Examinar Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros por departamento (cas.) "Máquinas y motores térmicos"
Now showing items 1-20 of 41
A comparative analysis of two thermoeconomic diagnosis methodologies in a building heating and DHW facility
(Elsevier, 2017-04-23)Concerning the building environment HVAC facilities, even if a great effort has been made in developing components and systems with high nominal efficiencies, less attention has been paid to the problem of system maintenance. ... -
A PC-tool to calculate the Moisture Buffer Value
(Elsevier, 2017)Hygroscopic building materials have the ability to moderate the relative humidity variation without the need for active systems. The moisture buffer phenomenon can be assessed by way of the Moisture Buffer Value (MBV). ... -
Analysis of a thermal bridge in a guarded hot box testing facility
(Elsevier, 2012-03-27)Nowadays, several regulations exist covering different general guidelines that must be considered in order to decrease the energy demand in residential buildings. One of the main ones consists in increasing the insulation ... -
Analysis of New Strategies to Reach Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEBs)
(MDPI, 2018-11-07)The need to reduce CO2 emissions makes it necessary to review most areas of human activity because we are the main source of these emissions. In particular, the building sector is one of its main responsible. Through a ... -
Application of Thermoeconomics in HVAC Systems
(MDPI, 2020-06-17)In order to achieve a sustainable society, the energy consumption in buildings must be reduced. The first step toward achieving this goal is to detect their weak points and analyze the energy-saving potential. to detect ... -
Cities4ZERO: Overcoming Carbon Lock-in in Municipalities through Smart Urban Transformation Processes
(MDPI, 2020-04-28)How can local authorities effectively address the decarbonization of urban environments in the long run? How would their interests and expertise be aligned into an integrated approach towards decarbonization? This paper ... -
Co-creation of local eco-rehabilitation strategies for energy improvement of historic urban areas
(Elsevier, 2020-10-02)Energy performance and thermal comfort in historic and traditional urban environments are important because of the social and cultural requirement to conserve these areas as living entities, but also for the environmental ... -
Combination of Diagnostic Tools for the Proper Identification of Moisture Pathologies in Modern Residential Buildings
(MDPI, 2018-09)A study of moisture pathologies in a modern residential multifamily building is presented. The housing block was designed under the regulation NBE-CT of 1979 in northern Spain. After the appearance of some moisture problems ... -
Control strategy optimization of a Stirling based residential hybrid system through multi-objective optimization
(Elsevier, 2020-02-20)Hybrid systems for space heating and Domestic Hot Water (DHW) production are an attractive option for buildings to decrease their CO2 emissions. In this research, the operation variables of an installation, composed of a ... -
Dataset of an in-use tertiary building collected from a detailed 3D mobile monitoring system and building automation system for indoor and outdoor air temperature analysis
(Elsevier, 2020-06-23)[EN] A Mobile Monitoring System (MMS) has been designed tak- ing into account the use of technology with high sensor ac- curacy and the ability to be installed easily and quickly in different cardinal locations, distribution ... -
Development and comparative analysis of the modeling of an innovative finned-plate latent heat thermal energy storage system
(Elsevier, 2013-09-01)This paper presents an innovative finned-plate latent heat thermal energy storage system for its integration in cogeneration systems. For optimization purposes it is very important to maximize the efficiency of the ... -
Dynamical edge effect factor determination for building components thermal characterization under outdoor test conditions in a PASLINK test cell: A methodological proposal
(Elsevier, 2019-12-27)The thermal characterization of building components in dynamic exterior conditions is crucial for understanding their real performance, particularly if they are passive or active solar elements. In this respect, the PASLINK ... -
Effects of individual metering and charging of heating and domestic hot water on energy consumption of buildings in temperate climates
(Elsevier, 2018-06-14)Individual metering and charging of heat and domestic hot water is one of the possibilities for reducing the energy consumption in existing multifamily buildings and, with this aim in mind, the EU-directive 2012/27/EU ... -
ENER-BI: Integrating Energy and Spatial Data for Cities’ Decarbonisation Planning
(MDPI, 2021-01-04)Given the current climate emergency, our planet is suffering. Mitigation measures must be urgently deployed in urban environments, which are responsible for more than 70% of global CO2 emissions. In this sense, a deeper ... -
Energy and economic assessment of the envelope retrofitting in residential buildings in Northern Spain
(Elsevier, 2014-10-18)In this paper, potential energy savings by implementing different energy saving methods to enhance the building envelope are presented and calculated through transient simulations using TRNSYS software. To do that, a ... -
Energy Conservation in an Office Building Using an Enhanced Blind System Control
(MDPI, 2017-02)The two spaces office module is usually considered as a representative case-study to analyse the energetic improvement in office buildings. In this kind of buildings, the use of a model predictive control (MPC) scheme for ... -
Energy, Environmental and Economic Analysis of Air-to-Air Heat Pumps as an Alternative to Heating Electrification in Europe
(MDPI, 2020-08-01)Heat pumps (HP) are an efficient alternative to non-electric heating systems (NEHS), being a cost-effective mean to support European building sector decarbonization. The paper studies HP and NEHS performance in residential ... -
Equivalent wall method for dynamic characterisation of thermal bridges
(Elsevier, 2012-08-28)Although there are specific rules in the standard ISO 10211 for the characterization of thermal bridges, they are mainly focused on steady state calculations to obtain the linear thermal transmittance (Ψ) or the temperature ... -
European Cities in the Energy Transition: A Preliminary Analysis of 27 Cities
(MDPI, 2020-03-12)Nowadays, there is a wide scientific consensus about the unsustainability of the current energy system and at the same time, social awareness about climate change and the IPCC’s goals is increasing in Europe. Amongst ... -
Experimental Devices to Investigate the Long-Term Stability of Phase Change Materials under Application Conditions
(MDPI, 2020-11-10)An important prerequisite to select a reliable phase change material (PCM) for thermal energy storage applications is to test it under application conditions. In the case of solid–liquid PCM, a large amount of thermal ...