Now showing items 9133-9152 of 12110

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      Quantum crystal structure in the 250-kelvin superconducting lanthanum hydride 

      Errea Lope, Ion ORCID; Belli, Francesco; Monacelli, Lorenzo; Sanna, Antonio; Koretsune, Takashi; Tadano, Terumasa; Bianco, Raffaello; Calandra, Matteo; Arita, Ryotaro; Mauri, Francesco; Flores-Livas, Jose A. (Springer Nature, 2020-02-05)
      The discovery of superconductivity at 200 kelvin in the hydrogen sulfide system at high pressures demonstrated the potential of hydrogen-rich materials as high-temperature superconductors. Recent theoretical predictions ...
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      Quantum Emulation of Gravitational Waves 

      Fernández-Corbaton, Iván; Cirio, Mauro; Büse, Alexander; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Molina-Terriza, Gabriel (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-07-14)
      Gravitational waves, as predicted by Einstein's general relativity theory, appear as ripples in the fabric of spacetime traveling at the speed of light. We prove that the propagation of small amplitude gravitational waves ...
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      Quantum Energy Current Induced Coherence in a Spin Chain under Non-Markovian Environments 

      Ablimit, Arapat; He, Run-Hong; Xie, Yang-Yang; Wu, Lian-Ao; Wang, Zhao-Ming (MDPI, 2022-10-01)
      We investigate the time-dependent behaviour of the energy current between a quantum spin chain and its surrounding non-Markovian and finite temperature baths, together with its relationship to the coherence dynamics of the ...
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      Quantum entanglement in de Sitter space with a wall and the decoherence of bubble universes 

      Albrecht, Andreas; Kanno, Sugumi; Sasaki, Misao (American Physical Society, 2018-04-30)
      We study the effect of a bubble wall on the entanglement entropy of a free massive scalar field between two causally disconnected open charts in de Sitter space. We assume there is a delta-functional wall between the open ...
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      Quantum illumination reveals phase-shift inducing cloaking 

      Las Heras García, Urtzi; Di Candia, Roberto; Fedorov, K. G.; Deppe, F.; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing, 2017-08-24)
      In quantum illumination entangled light is employed to enhance the detection accuracy of an object when compared with the best classical protocol. On the other hand, cloaking is a stealth technology based on covering a ...
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      Quantum Measurements and Delays in Scattering by Zero-Range Potentials 

      Gutiérrez de la Cal, Xabier; Pons Barba, María Luisa; Sokolovski, Dmitri (MDPI, 2024-01-16)
      Eisenbud–Wigner–Smith delay and the Larmor time give different estimates for the duration of a quantum scattering event. The difference is most pronounced in the case where the de Broglie wavelength is large compared to ...
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      Quantum Memristors in Frequency-Entangled Optical Fields 

      González Raya, Tasio; Lukens, Joseph M.; Céleri, Lucas C.; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID (MDPI, 2020-02-14)
      A quantum memristor is a passive resistive circuit element with memory, engineered in a given quantum platform. It can be represented by a quantum system coupled to a dissipative environment, in which a system–bath ...
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      Quantum Memristors With Superconducting Circuits 

      Salmilehto, J.; Deppe, F.; Di Ventra, M.; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2017-02-14)
      Memristors are resistive elements retaining information of their past dynamics. They have garnered substantial interest due to their potential for representing a paradigm change in electronics, information processing and ...
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      Quantum neural networks with multi-qubit potentials 

      Ban, Yue; Torrontegui, E.; Casanova Marcos, Jorge (Nature, 2023-06)
      We propose quantum neural networks that include multi-qubit interactions in the neural potential leading to a reduction of the network depth without losing approximative power. We show that the presence of multi-qubit ...
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      Quantum plasmonics: from jellium models to ab initio calculations 

      Varas Barboza, Alejandro; García-González, Pablo; Feist, Johannes; García-Vidal, F.J.; Rubio Secades, Angel (Walter de Gruyter, 2016-08)
      Light-matter interaction in plasmonic nanostructures is often treated within the realm of classical optics. However, recent experimental findings show the need to go beyond the classical models to explain and predict the ...
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      Quantum Rabi dynamics of trapped atoms far in the deep strong coupling regime 

      Koch, Johannes; Hunanyan, Geram R.; Ockenfels, Till; Rico Ortega, Enrique; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Weitz, Martin (Nature, 2023-02)
      The coupling of a two-level system with an electromagnetic field, whose fully quantized version is the quantum Rabi model, is among the central topics of quantum physics. When the coupling strength becomes large enough ...
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      Quantum ricochets: surface capture, release and energy loss of fast ions hitting a polar surface at grazing incidence 

      Lucas, A. A.; Sunjic, M.; Benedek, G.; Echenique Landiribar, Pedro Miguel (IOP Publishing, 2014-06-09)
      A diffraction mechanism is proposed for the capture, multiple bouncing and final escape of a fast ion (keV) impinging on the surface of a polarizable material at grazing incidence. Capture and escape are effected by elastic ...
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      Quantum Simulation of Dissipative Processes without Reservoir Engineering 

      Di Candia, Roberto; Simón Pedernales, Julen Jon; Del Campo, Adolfo; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Casanova Marcos, Jorge (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-05-29)
      We present a quantum algorithm to simulate general finite dimensional Lindblad master equations without the requirement of engineering the system-environment interactions. The proposed method is able to simulate both ...
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      Quantum Simulation Of The Quantum Rabi Model In A Trapped Ion 

      Lv, Dingshun; An, Shuoming; Liu, Zhenyu; Zhang, Jing-ning; Pedernales, Julen S.; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID; Kim, Kihwan (American Physical Society, 2018-04-30)
      The quantum Rabi model, involving a two-level system and a bosonic field mode, is arguably the simplest and most fundamental model describing quantum light-matter interactions. Historically, due to the restricted parameter ...
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      Quantum simulations of relativistic quantum physics in circuit QED 

      Simón Pedernales, Julen Jon; Di Candia, Roberto; Ballester, D.; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (IOP Publishing, 2013-06)
      We present a scheme for simulating relativistic quantum physics in circuit quantum electrodynamics. By using three classical microwave drives, we show that a superconducting qubit strongly coupled to a resonator field mode ...
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      Quantum Simulator for Transport Phenomena in Fluid Flows 

      Mezzacapo, Antonio; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID; Lamata Manuel, Lucas ORCID; Egusquiza Egusquiza, Iñigo Luis; S. Succi; Solano Villanueva, Enrique Leónidas ORCID (Nature Publishing Group, 2015-08-17)
      Transport phenomena still stand as one of the most challenging problems in computational physics. By exploiting the analogies between Dirac and lattice Boltzmann equations, we develop a quantum simulator based on ...
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      Quantum size effects of Pb overlayers at high coverages. 

      Ayuela Fernández, Andrés; Ogando Arregui, Eduardo; Zabala Unzalu, Nerea (Elsevier, 2007-07-18)
      We have studied Pb thin films as a function of the thickness up to 60 monolayers (MLs) using ab initio first principles and model calculations. Magic heights corresponding to a modulated oscillatory pattern of the energy ...
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      Quantum structural fluxion in superconducting lanthanum polyhydride 

      Wang, Hui; Salzbrenner, Pascal T.; Errea Lope, Ion ORCID; Peng, Feng; Lu, Ziheng; Liu, Hanyu; Zhu, Li; Pickard, Chris J.; Yao, Yansun (Nature Communications, 2023-03-25)
      The discovery of 250-kelvin superconducting lanthanum polyhydride under high pressure marked a significant advance toward the realization of a room‐temperature superconductor. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies reveal a ...
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      Quantum work statistics, Loschmidt echo and information scrambling 

      Chenu, A.; Egusquiza Egusquiza, Iñigo Luis; Molina-Vilaplana, J.; Del Campo, A. (Nature Publishing, 2018-08-22)
      A universal relation is established between the quantum work probability distribution of an isolated driven quantum system and the Loschmidt echo dynamics of a two-mode squeezed state. When the initial density matrix is ...
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      Quantum-enhanced Doppler lidar 

      Reichert, Maximilian; Di Candia, Roberto; Win, Moe Z.; Sanz Ruiz, Mikel ORCID (Nature, 2022-12)
      We propose a quantum-enhanced lidar system to estimate a target’s radial velocity, which employs squeezed and frequency-entangled signal and idler beams. We compare its performance against a classical protocol using a ...