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dc.contributor.authorDíaz García, Oscar
dc.contributor.otherLenguajes y Sistemas Informáticos;;Hizkuntza eta Sistema Informatikoakes
dc.descriptionTesis leida en la Universidad de Aberdeen. 178
dc.description.abstractThe salient points of this thesis are as follows: • Object-Oriented Databases can help in solving the impedance mismatch problem by introducing methods. However, methods have sometimes been overused in the sense th at the code encapsulated refers not only to how the operation is implemented but also to other kinds of knowledge that are implicit in the code. The disadvantages of this approach for modelling integrity constraints, user-defined relationships and active behaviour are pointed out. • The ADAM Object-Oriented Database has been extended to allow the designer to specify integrity constraints declaratively. A constraint equation approach is implemented th at supports the inheritance of constraints. • A need for semantic-rich user-defined relationships has been identified. In this thesis, relationships are represented as objects. An approach to enhance the semantics of relationships in both its structural and behavioural aspects is presented. The most novel idea of the approach presented is the support of the inferred properties and the operational semantics of relationships. • Active Databases have recently become an im portant area of research. This thesis shows how to extend an Object-Oriented Database with active capabilities. The principal contribution lies in representing as ‘first-class’ objects not only the active rules but also the rule manager itself. Hence, besides handling active rules as any other object in the system, future requirements can be supported just by specialising the current rule manager. • Active rules have been proposed for several purposes. Several examples, are given of the direct use of rules. However, higher level tools can be provided of which ruleses
dc.titleMaking object-oriented databases more knowledgeable (From ADAM to ABEL)es
dc.rights.holder(c)1992 Oscar Díez
dc.departamentoesLenguajes y sistemas informáticoses_ES
dc.departamentoeuHizkuntza eta sistema informatikoakes_ES

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