Now showing items 257-276 of 759

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      European patterns of local adaptation planning—a regional analysis 

      Buzási, a.; Simoes, S.G.; Salvia, M.; Eckersley, P.; Geneletti, D.; Pietrapertosa, F.; Olazabal, M.; Wejs, A.; De Gregorio Hurtado, S.; Spyridaki, N.A.; Szalmáné Csete, M.; Torres, E.F.; Rižnar, K.; Heidrich, O.; Grafakos, S.; Reckien, D. (Regional Environmental Change, 2024-06-01)
      While European regions face a range of different climate hazards, little is known about how these differences affect local climate adaptation planning. We present an analytical framework for evaluating local climate ...
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      Evaluating governance and participatory processes in Natura 2000: lessons learned and guidance for future prospects 

      Díez López, María Ángeles; Etxano Gandariasbeitia, Iker ORCID; Garmendia Oleaga, Eneko (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-10)
      In recent years, participatory approaches have been incorporated in decision-making processes as a way to strengthen the bonds between diverse areas of knowledge and social actors in natural resources management and ...
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      Evaluating integrated impacts of low-emission transitions in the livestock sector 

      Spijker, E.; Anger-Kraavi, A.; Pollitt, H.; Van de Ven, Dirk-Jan Petrus Adrianus (Elsevier, 2020)
      This paper provides the results of a combined qualitative and quantitative assessment of key impacts for two low-emission transition pathways for the Dutch livestock sector. These impacts or side-effects can be positive ...
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      Evaluating social learning in participatory mapping of ecosystem services 

      García-Nieto, A.P.; Huland, E.; Quintas-Soriano, C.; Iniesta-Arandia, I.; García-Llorente, M.; Palomo, I.; Martín-López, B. (Taylor and Francis, 2019)
      Recent studies have shown the opportunities and limitations of participatory mapping for ecosystem services management, although it is an incipient research area. One of the research questions yet to be addressed is whether ...
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      Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels in the prices of household appliances: the case of refrigerators 

      Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel; Heres, David (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2011-04-28)
      This article uses an statisticalmethod to estimate the price premium paid for the highest energy-efficiency label (A+) in the refrigerators market of the Basque Autonomous Community (Spain). The estimated figure is 8.9% ...
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      Evaluating the Role of Energy Efficiency Labels: the Case of Dish Washers 

      Galarraga, Ibon; González-Eguino, Mikel; Markandya, Anil (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2010-05-17)
      This article uses the hedonic approach to estimate how much is paid for the energy efficiency label on the dishwasher market in Spain. The estimated figure is 15.6% of the final price. This accounts for about 80€ of ...
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      Evaluating the role of energy efficiency labels: the case of Dish Washers 

      Galarraga, Ibon; Markandya, Anil; González-Eguino, Mikel (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2010-09-23)
      This article uses the hedonic approach to estimate how much is paid for energy efficiency in the dishwasher market in Spain. The estimations suggest that 15.6% of the final price is paid for the characteristic represented ...
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      Evaluating three-pillar sustainability modelling approaches for dairy cattle production systems 

      De Otálora, D.; Del Prado, A.; Dragoni, F.; Estellés, F.; Amon, B. (Sustainability (Switzerland), 2021)
      Milk production in Europe is facing major challenges to ensure its economic, environmental, and social sustainability. It is essential that holistic concepts are developed to ensure the future sustainability of the sector ...
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      Evaluation of a cross-border electricity interconnection: The case of Spain-France 

      Abadie, L. M.; Chamorro, J. M. (Energy, 2021-10-15)
      This paper focuses on the economics of a cross-border transmission interconnector. The domestic spot electricity price is modelled as a stochastic process with mean reversion and jumps; it also includes a deterministic ...
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      Evaluation of habitat protection under the European Natura 2000 conservation network The example for Germany 

      Friedrichs, M.; Hermoso, V.; Bremerich, V.; Langhans, S.D. (PLoS One, 2018)
      The world´s largest network of protected areas Natura 2000 (N2000) has been implemented to protect Europe´s biodiversity. N2000 is built upon two cornerstones, the Birds Directive, which lists 691 bird species (plus one ...
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      Evaluation of two alternative carbon capture and storage technologies 

      Abadie, Luis María; Lucas, Josu; Galarraga, Ibon (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2013-05-16)
      * Carbon dioxide capture and storage (CCS) is one of the technologies for fighting climate change in the future. The use of CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) paired with storage in deep saline formations (DSF) could ...
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      Evaluation of Two Alternative Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies: A Stochastic Model 

      Abadie, Luis María; Galarraga, Ibon; Rübbelke, Dirk (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2013-03-03)
      In this paper we evaluate two alternative CCS technologies of a coal-fired power plant from an investor’s point of view. The first technology uses CO2 for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) paired with storage in deep saline ...
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      Everyday adaptation practices by coffee farmers in three mountain regions in Africa 

      Cuni-Sanchez, A.; Twinomuhangi, I.; Aneseyee, A.B.; Mwangi, B.; Olaka, L.; Bitariho, R.; Soromessa, T.; Zafra-Calvo, N. (Ecology and Society, 2022)
      Mountain environments in East Africa experience more rapid increases in temperature than lower elevations, which, together with changing rainfall patterns, often negatively affect coffee production. However, little is known ...
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      Evolutionary dynamics of higher-order interactions in social networks 

      Alvarez-Rodriguez, U.; Battiston, F.; de Arruda, G.F.; Moreno, Y.; Perc, M.; Latora, V. (Nature Human Behaviour, 2021)
      We live and cooperate in networks. However, links in networks only allow for pairwise interactions, thus making the framework suitable for dyadic games, but not for games that are played in larger groups. Here, we study ...
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      Experiential Learning of Local Relational Tasks for Global Sustainable Development by Using a Behavioral Simulation 

      Craps, M.; Brugnach, M. (Frontiers in Sustainability, 2021-07-23)
      The interdependent character of sustainability challenges calls for collaboration among actors with different capabilities, interests, and knowledge frames. Behavioral simulations offer good opportunities to learn about ...
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      Exploitation of soil biota ecosystem services in agriculture: a bioeconomic approach 

      Foudi, Sébastien (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-02-02)
      This paper analyzes the interactions between soil biota and agricultural practices in the exploitation of soil ecosystem services. A theoretical bioeconomic model stylized this set of interactions and combined a production ...
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      Exploring low-carbon futures: A web service approach to linking diverse climate-energy-economy models 

      Belete, G.F.; Voinov, A.; Arto, I.; Dhavala, K.; Bulavskaya, T.; Niamir, L.; Moghayer, S.; Filatova, T. (MDPI, 2019)
      The use of simulation models is essential when exploring transitions to low-carbon futures and climate change mitigation and adaptation policies. There are many models developed to understand socio-environmental processes ...
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      Exploring the relationship between plural values of nature, human well-being, and conservation and development intervention: Why it matters and how to do it? 

      Carmenta, R.; Zaehringer, J.G.; Balvanera, P.; Betley, E.; Dawson, N.M.; Estrada-Carmona, N.; Forster, J.; Hoelle, J.; Lliso, B.; Llopis, J.C.; Menon, A.; Moeliono, M.; Mustin, K.; Pascual, U.; Rai, N.D.; Schleicher, J.; Shelton, C.; Sigouin, A.; Sterling, A.; Steward, A.M.; Tauro, A.; White, C.; Woodhouse, E.; Yuliani, E.L. (People and Nature, 2023-12-01)
      Globally, land and seascapes across the bioculturally diverse tropics are in transition. Impacted by the demands of distant consumers, the processes of global environmental change and numerous interventions seeking climate, ...
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      Exploring the roles of storage technologies in the Spanish electricity system with high share of renewable energy 

      Huclin, S.; Chaves, J.P.; Ramos, A.; Rivier, M.; Freire-Barceló, T.; Martín-Martínez, F.; Román, T.G.S.; Miralles, Á.S. (Energy Reports, 2022)
      At operational level, fossil fuel phase-out and high shares of non-dispatchable renewable energy resources (RES) will challenge the system operator's (SO) ability to balance generation, and the demand at any time. The ...
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      Exploring the usefulness of scenario archetypes in science-policy processes: Experience across IPBES assessments 

      Sitas, N.; Harmácková, Z.V.; Anticamara, J.A.; Arneth, A.; Badola, R.; Biggs, R.; Blanchard, R.; Brotons, L.; Cantele, M.; Coetzer, K.; Dasgupta, R.; Den, Belder, E.; Ghosh, S.; Guisan, A.; Gundimeda, H.; Hamann, M.; Harrison, P.A.; Hashimoto, S.; Hauck, J.; Klatt, B.J.; Kok, K.; Krug, R.M.; Niamir, A.; O'farrell, P.J.; Okayasu, S.; Palomo, I.; Pereira, L.M.; Riordan, P.; Santos-Martín, F.; Selomane, O.; Shin, Y.-J.; Valle, M. (The Resilience Alliance, 2019)
      Scenario analyses have been used in multiple science-policy assessments to better understand complex plausible futures. Scenario archetype approaches are based on the fact that many future scenarios have similar underlying ...