Doktorego Tesiak;;Tesis Doctorales: Recent submissions
Now showing items 21-24 of 4628
Metagenomics of Idiazabal cheese: elucidating the microbiota, its impact on cheese quality and safety, and factors affecting its composition
(2024-07-15)The present doctoral thesis was conducted within the Lactiker Research Group (UPV/EHU), which focuses on the quality and safety of animal-origin foods, particularly the Protected Designation of Origin Idiazabal cheese. ... -
Facilitating adults initial L2 syntax acquisition: the role of cross-linguistic syntactic similarity and lexical processing
(2024-07-15)This dissertation investigates how to facilitate adults¿ initial L2 syntax acquisition, focusing on the role of cross-linguistic syntactic similarity and lexical processing. In five behavioural experiments, I explore how ... -
Ikasketa-adibide urriko Informazio-Erauzketa
(2024-07-15)Informazio-erauzketaren (IE) arloak makina bati testuan agertzen den informazioa identifikatzea eta kategorizatzea nola irakatsi ikertzen du. Ataza hau, gizakiontzat ere erreza ez dena, azken urteetan ikasketa-automatikoan ... -
Gobernar la extranjería. Una historia atlántica sobre la construcción jurídica de la nacionalidad en España (siglo XIX)
(2024-07-16)Esta tesis doctoral estudia la transformación de las formas de pertenencia a la comunidad política en la España del siglo XIX, con atención a las categorías jurídicas que fueron operativas en este momento histórico, y busca ...