Tesis Doctorales
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Emisio Gidatuen Neurketa Behe-Tentsioko Banaketa-Sarean (2-500 kHz)
(2024-06-25)This Doctoral Thesis is focused on the definition of new measurement methods for the characterization of conducted emissions, both non-intentional (such as disturbances) and intentional (such as PLC transmissions), present ... -
Sexismoa eta feminismoa hezkuntza testuinguruetan
(2024-06-25)Ikerlanaren helburua da sexismoa eta feminismoa aztertzea etorkizunean irakasleak izan daitezkeen egungo nerabeetan, hoiek eskolan, edukia transmititu ezezik ideiak, sinesmenak eta jarrerak transmititu dezaketelako.Lagina ... -
Psilozibina 5-HT2A hartzailearen agonista haluzinogenoaren ekintza mekanismoaren eta efektu antidepresiboaren ebaluazioa saguetan
(2024-06-20)La depresión es una enfermedad psiquiátrica incapacitante cuya prevalencia va en aumento. La eficacia clínica de los tratamientos actualmente disponibles es limitada, y la búsqueda de nuevos fármacos y estrategias para su ... -
UVC LED photofunctionalization on titanium dental implants
(2024-06-17)Titanium (Ti) is a biocompatible material used as a base in the manufacture of dental implants, due to its excellent mechanical properties. The alteration of the chemical composition of its surface over time ("the aging ...