625-tik 557-576 emaitza erakusten

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      The role of forests in the EU climate policy: are we on the right track? 

      Korosuo, A.; Korosuo, R.; Abad Viñas, R.; Blujdea, V.N.B.; Colditz, R.R.; Fiorese, G.; Rossi, S.; Vizzarri, M.; Grassi, G. (Carbon Balance and Management, 2023-12-01)
      Background: The European Union (EU) has committed to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. This requires a rapid reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and ensuring that any remaining emissions are balanced through CO2 ...
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      The role of indigenous peoples and local communities in effective and equitable conservation 

      Dawson, N. M.; Coolsaet, B.; Sterling, E. J.; Loveridge, R.; Gross-Camp, N. D.; Wongbusarakum, S.; Sangha, K, K.; Scherl, L. M.; Phan, H. P.; Zafra-Calvo, N.; Lavey, W. G.; Byakagaba, P.; Idrobo, C. J.; Chenet, A.; Bennett, N. J.; Mansourian, S.; Rosado-Ma, F. J. (Ecology and Society, 2021-01-01)
      Debate about what proportion of the Earth to protect often overshadows the question of how nature should be conserved and by whom. We present a systematic review and narrative synthesis of 169 publications investigating ...
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      The role of land use and land cover change in climate change vulnerability assessments of biodiversity: a systematic review 

      Santos, M. J.; Smith, A. B.; Dekker, S. C.; Eppinga, M. B.; Leitão, P. J.; Moreno-Mateo, D.; Morueta-Holme, N.; Ruggeri, M. (Landscape Ecology, 2021-12-01)
      For many organisms, responses to climate change (CC) will be affected by land-use and land-cover changes (LULCC). However, the extent to which LULCC is concurrently considered in climate change vulnerability assessments ...
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      The role of power in leveraging the diverse values of nature for transformative change 

      Arias-Arévalo, P.; Lazos-Chavero, E.; Monroy-Sais, A.S.; Nelson, S.H.; Pawlowska-Mainville, A.; Vatn, A.; Cantú-Fernández, M.; Murali, R.; Muraca, B.; Pascual, U. (Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 2023-10-01)
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      The role of the European small ruminant dairy sector in stabilising global temperatures: Lessons from GWP* warming-equivalent emission metrics 

      del Prado, A.; Manzano, P.; Pardo, G. (JOURNAL OF DAIRY RESEARCH, 2021)
      Recent calls advocate that a huge reduction in the consumption of animal products (including dairy) is essential to mitigate climate change and stabilise global warming below the 1.5 and 2°C targets. The Paris Agreement ...
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      The role of the social network structure on the spread of intensive agriculture: an example from Navarre, Spain 

      Albizua, Amaia; Bennett, E.; Pascual, U.; Larocque, G. (Regional Environmental Change, 2021-09-01)
      Social networks influence decision-making in agricultural landscapes by affecting how farmers access knowledge and resources. However, researchers ignore the disparate structures built to access different kinds of knowledge ...
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      The socioeconomic future of deltas in a changing environment 

      Arto, I.; García-Muros, X.; Cazcarro, I.; González, M.; Markandya, A.; Hazra, S. (Elsevier, 2019)
      Deltas are especially vulnerable to climate change given their low-lying location and exposure to storm surges, coastal and fluvial flooding, sea level rise and subsidence. Increases in such events and other circumstances ...
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      The stationary and non-stationary character of the silver fir, black pine and Scots pine tree-growth-climate relationships 

      Hereş, A. M.; Polanco-Martínez, J. M.; Petritan, I. C.; Petritan, A. M.; Curiel Yuste, J. (Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022-10-15)
      Tree-growth-climate relationships are usually assumed to have a stationary character, i.e., continuous and/or time-independent, along the lifetime of the trees. The fact that non-stationarity, i.e., discontinuous and/or ...
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      The sustainable management of land and fisheries resources using multicriteria techniques: A meta-analysis 

      Diaz-Balteiro, L.; Iglesias-Merchan, C.; Romero, C.; de Jalón, S.G. (Land, 2020)
      In recent years modern societies have attached a multifunctional requirement to the use of renewable resources, making their optimal sustainable management more complex. In the last decades, in many cases, this complexity ...
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      The voices of youth in envisioning positive futures for nature and people 

      Rana, s; Ávila-García, D.; Dib, V.; Familia, L.; Gerhardinger, L.C; Martin, E.; Martins, P. I.; Pompeu, J.; Selomane, O.; Tauli, J. I.; Tran, D. H. T.; Valle, M.; von Below, J.; Pereira, L. M. (Ecosystems and People, 2020-01-01)
      The unpredictable Anthropocene poses the challenge of imagining a radically different, equitable and sustainable world. Looking 100 years ahead is not easy, and especially as millennials, it appears quite bleak. This paper ...
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      Three different directions in which the European Union could replace Russian natural gas 

      Nikas, A.; Frilingou, N.; Heussaff, C.; Fragkos, P.; Mittal, S.; Sampedro, J.; Giarola, S.; Sasse, J.P.; Rinaldi, L.; Doukas, H.; Gambhir, A.; Giannousakis, A.; Golinucci, N.; Koasidis, K.; Rocco, M.V.; Trutnevyte, E.; Xexakis, G.; Zachmann, G.; Zisarou, E.; Colombo, E.; Hawkes, A.; Yarlagadda, B.; Binsted, M.; Iyer, G.; Johannsen, R.M.; Thellufsen, J.Z.; Lund, H.; Van de Ven, D.J. (Energy, 2024-03-01)
      Russia's invasion of Ukraine fuelled an energy crisis, which considerably impacted Europe given its heavy reliance on Russian natural gas imports. This study uses an ensemble of four global integrated assessment models, ...
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      Three sides to every story: Gender perspectives in energy transition pathways in Canada, Kenya and Spain 

      Lieu, J.; Sorman, A.H.; Johnson, O.W.; Virla, L.D; Resurrección, B.P. (Elsevier, 2020)
      Transitions toward a low-carbon future are not only technical and economical, but also deeply social and gendered. The gendered nature of energy transitions is often implicit and unexplored. As a corrective, this paper ...
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      To what extent is climate change adaptation a novel challenge for agricultural modellers? 

      Kipling, R.P.; Topp, C.F.E.; Bannink, A.; Bartley, D.J.; Blanco-Penedo, I.; Cortignani, R.; del Prado, A.; Dono, G.; Faverdin, P.; Graux, A.-I.; Hutchings, N.J.; Lauwers, L.; Özkan, Gülzari, S.; Reidsma, P.; Rolinski, S.; Ruiz-Ramos, M.; Sandars, D.L.; Sándor, R.; Schönhart, M.; Seddaiu, G.; Van Middelkoop, J.; Shrestha, S.; Weindl, I.; Eory, V. (Elsevier, 2019)
      Modelling is key to adapting agriculture to climate change (CC), facilitating evaluation of the impacts and efficacy of adaptation measures, and the design of optimal strategies. Although there are many challenges to ...
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      Topography modulates climate sensitivity of multidecadal trends of holm oak decline 

      López-Ballesteros, A.; Rodríguez-Caballero, E.; Moreno, G.; Escribano, P.; Hereş, A.M.; Yuste, J.C. (Global Change Biology, 2023)
      Forest decline events have increased worldwide over the last decades being holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) one of the tree species with the most worrying trends across Europe. Since this is one of the tree species with the ...
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      Toward a just energy transition: A distributional analysis of low-carbon policies in the USA 

      García-Muros, X.; Morris, J.; Paltsev, S. (Energy Economics, 2022)
      Distributional impacts of environmental policies have become an increasingly important consideration in policymaking. To evaluate the distributional impacts of carbon pricing with different revenue recycling schemes for ...
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      Toward a normative land systems science 

      Nielsen, J.O.; de Bremond, A.; Roy, Chowdhury, R.; Friis, C.; Metternicht, G.; Meyfroidt, P.; Munroe, D.; Pascual, U.; Thomson, A. (Elsevier, 2019)
      Science should provide solutions for societal transformations toward sustainability in the face of global environmental change. Land system science, as a systemic science focused on complex socio-ecological interactions ...
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      Towards a green energy economy? Tracking the employment effects of low-carbon technologies in the European Union 

      Markandya, Anil; Arto Olaizola, Ignacio; González-Eguino, Mikel; Román, Maria V. (Elsevier, 2016-03-16)
      In the view of pressing unemployment and environmental problems, different policies have been proposed to create jobs in the transition to a green economy, including the so-called “green jobs”. There has been an intense ...
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      Towards a green recovery in the EU: Aligning further emissions reductions with short- and long-term energy-sector employment gains 

      Koasidis, K.; Nikas, A.; Van de Ven, D.J.; Xexakis, G.; Forouli, A.; Mittal, S.; Gambhir, A.; Koutsellis, T.; Doukas, H. (Energy Policy, 2022)
      To tackle the negative socioeconomic implications of the COVID-19 pandemic, the European Union (EU) introduced the Recovery and Resilience Facility, a financial instrument to help Member States recover, on the basis that ...
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      Towards a more effective climate policy on international trade 

      Dietzenbacher, E.; Cazcarro, I.; Arto, I. (Springer Nature, 2020)
      In the literature on the attribution of responsibilities for greenhouse gas emissions, two accounting methods have been widely discussed: production-based accounting (PBA) and consumption-based accounting (CBA). It has ...
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      Towards a multidimensional biodiversity index for national application 

      Soto-Navarro, C. A,; Harfoot, M.; Hill, S. L. L.; Campbell, J.; Mora, F.; Campos, C.; Pretorius, C.; Pascual, U.; Kapos, V.; Allison, H.; Burgess, N. D. (Nature Sustainability, 2021-11-01)
      The lack of urgent action to reverse biodiversity loss is partly due to the complex nature of biodiversity as a feature of our planet. Subsequently, policymakers receive an often-confusing variety of narratives on why ...