Now showing items 45-48 of 809

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      Assessing multiple values of nature in National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans 

      Murali, R.; Lliso, B.; Mannetti, L.M.; Filyushkina, A.; Amaruzaman, S.; Amin, A.M.; Hyldmo, H.d.S.; Koessler, A.K.; Lenzi, D.; Lutti, N.; Yiu, E. (People and Nature, 2024-06-01)
      Around the world, people express a variety of values of nature based on how they relate and interact with it. These values of nature, broadly classified as instrumental, intrinsic, and relational values, underlie environmental ...
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      Spatial diffusion of the socio-economic effects from the deployment of energy technologies in Spain 

      López-Bernabé, E.; Carrasco Monteagudo, I.; Córcoles Fuentes, C. (Spatial Economic Analysis, 2024-01-01)
      The paper covers an application to spatial economic analysis, based on a multiregional input-output model. Considering the challenges of the energy sector, this method is applied to analyse the spatial diffusion of the ...
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      Plural values of nature help to understand contested pathways to sustainability 

      Martin, A.; Gomez-Baggethun, E.; Quaas, M.; Rozzi, R.; Faith, D.P.; Kumar, R.; O'Farrell, P.; Pascual, U. (One Earth, 2024-05-17)
      Despite globally agreed sustainability goals, advocacy for specific pathways of action remains highly contested. Disagreement about how best to advance sustainability can produce constructive debate but can also lead to ...
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      Advancing ocean equity at the nexus of development, climate and conservation policy 

      Claudet, J.; Blythe, J.; Gill, D.A.; Bennett, N.J.; Gurney, G.G.; Evans, L.; Mahajan, S.L.; Turner, T.A.; Ahmadia, G.N.; Ban, N.C.; Epstein, G.; Jupiter, S.D.; Lau, J.; Mangubhai, S.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Lazzari, N.; Baggio, M.L.; Brun, V.; D’Agata, S.; Di Franco, A.; Horan, R.; Naggea, J. (Nature Ecology and Evolution, 2024-07-01)
      Achieving inclusive and sustainable ocean economies, long-term climate resilience and effective biodiversity conservation requires urgent and strategic actions from local to global scales. We discuss fundamental changes ...