Now showing items 744-763 of 804

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      Transformation of animal agriculture should be evidence-driven and respectful of livestock's benefits and contextual aspects 

      Leroy, F.; Abraini, F.; Beal, T.; Dominguez-Salas, P.; Gregorini, P.; Manzano, P.; Rowntree, J.; van Vliet, S. (Animal, 2022-10-01)
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      Transnationalization of climate adaptation by regional governments and the RegionsAdapt initiative 

      Setzer, J; Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, Elisa; Galarraga, I.; Rei, F; Pinho, MML (Cambridge University Press, 2020)
      Adaptation to climate change has traditionally been framed as a local problem. However, in recent years, and particularly since the 2015 Paris Agreement established a global goal on adaptation, adaptation has risen on the ...
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      Transparency and Reproducibility in Participatory Systems Modelling: the Case of Fuzzy Cognitive Mapping 

      Olazabal, M.; Neumann, M.B.; Foudi, S.; Chiabai, A. (John Wiley and Sons, 2018)
      By aggregating semi-quantitative mind maps from multiple agents, fuzzy cognitive mapping (FCM) allows developing an integrated, cross-sectoral understanding of complex systems. However, and especially for FCM based on ...
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      Transport poverty indicators: A new framework based on the household budget survey 

      Alonso-Epelde, E.; García-Muros, X.; González-Eguino, M. (Energy Policy, 2023-10-01)
      The energy transition represents an economic opportunity in many countries, but it can also disproportionately affect vulnerable households. Although increasing attention has been paid on energy poverty at homes, there is ...
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      Tree growth response to drought partially explains regional-scale growth and mortality patterns in Iberian forests 

      Gazol, A.; Camarero, J. J.; Sánchez-Salguero, R.; Zavala, M. A.; Serra-Maluquer, X.; Gutiérrez, E.; de Luis, M.; Sangüesa-Barreda, G.; Novak, K.; Rozas, V.; Tíscar, P. A.; Linares, J. C.; Martínez del Castillo, E.; Ribas, M.; García-González, I.; Silla, F.; Camison, A.; Génova, M.; Olano, J. M.; Hereş, A. M.; Yuste, J. C.; Longares, L. A.; Hevia, A.; Galván, J. D.; Ruiz-Benito, P. (Ecological Applications, 2022-07-01)
      Tree-ring data has been widely used to inform about tree growth responses to drought at the individual scale, but less is known about how tree growth sensitivity to drought scales up driving changes in forest dynamics. ...
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      Tree influence exacerbates the El Niño effects over soil CO<inf>2</inf> emissions and its microclimatic controls 

      Salazar Zarzosa, P.; Palacios Mc Cubbin, E.; Curiel Yuste, J.; Muenchow, J.; Cruz, G.; Rodríguez, R. (Applied Soil Ecology, 2020-03-01)
      Dryland ecosystems are considered the largest global carbon sink. However, extreme climate phenomena like the El Niño events (EN) may change soil respiration (Rs) the CO2 emitted from soils resulting from biological ...
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      Tree vigour influences secondary growth but not responsiveness to climatic variability in Holm oak 

      Heres, Ana María; Kaye, M.W.; Granda, E.; Benavides, R.; Lázaro-Nogal, A.; Rubio-Casal, A.E.; Valladares, F.; Curiel Yuste, Jorge (Elsevier, 2018)
      Many tree species from Mediterranean regions have started to show increased rates of crown defoliation, reduced groth, and dieback associated with the increase in temperatures and changes in the frequency and intensity of ...
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      Trends in Income and Price Elasticities of Transport Demand (1850-2010) 

      Fouquet, Roger (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2012-02-24)
      The purpose of this paper is to estimate trends in income and price elasticities and to offer insights for the future growth in transport use, with particular emphasis on the impact of energy and technological transitions. ...
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      Triple exposure: Reducing negative impacts of climate change, blue growth, and conservation on coastal communities 

      Gill, D.A.; Bennett, N.; Evans, S.; Brown, L.; Turner, R.A.; Baggio, J.A.; Baker, D.; Ban, N.C.; Brun, V.; Claudet, J.; Darling, E.; Di Franco, A.; Epstein, G.; Estradivari; Gray, N.J.; Gurney, G.G.; Horan, H.P.; Jupiter, S.D.; Lau, J.D.; Lazzari, N.; Lestari, P.; Mahajan, S.L.; Mangubhai, S.; Naggea, J.; Selig, E.R.; Whitney, C.K.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Muthiga, N.A. (One Earth, 2023-02-17)
      Coastal communities are on the frontlines of three accelerating global change drivers, climate change, blue growth, and the expansion of area-based conservation, leading to a “triple exposure” scenario. Despite efforts to ...
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      TRY plant trait database enhanced coverage and open access 

      Kattge, J.; Bönisch, G.; Díaz, S.; Lavorel, S.; Prentice, I.C.; Leadley, P.; Tautenhahn, S.; Werner, G.D.A.; Aakala, T.; Abedi, M.; Acosta, A.T.R.; Adamidis, G.C.; Adamson, K.; Aiba, M.; Albert, C.H.; Alcántara, J.M.; Alcázar, C, C.; Aleixo, I.; Ali, H.; Amiaud, B.; Ammer, C.; Amoroso, M.M.; Anand, M.; Anderson, C.; Anten, N.; Antos, J.; Apgaua, D.M.G.; Ashman, T.-L.; Asmara, D.H.; Asner, G.P.; Aspinwall, M.; Atkin, O.; Aubin, I.; Baastrup-Spohr, L.; Bahalkeh, K.; Bahn, M.; Baker, T.; Baker, W.J.; Bakker, J.P.; Baldocchi, D.; Baltzer, J.; Banerjee, A.; Baranger, A.; Barlow, J.; Barneche, D.R.; Baruch, Z.; Bastianelli, D.; Battles, J.; Bauerle, W.; Bauters, M.; Bazzato, E.; Beckmann, M.; Beeckman, H.; Beierkuhnlein, C.; Bekker, R.; Belfry, G.; Belluau, M.; Beloiu, M.; Benavides, R.; Benomar, L.; Berdugo-Lattke, M.L.; Berenguer, E.; Bergamin, R.; Bergmann, J.; Bergmann, Carlucci, M.; Berner, L.; Bernhardt-Römermann, M.; Bigler, C.; Bjorkman, A.D.; Blackman, C.; Blanco, C.; Blonder, B.; Blumenthal, D.; Bocanegra-González, K.T.; Boeckx, P.; Bohlman, S.; Böhning-Gaese, K.; Boisvert-Marsh, L.; Bond, W.; Bond-Lamberty, B.; Boom, A.; Boonman, C.C.F.; Bordin, K.; Boughton, E.H.; Boukili, V.; Bowman, D.M.J.S.; Bravo, S.; Brendel, M.R.; Broadley, M.R.; Brown, K.A.; Bruelheide, H.; Brumnich, F.; Bruun, H.H.; Bruy, D.; Buchanan, S.W.; Bucher, S.F.; Buchmann, N.; Buitenwerf, R.; Bunker, D.E.; Bürger, J.; Burrascano, Sabina; Burslem, D.F.R.P.; Butterfield, B.J.; Byun, C.; Marques, M.; Scalon, M.C.; Caccianiga, M.; Cadotte, M.; Cailleret, M.; Camac, J.; Camarero, J.J.; Campany, C.; Campetella, G.; Campos Prieto, Juan Antonio ORCID; Cano-Arboleda, L.; Canullo, R.; Carbognani, M.; Carvalho, F.; Casanoves, F.; Castagneyrol, B.; Catford, J.A.; Cavender-Bares, J.; Cerabolini, Bruno E. L.; Cervellini, M.; Chacón-Madrigal, E.; Chapin, K.; Chapin, F.S.; Chelli, S.; Chen, S.-C.; Chen, A.; Cherubini, P.; Chianucci, F.; Choat, B.; Chung, K.-S.; Chytrý, Milan; Ciccarelli, D.; Coll, L.; Collins, C.G.; Conti, L.; Coomes, D.; Cornelissen, J.H.C.; Cornwell, W.K.; Corona, P.; Coyea, M.; Craine, J.; Craven, D.; Cromsigt, J.P.G.M.; Csecserits, A.; Cufar, K.; Cuntz, M.; da, Silva, A.C (John Wiley and Sons, 2020)
      Plant traits the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem ...
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      Uncertainties in the value and opportunity costs of pollination services 

      Magrach, A; Champetier, A; Krishnan, S.; Boreux, V.; Ghazoul, J. (British Ecological Society, 2019)
      Pollination is an ecosystem service that directly contributes to agricultural production, and can therefore provide a strong incentive to conserve natural habitats that support pollinator populations. However, we have yet ...
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      Under what conditions is the bioethanol and biodiesel produced entirely in the Basque Country sustainable? 

      Del Prado, Agustín; Gallejones, Patricia; Pardo, Guillermo (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2015-05)
      *The process of agricultural production, and especially anything related to the management of fertilisation, largely determines the uncertainty in the estimation of the different environmental impact of biofuel production. ...
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      Underrated past herbivore densities could lead to misoriented sustainability policies. 

      Manzano, P.; Pardo, G.; Itani, M.A.; del Prado, A. (npj Biodiversity, 2023-01-06)
      Knowing the carrying capacity of the Earth’s grazed ecosystems, and the relevance of herbivory, is important for many scientific disciplines, as well as for policy. Current herbivore levels are estimated to be four to five ...
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      Understanding Public Support for Externality-Correcting Taxes and Subsidies: A Lab Experiment 

      Heres, David; Kallbekken, Steffen; Galarraga, Ibon (Basque Centre for Climate Change/Klima Aldaketa Ikergai, 2013-01-01)
      The potential of taxation to correcting environmental externalities has been long recognized among economists. Yet, this welfare-enhancing policy commonly faces strong opposition by citizens. Conversely, externality-correcting ...
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      Understanding risks in the light of uncertainty: low-probability, high-impact coastal events in cities 

      Abadie, Luis María; Galarraga, Ibon; Sainz de Murieta Zugadi, Elisa (Environmental Research Letters, 2017-01-17)
      A quantification of present and future mean annual losses due to extreme coastal events can be crucial for adequate decision making on adaptation to climate change in coastal areas around the globe. However, this approach ...
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      Unexplained hydrogen isotope offsets complicate the identification and quantification of tree water sources in a riparian forest 

      Barbeta, A.; Jones, S.P.; Clavé, L.; Wingate, L.; Gimeno, T.E.; Fréjaville, B.; Wohl, S.; Ogee, J. (EGU Publications, 2019)
      We investigated plant water sources of an emblematic refugial population of Fagus sylvatica (L.) in the Ciron river gorges in south-western France using stable water isotopes. It is generally assumed that no isotopic ...
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      Unprecedented recent regional increase in organic carbon and lithogenic fluxes in high altitude Pyrenean lakes 

      Vicente de Vera García, A.; Mata-Campo, M.P.; Pla, S.; Vicente, E.; Prego, R.; Frugone-Álvarez, M.; Polanco-Martínez, J.; Galofré, M.; Valero-Garcés, B.L. (Scientific Reports, 2023-12-01)
      We have conducted a monitoring survey and paleolimnological study of a W-E transect of six high altitude lakes (1870–2630 m asl) in the western and central Pyrenees (Spain) to evaluate the regional response to current ...
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      Unravelling Antarctica’s past through the stratigraphy of a deep ice core: an image-analysis study of the EPICA-DML line-scan images 

      Morcillo Juliani, G.; Faria, S. H.; Kipfstuhl, S. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Polar ice research has undergone great progress in the last six decades. One of its recent technological achievements has been the development of new techniques for digital image recording and analysis of ice-core stratigraphy ...
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      Untangling the plant reproductive success of changing community composition and pollinator foraging choices 

      Allen-Perkins, A.; Artamendi, M.; Montoya, D.; Rubio, E.; Magrach, A. (Ecography, 2024-01-01)
      Pollinator choices when selecting flowers for nectar or pollen collection are crucial in determining the effectiveness of pollination services provided to plants. From the plant's perspective, this effectiveness is a ...
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      Urban green space: creating a triple win for environmental sustainability, health, and health equity through behavior change 

      Kruizse, H.; Van der, Vliet, N.; Staatsen, B.; Bell, R.; Chiabai, A.; Muiños, G.; Higgins, S.; Quiroga, S.; Martinez-Juarez, P.; Yngwe, M.A.; Tsichlas, F.; Karnaki, P.; Lima, M.L.; de Jalón, S.G.; Khan, M.; Morris, G.; Stegeman, I. (MDPI, 2019)
      Urbanization, costs of green space maintenance, and diminishing connection between people and nature all exert pressures on urban green space. This is regrettable as green space has the potential to create wins for ...