Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (eus.) "Elektronika eta telekomunikazioak"
Now showing items 1-7 of 7
A Self-Referencing Intensity Based Polymer Optical Fiber Sensor for Liquid Detection
(MDPI, 2009-08)A novel self-referencing fiber optic intensity sensor based on bending losses of a partially polished polymer optical fiber (POF) coupler is presented. The coupling ratio (K) depends on the external liquid in which the ... -
Design of a Sensor Based on Plastic Optical Fibre (POF) to Measure Fluid Flow and Turbidity
(MDPI, 2009-05)Although many optical fibre applications are based on their capacity to transmit optical signals with low losses, it can also be desirable for the optical fibre to be strongly affected by a certain physical parameter in ... -
Estudio de la recepción del estándar de radio digital DRM (Digital Radio Mondiale) en onda media en interiores
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011-07-15)Los sistemas de radio digital para la banda de Onda Media (DRM y HD Radio IBOC) son muy sensibles a la variación del campo eléctrico ya que el umbral entre la recepción correcta e incorrecta es muy abrupto y no gradual ... -
New signal processing algorithms for automated external defibrillators
(2010-11-19)[ES]La fibrilación ventricular (VF) es el primer ritmo registrado en el 40\,\% de las muertes súbitas por paro cardiorrespiratorio extrahospitalario (PCRE). El único tratamiento eficaz para la FV es la desfibrilación ... -
Potentzia-bihurgailu matrizialen diseinu-prozesurako eta hutsegite-tolerantziarako soluzio berriak
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatearen Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2011-09-16)[ES]El convertidor matricial (MC) es un convertidor de potencia que destaca por sus características: realiza una conversión AC/AC directa en ausencia de grandes elementos reactivos, es eficiente, ligero y compacto. Sin ... -
Reconfigurable Multiprocessor Systems: A Review
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010)Modern digital systems demand increasing electronic resources, so the multiprocessor platforms are a suitable solution for them. This approach provides better results in terms of area, speed, and power consumption ... -
Video Quality Prediction Models Based on Video Content Dynamics for H.264 Video over UMTS Networks
(Hindawi Publishing Corporation, 2010)The aim of this paper is to present video quality prediction models for objective non-intrusive, prediction of H.264 encoded video for all content types combining parameters both in the physical and application layer over ...