been employed among Basque speakers, identifying patterns of phonological markedness in them. I analyze this as a departure from everyday speech, as if "non-natural" speech would be emically conceived as more plausibly reflective of supernatural powers and conductive to the desired supernatural effects.; Magia edota naturaz gaindiko helburuak dituzten erritualetan usu hizketa-ekin-tzak erabiltzen dira dena delako helburua lortzeko. Artikulu honetan euskal usadioan ekintza magi-koetarako erabili izan (omen) diren hitz eta formulei lehen begiratu bat ematen diet haietan marka-tutasun fonologikoa identifikatuz. Hau eguneroko hizkuntzatikako aldentze baten moduan aztertzen dut, emikoki hizkera "ez naturalaren" erabilera naturaz gaindiko botereekin lotzen delakoan