Examinar INVESTIGACIÓN por departamento (eus.) "Gorputz eta Kirol Hezkuntza"
Now showing items 1-20 of 307
A commentary of factors related to player availability and its influence on performance in elite team sports
(Frontiers Media, 2023-01)... -
A Comparison in Physical Fitness Attributes, Physical Activity Behaviors, Nutritional Habits, and Nutritional Knowledge Between Elite Male and Female Youth Basketball Players
(Frontiers Media, 2021-05-31)Background: Limited evidence exists comprehensively assessing physical fitness attributes, physical activity behaviors, nutritional habits, and nutritional knowledge according to sex in basketball players during early ... -
A Five-Week Periodized Carbohydrate Diet Does Not Improve Maximal Lactate Steady-State Exercise Capacity and Substrate Oxidation in Well-Trained Cyclists compared to a High-Carbohydrate Diet
(MDPI, 2024-01-21)There is a growing interest in studies involving carbohydrate (CHO) manipulation and subsequent adaptations to endurance training. This study aimed to analyze whether a periodized carbohydrate feeding strategy based on a ... -
A Glimpse of the Sports Nutrition Awareness in Spanish Basketball Players
(MDPI, 2021-12-22)Basketball is a team sport, with many fans and practitioners worldwide from all ages and levels. In all cases, players accumulate high levels of fatigue, and there is also limited time to recover between games or practices. ... -
A Novel approach to training analysis for distance runners based on race pace.
(2022-10-27)El análisis del entrenamiento para deportes de resistencia es un tema que se ha estudiado cada vez más en la literatura durante la última década. A medida que la tecnología ha mejorado y los medios para monitorear el ... -
A random forest approach to explore how situational variables affect perceived exertion of elite youth soccer players
(Elsevier, 2023-07)The aim of this study was to explore how situational variables affect youth soccer players’ perceived exertion (RPE) after official matches. Thirty-five elite youth male players (14.33 ± 0.86 years; 173.49 ± 6.16 cm; 63.44 ... -
A Systematic Review of Collective Tactical Behaviour in Futsal Using Positional Data
(Termedia, 2020-08-03)Although many studies on collective tactical behaviour have been published in the last decade, no study has revised and summarized the findings provided for futsal. The main aim of this systematic review was to identify ... -
A Systematic Review of the Effects of Different Resistance Training Volumes on Muscle Hypertrophy
(Sciendo, 2022-01)[EN] The main goal of this study was to compare responses to moderate and high training volumes aimed at inducing muscle hypertrophy. A literature search on 3 databases (Pubmed, Scopus and Chocrane Library) was conducted ... -
A “Blood Relationship” Between the Overlooked Minimum Lactate Equivalent and Maximal Lactate Steady State in Trained Runners. Back to the Old Days?
(Frontiers Media, 2018-07)Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS) and Lactate Threshold (LT) are physiologically-related and fundamental concepts within the sports and exercise sciences. Literature supporting their relationship, however, is scarce. ... -
Abileziaren ulermena heziketa fisikoan jarduera fisikoaren eta kirolaren zientzietako graduko ikasle eta irakasleen ikuspegitik
(2020-06-29)Ikuspegi soziokulturalean kokatzen diren autoreen arabera, heziketa fisikoko (HF) irakaslearen abileziaren ulermenak problematikoa izaten darrai eta ikasle `ez abilen¿ esperientzietan modu negatiboan eragiten du. Ildo ... -
Accelerometry-Workload Indices Concerning Different Levels of Participation during Congested Fixture Periods in Professional Soccer: A Pilot Study Conducted over a Full Season
(MDPI, 2021-01-28)The aim of this study was to analyze the variations of acute load (AL), acute: chronic workload ratio (ACWR), training monotony (TM), and training strain (TS) of accelerometry-based GPS measures in players who started in ... -
Accuracy and Reliability of Local Positioning Systems for Measuring Sport Movement Patterns in Stadium-Scale: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2020-08-29)The use of valid, accurate and reliable systems is decisive for ensuring the data collection and correct interpretation of the values. Several studies have reviewed these aspects on the measurement of movement patterns by ... -
Accuracy of a Basketball Indoor Tracking System Based on Standard Bluetooth Low Energy Channels (NBN23®)
(MDPI, 2018-06)The present study aims to identify the accuracy of the NBN23((R)) system, an indoor tracking system based on radio-frequency and standard Bluetooth Low Energy channels. Twelve capture tags were attached to a custom cart ... -
Actigraphy-based sleep analysis in sedentary and overweight/obese adults with primary hypertension: data from the EXERDIET-HTA study
(Springer, 2019-02-27)Purpose: The aim of this study was to analyze actigraphy-based sleep quantity and quality in sedentary and overweight/obese adults with primary hypertension (HTN) divided by sex and cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) and to ... -
Agreement, Accuracy, and Reliability of a New Algorithm for the Detection of Change of Direction Angle Based on Integrating Inertial Data from Inertial Sensors
(MDPI, 2023-10-25)The development of algorithms applied to new technologies allows a better understanding of many of the movements in team sports. The purpose of this work was to analyze the validity, precision, and reproducibility of an ... -
An eight-season analysis of the teams’ performance in the Spanish LaLiga according to the final league ranking
(PLoS, 2024)This study aimed to analyse the performance of 5,518 collective observations of the Spanish LaLiga teams for eight consecutive seasons (from 2011–12 to 2018–19), considering the final league ranking. The teams were divided ... -
An mHealth Workplace-Based “Sit Less, Move More” Program: Impact on Employees’ Sedentary and Physical Activity Patterns at Work and Away from Work
(MDPI, 2020-11-28)Background: Most workplace interventions that aim to reduce sedentary behaviour have 38 focused on employees’ sedentary patterns at-work but less have focused on understanding the 39 impact beyond working time. The aim of ... -
Analyses of Physical and Physiological Responses during Competition in Para-Footballers with Cerebral Palsy: A Systematic Review
(MDPI, 2024-04-29)Background: Classification of athletes in cerebral palsy (CP) football is a key action that aims to promote the participation of all players by minimizing the impact of their physical disabilities on the outcome of the ... -
Analysis of Physical Demands in Four Tug of War World Indoor Championships (2010-2016)
(MDPI, 2022-04-17)Background: Tug-of-war (TOW) is one of the oldest sports in current existence and is an internationally played activity that includes professional and amateur sport athletes, played according to the rules laid out by the ... -
Analysis of the Barriers and Motives for Practicing Physical Activity and Sport for People with a Disability: Differences According to Gender and Type of Disability
(MDPI, 2023-01-11)The aim of the study was to analyse the perception of the barriers and motives for the practice of physical activity (PA) in people with a disability, according to gender and type of disability. The participants in this ...