Now showing items 4068-4087 of 37971

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      Autokudeaketaren aukerak eskola kirolean: liskarren ebazpena aztergai. 

      Azpiazu Zubeldia, Jon Mikel (2020-05-26)
      Usurbilga eskala kiralaren eraldatze fasean kakaturik, Zirimara praiektuari nire ekarpena egiteka asmatan datar lan hau. Herrika eskala kiral eredua zalantzan jarri eta hainbat hutsune tapatu astean, eredu integralaga ...
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      Automated AGS Kitting Station 

      Bueno Viso, Mikel (2022-02-10)
      [EN]Kitting is a critical process in every single industrial system which involves mass production, assembly and complex logistics, and it can be considered as a shipping and warehouse technique that has become popular ...
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      Automated procedure to detect subtle motor alterations in the balance beam test in a mouse model of early Parkinson’s disease 

      Bidgood, Raphaëlle; Zubelzu, Maider; Ruiz Ortega, José Ángel; Morera Herreras, Teresa (Nature, 2024)
      Parkinson’s disease (PD) is the most common motor neurodegenerative disorder, characterised by aggregated α-synuclein (α-syn) constituting Lewy bodies. We aimed to investigate temporal changes in motor impairments in a PD ...
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      Automated Segmentation of the Human Hippocampus Along Its Longitudinal Axis 

      Lerma-Usabiaga, Garikoitz; Iglesias, Juan Eugenio; Insausti, Ricardo; Greve, Douglas N.; Paz-Alonso, Pedro M. (Human Brain Mapping, 2016)
      The human hippocampal formation is a crucial brain structure for memory and cognitive function that is closely related to other subcortical and cortical brain regions. Recent neuroimaging studies have revealed differences ...
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      Automatic Analysis of Archimedes’ Spiral for Characterization of Genetic Essential Tremor Based on Shannon’s Entropy and Fractal Dimension 

      López de Ipiña Peña, Miren Karmele; Solé Casals, Jordi; Faúndez-Zanuy, Marcos; Calvo, Pilar M.; Sesa, Enric; Roure, Josep; Martínez de Lizarduy Sturtze, Unai; Beitia Bengoa, Blanca; Fernández Gómez de Segura, Elsa; Iradi Arteaga, Jon; García Melero, Joseba; Bergareche, Alberto (MDPI, 2018-07)
      Among neural disorders related to movement, essential tremor has the highest prevalence; in fact, it is twenty times more common than Parkinson's disease. The drawing of the Archimedes' spiral is the gold standard test to ...
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      Automatic Cardiac Rhythm Classification with Concurrent Manual Chest Compressions 

      Isasi Liñero, Iraia; Irusta Zarandona, Unai; Bahrami Rad, Ali; Aramendi Ecenarro, Elisabete; Zabihi, Morteza; Eftestøl, Trygve; Kramer-Johansen, Jo; Wik, Lars (IEEE, 2019-08-13)
      Electrocardiogram (EKG) based classification of out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) rhythms is important to guide treatment and to retrospectively elucidate the effects of therapy on patient response. OHCA rhythms are ...
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      Automatic Classification of Synthetic Voices for Voice Banking Using Objective Measures 

      Alonso, Agustin; García Romillo, Víctor; Hernáez Rioja, Inmaculada ORCID; Navas Cordón, Eva ORCID; Sánchez de la Fuente, Jon ORCID (MDPI, 2022-02-27)
      Speech is the most common way of communication among humans. People who cannot communicate through speech due to partial of total loss of the voice can benefit from Alternative and Augmentative Communication devices and ...
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      Automatic detection of the mental state in responses towards relaxation 

      Sagastibeltza Galarraga, Nagore; Salazar Ramírez, Asier; Martínez Rodríguez, Raquel ORCID; Jodrá Luque, José Luis; Muguerza Rivero, Javier Francisco (Springer, 2023-03)
      Nowadays, considering society’s highly demanding lifestyles, it is important to consider the usefulness of relaxation from the perspective of both psychology and clinical practice. The response towards relaxation (RResp) ...
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      Automatic experimental characterization of a magnetic transport for low energy proton beams 

      Bermejillo Seco, Álvaro (2021-12-02)
      [EN] A computer controlled magnetic field measuring system designed for the magnetic characterization of a particle accelerator's Low Energy Beam Transport's (LEBT) solenoids is presented. The measuring system was assembled ...
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      Automatic feedback and assessment of team-coding assignments in a DevOps context 

      Fernández Gauna, Borja; Rojo Azaceta, Naiara; Graña Romay, Manuel María (Springer, 2023)
      We describe an automated assessment process for team-coding assignments based on DevOps best practices. This system and methodology includes the definition of Team Performance Metrics measuring properties of the software ...
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      Automatic Generation of a Legal Expert System of a Section 7 (2) of the United Kingdom Data Protection Act 1984 

      Allen, Layman E.; Saxon, Charles S. (Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 1988)
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      Automatic generation of named entity taggers leveraging parallel corpora 

      Chung, Yi-Ling (2017-09-27)
      The lack of hand curated data is a major impediment to developing statistical semantic processors for many of the world languages. A major issue of semantic processors in Nat- ural Language Processing (NLP) is that they ...
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      Automatic Identification Algorithm of Equivalent Electrochemical Circuit Based on Electroscopic Impedance Data for a Lead Acid Battery 

      Olarte, Javier; Martínez de Ilarduya Martínez de San Vicente, Jaione; Zulueta Guerrero, Ekaitz; Ferret, Raquel; Fernández Gámiz, Unai; López Guede, José Manuel ORCID (MDPI, 2021-06-06)
      Obtaining tools to analyze and predict the performance of batteries is a non-trivial challenge because it involves non-destructive evaluation procedures. At the research level, the development of sensors to allow cell-level ...
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      Automatic Identification of Emotional Information in Spanish TV Debates and Human-Machine Interactions 

      De Velasco Vázquez, Mikel ORCID; Justo Blanco, Raquel ORCID; Torres Barañano, María Inés ORCID (MDPI, 2022-02-11)
      Automatic emotion detection is a very attractive field of research that can help build more natural human–machine interaction systems. However, several issues arise when real scenarios are considered, such as the tendency ...
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      Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) System using Machine Learning Techniques 

      Fernández Sánchez, Leticia (2018-11-26)
      Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) systems are widely used on a wide range of applications nowadays. The proposed approach has been developed in order to recognise UK number plates from high resolution digital ...
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      Automatic Scansion of Poetry 

      Aguirrezabal Zabaleta, Manex ORCID (2017-06-19)
      Lan honetan poesiaren eskantsioa, hau da, poemetako egitura erritmikoaren erauztea, burutzen duguautomatikoki. Horretarako hizkuntzaren prozesamenduko ohiko teknikak erabili ditugu. Metodo batzukerregeletan oinarritutakoak ...
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      Automatic stance detection on political discourse in Twitter 

      Zotova, Elena (2019-11-29)
      The majority of opinion mining tasks in natural language processing (NLP) have been focused on sentiment analysis of texts about products and services while there is comparatively less research on automatic detection of ...
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      Automatic Synthesis of Feedforward Elements in Quantitative Feedback Theory 

      Elso Torralba, Jorge; Ostolaza Zamora, Joseba Xabier ORCID (Wiley, 2021-06-04)
      Recent developments in quantitative feedback theory (QFT) lead to feedforward design problems with both magnitude and phase constraints. In these cases, manual feedforward tuning becomes much more challenging and time ...
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      Automatic white-box testing of first-order logic ontologies 

      Álvez Giménez, Javier ORCID; Hermo Huguet, Montserrat; Lucio Carrasco, Francisca; Rigau Claramunt, Germán ORCID (Oxford Academic, 2019-02-26)
      Formal ontologies are axiomatizations in a logic-based formalism. The development of formal ontologies is generating considerable research on the use of automated reasoning techniques and tools that help in ontology ...
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      Automatically exposing OpenLifeData via SADI semantic Web Services 

      Rodríguez González, Alejandro; Callahan, Alison; Cruz-Toledo, José; García, Adrián; Egaña Aranguren, Mikel ORCID; Dumontier, Michel; Wilkinson, Mark D. (Biomed Central, 2014-11-19)
      Background: Two distinct trends are emerging with respect to how data is shared, collected, and analyzed within the bioinformatics community. First, Linked Data, exposed as SPARQL endpoints, promises to make data easier ...