Examinar Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros por departamento (cas.) "Métodos de investigación y diagnostico en educación"
Now showing items 1-20 of 50
A Systematic Review of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Interventions for Children Aged From 0 to 6 Years
(American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, 2022-07-06)Purpose: This systematic review evaluates the latest available evidence regard- ing augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) interventions in children from 0 to 6 years old diagnosed with various disabilities. Method: ... -
Addressing Linguistic Diversity in the Language Classroom in a Resource‐Oriented Way: An Intervention Study With Primary School Children
(Wiley, 2020-06)Adequately responding to linguistic diversity in the classroom is imperative in European school contexts, not least because of current migratory movements. This article presents the results of an intervention study with ... -
Challenging Minority Language Isolation: Translanguaging in a Trilingual School in the Basque Country
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-08-02)Learning two or more languages at school is quite common all over Europe,but languages are often isolated from each other. This pedagogical practice isin contrast to the way multilingual speakers use their whole linguistic ... -
La competencia de la escritura manual en el currículo: un nuevo enfoque
(FEPAL09 XIX Congreso Nacional de la Federación Española de Asociaciones de Profesores de Audición y Lenguaje. Valencia 2009, 2009-06-25)La enseñanza de la escritura manuscrita ha quedado marginada en el currículo por dos causas principales: la importancia que se la ha dado a la composición-construcción y el auge de las nuevas tecnologías. A los numerosos ... -
Conducta antisocial en adolescentes y jóvenes: prevalencia en el País Vasco y diferencias en función de variables socio-demográficas
(UNED, 2016-06)The goals of this study were to analyze the prevalence of antisocial behavior and to explore differences as a function of socio-demographic variables (gender, age, socioeconomic level, parents' educational level). The ... -
Covid-19arengatik ezarritako konfinamenduaren eragina unibertsitateko LGB ikasleen egoeran eta osasun mentalean
(UEU, 2024-06-26)Covid-19ak osasun mentalean izan duen eragina oso ezaguna izan arren, ez dago lesbianen, gayen eta bisexualen (LGB) osasunean pandemiak nola eragin dien zehazten duen ikerketarik Espainian. 475 LGB ikaslek parte hartu zuten ... -
Cultivando comunidades de práctica en la extensión universitaria: artes escénicas y performativas en el campus de Gipuzkoa
(Universidad de Cádiz, 2019)El artículo presenta la extensión universitaria desde un enfoque relacional, como un ecosistema de interacciones entre agentes académicos y socia - les, dentro y fuera del campus. Basándose ... -
Desigualdades espaciales en el acceso a la educación: cartografía de una segmentación educativa
(Universidad de La Rioja, 2023)Acceder a un mayor nivel educativo supone aumentar las posibilidades de inclusión social en una sociedad democrática. Sin embargo, los niveles de instrucción educativa no se distribuyen de un modo equitativo en la sociedad ... -
Developing cognate awareness through pedagogical translanguaging
(Taylor & Francis, 2022)This article is on pedagogical translanguaging, understood as plannedinstructional strategies used with a pedagogical purpose in amultilingual educational context. The paper reports a study on cognateidentification and ... -
Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis, 2020-01-02)This article focuses on the development of morphological awareness in English as a third language. It analyses how the activation of previous linguistic knowledge can influence morphological awareness. Participants were ... -
Digital competence among 1st and 4th year primary education undergraduate students: a comparative study of face-to-face and on-line teaching
(Springer Nature, 2024-06-13)Digital competence (DC) has become a key element for future teachers in the effort to guarantee a high-quality education system that responds to the needs of the 21st century. For this reason, numerous studies have tried ... -
Educación en Valores y Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria: el Caso de la UPV/EHU
(FORCE, 2019-09)La finalidad de este estudio es analizar la presencia de la educación en valores en los planes de estudio del Máster en Formación del Profesorado de Secundaria (MFPS), así como la percepción de la misma por parte del futuro ... -
El efecto contextual del nivel socioeconómico sobre el rendimiento académico en la educación secundaria obligatoria en la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca (España). Estudio diferencial del nivel socioeconómico familiar y el del centro escolar.
(Arizona State University, 2007-04-02)[ES] El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar el efecto contextual del nivel socioeconómico (SES) sobre el rendimiento académico en Matemáticas y Lengua en la Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) en la Comunidad Autónoma ... -
Emotional Intelligence Profiles among Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals (LGB) People: Their Influence on Mental Health, Life Satisfaction, Self-esteem and the Development of Sexual Identity
(Springer, 2024-10-29)Introduction: Many studies have focused recently on the negative impact of homophobia or biphobia, seeking to identify protective factors for the LGB (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) community. Methods: The present study aims ... -
Emotional State of Mexican University Students in the COVID-19 Pandemic
(MDPI, 2022-02-14)Background: Since the WHO declared the COVID-19 crisis a pandemic in March 2020, the young population is suffering from a range of psychological symptoms. The present study measured symptoms of stress, anxiety and depression ... -
ENEKuS – a key model for managing the transformation of the normalisation of the Basque language in the workplace
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2013-06-21)The aim of this study is to develop a reference model for intervention in the language processes applied to the transformation of language normalisation within organisations of a socio-economic nature. It is based on the ... -
Evaluación de un programa de formación para fomentar la participación de los hijos en las tareas familiares
(Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, 2007)Se presenta la evaluación del programa de formación parental «Corresponsabilidad familiar (COFAMI): fomentar la cooperación y responsabilidad de los hijos» (Maganto y Bartau, 2004) llevado a cabo en diversos grupos de ... -
Evaluation of a Programme for Computer-Assisted Learning
(Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 2011)[En] This article lies within the framework of the implementation and use of ICT as a medium of learning in Primary Education. A learning programme was created, implemented and evaluated through using the computer known ... -
Factors Influencing Compliance with COVID-19 Health Measures: A Spanish Study to Improve Adherence Campaigns
(MDPI, 2022-04-16)Since the spread of the COVID-19 virus was declared a pandemic, different measures have been taken to control it, including frequent hand-washing, the use of face masks and social distancing. Given the importance of these ... -
Family involvement and school effectiveness in primary education
(Ediciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 2023-01-01)[EN] The commonly accepted premise that collaboration among the educational community leads to school improvement and greater student achievement is not always fulfilled due to the diverse reality of schools and various ...