Examinar Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros por departamento (cas.) "Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educación"
Now showing items 1-2 of 2
Illusions of causality at the heart of pseudoscience
(Wiley on behalf of the BPS, 2011-03-16)Pseudoscience, superstitions, and quackery are serious problems that threaten public health and in which many variables are involved. Psychology, however, has much to say about them, as it is the illusory perceptions of ... -
Perceived academic performance explained by school climate, positive variables and life satisfaction
(Wiley, 2022-10-28)[EN]Background: Adolescents spend a large percentage of their time at school, where learning and achievement are impor-tant activities that are vital to their future educational success and subsequent career ...