Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (eus.) "Ekonomia historia eta ekonomia erakundeak"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Are we top or not? Understanding the social capital paradox in the Basque Country
(Sage, 2021-09-01)Most studies on social capital integrate proxy variables such as cooperation, participation or trust, but very few examine in depth underlying patterns of behaviour and resulting social phenomena. Filling a gap in earlier ... -
Basque Immigrants and Nevada’s Sheep Industry: Geopolitics and the Making of an Agricultural Workforce, 1880-1954
(University of Nevada Press, 2019)Basque Immigrants and Nevada’s Sheep Industry is a rich and complex exploration of the history of Basque immigration to the rangelands of Nevada and the interior West. It looks critically at the Basque sheepherders in the ... -
De curas, frailes y monjas: disciplina y regulación del comportamiento del clero en el obispado de Calahorra, 1500-1700
(CSIC, 2013)[ES] Este trabajo analiza el cambio en las pautas de comportamiento del clero en el proceso de transformación de la iglesia medieval en una iglesia moderna. El concilio de Trento intentó construir una nueva identidad para ... -
“Distilling Spirits”. Inmigrantes vascos, cultura de la bebida y prohibición en el estado de Nevada, 1910-1920
(Fundación Instituto Historia Social, 2018)Este artículo estudia la colectividad inmigrante vasca en el estado de Nevada durante los años de la Ley Seca, de la prohibición de la fabricación, venta y transporte de alcohol en los Estados Unidos. Tras trazar los ... -
Ethical Banking: an alternative to tackle financial exclusion? The case study of FIARE
(Taadler Publishing House, 2013)Nowadays, while the financial system appears to be more widespread than ever, we note that a significant portion of the population (not only in less economically developed countries, but also in Europe and the United States) ... -
“Flagging the Lines”: Basque immigrant sheepherders and the early US Forest Administration in Nevada, 1890-1920
(Universidad de Murcia, 2019-04)In the early twentieth century, the US Forest Service began to exclude itinerant sheep operations from the public-domain lands it administered: the National Forests. But beyond the National Forests, the extensive public-domain ... -
Una mano de obra deseada: La crisis de los pastores vascos en el Oeste norteamericano durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial (1940- 1945)
(Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2019-02-05)El presente artículo analiza la crisis de la mano de obra inmigrante vasca en la industria ovina en el Oeste norteamericano durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Más concretamente, examina la lucha que emprendieron los ... -
Measuring social capital in the Basque Country: an eclectic approach
(2018-06-18)In the last decades, the literature of social capital has comprised a growing number of contributions in fields as diverse as the theory of organisation, education, health, sociology and economics. In the economic sphere, ... -
Measuring social capital with Twitter within the electronics and ICT cluster of the Basque Country
(Wiley, 2018-05-18)Social network sites like Twitter enable the creation of virtual environments where online communities are formed around specific topics. Lately, due to their increasing success, these platforms are turning out to be ... -
Measuring structural social capital in a cluster policy network: insights from the Basque Country
(Taylor & Francis, 2015-11-03)Cluster Associations (CAs) attempt to promote competitiveness through inter-firm collaboration, and are generally seen as drivers of social capital formation in the region. We map in this paper, by using Social Network ... -
Social Capital in Eibar, 1886–1985: dimensions, institutions and outcomes
(Asociación Española de Historia Económica, 2019-10)It is widely accepted that the generation of knowledge and its diffusion is an important mechanism in order to promote innovation and entrepreneurship, but many studies over-estimate the importance of spillovers and do not ... -
Social Network Analysis: Not Merely a Visualisation Tool? Insights from the Study of Business Networks and Groups in Biscay, 1879-1913
(Universitat de Barcelona, 2024)This paper introduces a scientific meta-experiment that aims to explore, by means of Social Network Analysis (SNA), a database previously worked with a traditional qualitative analysis (Valdaliso, 1988 and 1993). The sample ... -
Struggles over Nevada’s Public Range: The War on "Tramp" Sheepherders, the Taylor Grazing Act, and the Emergence of Basque Identity in the First Half of the Twentieth Century
(Nevada Historical Society, 2018)In the early 20th century, Nevada's public rangelands were a battleground for resource control, with Basque immigrant sheepherders often at the center of conflicts. The establishment of National Forests in 1905 brought ... -
Sweet Public Lands: the Open-Range Sheep Industry of Nevada and its Legal Dimension in the Late Nineteenth Century
(British Agricultural History Society, 2019-06-01)The present article traces the late nineteenth-century development of the open-range sheep industry in the state of Nevada. In particularly, it explores how free access to the public-domain lands combined with favourable ... -
El tráfico de esclavos en la Edad Moderna: destrucción de un mundo, raíces de un conflicto
(Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz, 1996)... -
Zarauzko historia laburra
(Zarauzko Udala, 2022)Liburu honen helburua Zarauzko historia laburra deskribatzea da, bertan jazotako gertaerak XXI. mendeko zarauztarren buruetan iltzatzeko asmoarekin