Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (eus.) "Geologia"
Now showing items 1-20 of 128
A new Cretaceous thyreophoran from Patagonia supports a South American lineage of armoured dinosaurs
(Nature, 2022)The early evolution of thyreophoran dinosaurs is thought to have occurred primarily in northern continents since most evidence comes from the Lower and Middle Jurassic of Europe and North America. The diversification into ... -
A rapid sedimentary response to the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum hydrological change: New data from alluvial units of the Tremp-Graus Basin (Spanish Pyrenees)
(Elsevier, 2022-03-01)A massive emission of light carbon about 56 Ma, recorded in marine and terrestrial sediments by a negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE), caused a short-lived (similar to 170 kyr) global warming event known as the ... -
Abrupt diatom responses to recent climate and land use changes in the Cantabrian Mountains (NW Spain)
(Springer, 2023)The multi-proxy study of sediment cores from Lake Isoba (43° 02′ N, 5° 18′ W; 1400 m a.s.l.) allows a detailed assessment of the past hydrological and environmental dynamics in north-western Iberia resulting from the ... -
Agricultural fingerprints in salt-marsh sediments and adaptation to sea-level rise in the eastern Cantabrian coast (N. Spain)
(Elsevier, 2016-01-20)A multi-proxy approach based on benthic foraminifera, sand content, short-lived radioisotope activities, heavy metal concentrations and aerial photography was developed to characterise the process of human disturbance on ... -
An Evaluation of Landmark-Based Methods to Explore Tooth Score Morphology: A Case Study on Felids and Hyenids
(MDPI, 2023-03-17)Taphonomic studies aim to identify the modifying agents that intervene in bone assemblages found at archaeopaleontological sites. Carnivores may modify, accumulate, or scavenge skeletal parts inflicting tooth marks, including ... -
Análisis de inestabilidades en acantilados costeros del País Vasco y Liguria como base para el desarrollo de estrategias de protección y gestión sostenible
(2022-12-22)Los acantilados costeros que evolucionan hacia playas, vías de tránsito y construcciones a pie de los taludes requieren un enfoque de protección, conservación y resiliencia, lo que determina que la metodología a desarrollar ... -
Análisis de la enseñanza de los procesos geológicos externos en la educación secundaria obligatoria del País Vasco
(Universidad de Cádiz. Departamento de Didáctica, 2022-04)Los expertos han constatado una pérdida de interés hacia la geología de la población en general que podría estar relacionada con su exclusión progresiva en el currículo básico en la educación obligatoria. Sin embargo, es ... -
Ancient saltern metagenomics: tracking changes in microbes and their viruses from the underground to the surface
(Wiley, 2021-07)Microbial communities in hypersaline underground waters derive from ancient organisms trapped within the evaporitic salt crystals and are part of the poorly known subterranean biosphere. Here, we characterized the viral ... -
Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility of the Pyrenean granites
(Taylor & Francis, 2017)[EN]In this paper, we report on a compilation of more than 2200 sites (more than 10,000 individual measurements) where anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) was studied in granites from the Variscan Pyrenees. The ... -
Aportaciones al conocimiento paleobiológico y cronológico de las poblaciones humanas de la Prehistoria reciente en el norte de la península ibérica
(2022-02-10)En esta tesis doctoral, el objetivo es estudiar la cronología y los restos humanos de tres yacimientos de los Pirineos Atlánticos Occidentales (Abittaga, Atxuri-I y Lumentxa) y de un yacimiento del complejo arqueo-paleontológico ... -
Application of Line of Sight and Potential Audience Analysis to Unravel the Spatial Organization of Palaeolithic Cave Art
(Springer, 2022-12)The endokarst landscape is the result of long erosion and sedimentation processes that have modelled an environment in which capricious forms abound. Despite being a hostile environment for human life, these caves must ... -
Assessment of long-term structural movements in a historic cliffside construction through Lomb-Scargle spectral analysis of unevenly spaced time records: the Punta Begona Galleries (Getxo, Spain)
(Springer, 2022)Long-term monitoring of structural movements in historic buildings and heritage sites allows assessing their stability and recognizing damages that require intervention. The Punta Begona Galleries, built in the earlier ... -
Calibrating a Handheld LIBS for Li Exploration in the Barroso–Alvão Aplite-Pegmatite Field, Northern Portugal: Textural Precautions and Procedures When Analyzing Spodumene and Petalite
(MDPI, 2023-03-26)In pegmatites containing abundant petalite and spodumene, such as those from the Barroso–Alvão (BA) aplite-pegmatite field, calibrating a portable laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (pLIBS) equipment to identify and ... -
Cambio climático y Resiliencia tradicional/ancestral: Pueblos y nacionalidades indígenas de la Amazonía Ecuatoriana, Provincia Pastaza del Cantón Mera, Parroquia Madre Tierra del 2016-2019
(2023-07-07)Desde el período preindustrial, la temperatura del aire en la superficie terrestre se incrementó aproximadamente en un 50 % la media global, lo cual repercute en un cambio climático que incluye aumentos de fenómenos ... -
Cantera Gorria and Red Ereño: Natural and Cultural Geoheritage (Basque Country, Spain)
(Springer, 2022)[EN] Construction and ornamental stones are important elements of cultural heritage and geoheritage. The quarries, where these materials are extracted, are a type of site that combines these two types of heritage. Both the ... -
Characterization of Historic Lime Mortars from the Arch of San Martin to Identify the Construction Phases of the City Wall of Burgos (Spain)
(MDPI, 2024-01-29)Historical lime mortars provide valuable information on the construction phases of buildings and allow reconstruction of the chronology of the historical structures. The City Wall of Burgos and the Mudejar Arch of San ... -
Climatic and Hydrological Perspectives on Climate Change in the Pyrenees: An Integrated Approach
(2024-07-24)Las regiones de alta montaña, caracterizadas por sus elementos criosféricos como la nieve, el permafrosty los glaciares, son cada vez más vulnerables al cambio climático. Estas zonas, incluidos los Pirineos, seenfrentan a ... -
Compositional Variations in Apatite and Petrogenetic Significance: Examples from Peraluminous Granites and Related Pegmatites and Hydrothermal Veins from the Central Iberian Zone (Spain and Portugal)
(MDPI, 2022-11-01)Apatite can be used as an archive of processes occurring during the evolution of granitic magmas and as a pegmatite exploration tool. With this aim, a detailed compositional study of apatite was performed on different ... -
Contribution of EBSD for the microstructural study of archaeological iron alloy artefacts from the archaeological site of Loiola (Biscay, Northern Spain)
(MDPI, 2024-06-10)Iron palaeometallurgy was carried out on three artefacts, classified as nails and excavated from the archaeological site of Loiola (La Arboleda, Biscay, northern Spain), to investigate Roman manufacturing techniques. Energy ... -
Covariation between the cranium and the cervical vertebrae in hominids
(Elsevier, 2022)[EN] The analysis of patterns of integration is crucial for the reconstruction and understanding of how morphological changes occur in a taxonomic group throughout evolution. These patterns are relatively constant; however, ...