Examinar Artículos, Comunicaciones, Libros por departamento (eus.) "Enpresen antolakuntza"
Now showing items 1-20 of 89
A Bibliometric Analysis in Industry 4.0 and Advanced Manufacturing: What about the Sustainable Supply Chain?
(MDPI, 2020-09-23)During the last decade, different concepts, methodologies, and technologies have appeared, evolving industry toward what we know today as the fourth industrial evolution or Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and Advanced Manufacturing ... -
A Green Approach towards Native Collagen Scaffolds: Environmental and Physicochemical Assessment
(MDPI, 2020-07-18)Native collagen scaffolds were prepared in this work, in which both materials and environmental approaches were considered with the aim of providing a global strategy towards more sustainable biomaterials. From the ... -
A Method for the Detection and Characterization of Technology Fronts: Analysis of the Dynamics of Technological Change in 3D Printing Technology
(Institut Català de Paleoecologia Humana i Evolució Social, 2019-01-07)This paper presents a method for the identification of the "technology fronts"-core technological solutions-underlying a certain broad technology, and the characterization of their change dynamics. We propose an approach ... -
A new method to measure the accuracy of intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch: A pilot study
(Korean Academy Prosthodontics, 2019-12)PURPOSE. The purpose of this study is to assess the accuracy of three intraoral scanners along the complete dental arch and evaluate the feasibility of the assessment methodology for further in vivo analysis. MATERIALS AND ... -
Academic staff attitudes and barriers to integrating sustainability in the curriculum at Spanish universities
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-05-17)The literature on integrating sustainability in higher education curricula has identified a series of circumstances that can hinder or slow down the transition towards education for sustainable development. This article ... -
Additive manufacturing technologies for biomedical engineering applications: Research trends and scientific impact
(EPI, 2019-03-23)Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies, technologies that produce three-dimensional parts layer by layer from a ma-terial, have the potential to revolutionize the paradigm of manufacturing. Furthermore, in recent years ... -
Additive Manufacturing vs Metal Additive Manufacturing Technologies in Engineering: A Bibliometric and Web Indicator Analysis
(DYNA, 2020-07)Additive manufacturing (AM) is one of the main levers of change in the context of industry 4.0 and the metal additive manufacturing subgroup (MAM) is the most relevant in industry. This contribution analyses research trends ... -
Adopción de Sistemas de Gestión de Ecodiseño en el sector de la construcción. Análisis de la perspectiva de los diferentes agentes involucrados
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016-04)Partiendo de los resultados de un estudio de casos previo realizado con 9 estudios de arquitectura, hemos desarrollado una investigación cualitativa mediante un grupo de expertos tipo Delphi con objeto de analizar de las ... -
Airbnb Branding: Heritage as a Branding Element in the Sharing Economy
(MDPI, 2018-12-23)The cultural heritage of cities has been proven to be a generator of economic activity and a singular place branding/marketing tool for territories. In addition, in recent times, there has been a boom in the collaborative ... -
Analysis of the influence of the facial scanning method on the transfer accuracy of a maxillary digital scan to a 3D face scan for a virtual facebow technique: an in vitro study
(Elsevier, 2022-11-30)Statement of problem. With the emergence of virtual articulators, virtual facebow techniques have been developed for mounting maxillary digital scans to virtual articulators. Different scanning methods can be used to obtain ... -
Assessing the economic impacts of forest certification in Spain: A longitudinal study
(Elsevier, 2023-02)Forest certification has become a strategic instrument for businesses, particularly for accessing sensitive envi-ronmental markets and within sustainability commitments. This trend is also visible in Spain, where PEFC ... -
Assessing the influence of industry 4.0 technologies on occupational health and safety
(Elsevier, 2023-03)The aim of this article is to know the impact that the different Industry 4.0 technologies have on occupational health and safety risks, with special attention to the new emerging risks generated. To achieve this objective, ... -
Assessing the uptake of Industry 4.0 technologies: barriers to their adoption and impact on quality management aspects
(Emerald, 2023-03-14)Purpose Industry 4.0 technologies have the potential to improve the quality management performance of industrial companies. The paper analyses the influence of Industry 4.0 technologies on quality management aspects, but ... -
Assessment and Selection of Technologies for the Sustainable Development of an R&D Center
(MDPI, 2020-12-03)The central role of R&D centers in the advancement of technology within industrial enterprises is undeniable and clearly affects their strategies, their competitiveness and their business sustainability. R&D centers assume ... -
Automatic Analysis of Archimedes’ Spiral for Characterization of Genetic Essential Tremor Based on Shannon’s Entropy and Fractal Dimension
(MDPI, 2018-07)Among neural disorders related to movement, essential tremor has the highest prevalence; in fact, it is twenty times more common than Parkinson's disease. The drawing of the Archimedes' spiral is the gold standard test to ... -
Balancing Workload and Workforce Capacity in Lean Management: Application to Multi-Model Assembly Lines
(MDPI, 2020-12-10)While multi-model assembly lines are used by advanced lean companies because of their flexibility (different models of a product are produced in small lots and reach the customers in a short lead time), most of the extant ... -
Basque Adaptation of the Reduced Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills (KIMS-R)
(2023)Objectives Mindfulness consists of paying attention to the present moment with curiosity, acceptance and non-judgment. Although several instruments exist for evaluating mindfulness in adults, few have been adapted for ... -
Circular economy: On the road to ISO 59000 family of standards
(Wiley, 2024-05)The article aims to analyse the experience regarding the adoption of the voluntary French standard XP X30-901, used as the main reference point to design the ISO 59004 that will define the terminology, principles and ... -
Commercial maps of the main Latin American countries in the international olive oil market
(INIA-CSIC, 2023-01)Aim of study: World trade in olive oil is undergoing structural changes, with the emergence of new relevant actors, notably South American countries. The objective of this study was to analyze the performance of emerging ... -
Communication policies of Spanish universities targeting prospective students: an evaluation by secondary schools
(Universidade de Sorocaba, 2016-07)This paper presents an evaluation of the communication policies through which Spanish universities help to facilitate young people's passage from secondary to higher education. The underlying data have been gathered through ...