Now showing items 1-20 of 68

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      A Model of Knowledge-sharing for the 21st Century Organizations 

      Ayestarán Echeberría, Sabino; Gómez Serrano, Daniel; Martínez Moreno, Edurne; Lira, Eva María; Da Costa Dutra, Silvia Cristina (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2022-12)
      Organizations’ survival ability is increasingly constrained by their innovation possibilities, that is, by their capacity to create and share knowledge in order to cope with new and more complex challenges. Aiming for the ...
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      A Tale of two sticks: walking towards restoration 

      Subiza Pérez, Mikel; Vozmediano Sanz, Laura; San Juan Guillen, César ORCID (Taylor & Francis, 2019-09-17)
      Most studies conducted on Nordic Walking have addressed bio-medical questions, such as recovery from injuries or medical interventions and its therapeutic value for various health conditions. However, the psychological ...
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      All Victims Have Something to Say: The Differential Impact of Victim Narratives on Intergroup Forgiveness 

      Castro Abril, Pablo; Basabe Barañano, María Dolores; López López, Wilson; Telletxea Artzamendi, Saioa; Páez Rovira, Darío (Sage, 2024)
      Victims’ testimonies have emerged as an interesting tool for generating changes in societies that are seeking to emerge from a violent conflict. However, victims are not a homogeneous group and their stances regarding ...
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      Anxiety and depression among caregivers of patients with eating disorders and their change over 1 year 

      Orive Calzada, Miren; Padierna, Angel; Martín, Josune; Aguirre, Urko; González, Nerea; Muñoz, Pedro; Quintana, Jose María (Springer, 2013-02-15)
      Purpose. Limited data are available on the difficulties experienced over time by caregivers of patients eating disorders (CPED). The aim of this study was to describe changes in anxiety and depression among such caregivers ...
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      Anxiety, depression, health-related quality of life, and mortality among colorectal patients: 5-year follow-up 

      Orive Calzada, Miren; Antón Ladislao, Ane; Lázaro Aramburu, Santiago; González, Nerea; Baré Mañas, Marisa; Fernández de Larrea, Nerea; Redondo, Maximino; Bilbao, Amaia; Sarasqueta Eizaguirre, Cristina; Aguirre, Urko; Quintana López, José María; REDISSEC-CARESS CCR Group (Springer, 2022)
      Purpose Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) measurement represents an important outcome in cancer patients. We describe the evolution of HRQoL over a 5-year period in colorectal cancer patients, identifying predictors ...
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      Applying Work and Organizational Psychology in the Field of Labor Relations: Exploratory Study in Trade Unions in the Basque Country 

      Ulacia Aramendi, Imanol ORCID; Smith Echeberria, Clara Angela; Beldarrain Durandegui, Ángel (MDPI, 2022-12-02)
      Historically, the relationship between work and organizational psychology and trade union organizations has been one of mutual indifference and neglect. The aim of this study is to explore whether trade union members’ ...
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      Argentina (1976-1983): impacto y afrontamiento psicosocial 

      Arnoso Martínez, Maitane; Arnoso Martínez, Ainara; Pérez, Pau (Ponficia Universidad Javeriana, 2015-07)
      [ES]El presente estudio explora el impacto que tuvo la violencia represiva de la última dictadura militar argentina en una muestra de familiares de personas detenidas desaparecidas (n=30) y de personas que sobrevivieron ...
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      La asociación del recuerdo de eventos históricos con el bienestar 

      Méndez Casas, Lander; Telletxea Artzamendi, Saioa; Pizarro Carrasco, José Joaquín; Páez Rovira, Darío; Padoan Ribeiro de Luca, Sonia Geni; Cavalli, Stefano; Castro Abril, Pablo (Taylor & Francis, 2022-04-13)
      This study explores the relationship between remembered sociohistorical events and well-being. Its objective is to ascertain the content of historical memory and the way it is associated with this construct. The PHI ...
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      La autoayuda y el consumo de dispositivos psíquicos en el caso de la Innovación 

      Apodaka Ostaikoetxea, Eduardo (CSIC, 2011-12-30)
      [ES] La innovación aparece en el mundo de la empresa y, en general, en los ámbitos organizacionales, como demanda del sistema económico propio del capitalismo informacional y de su lógica imperante: la búsqueda del valor ...
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      Basque and Occitan in New Aquitaine schools: Philosophical arguments underlying linguistic diversity 

      Arrieta Valero, Ion; García Zabaleta, Omar; Torres Aldave, Mikel; Pérez Izaguirre, Elizabeth (Sage, 2024-12)
      This article focuses on Basque and Occitan in schools in New Aquitaine, France, and analyses the philosophical arguments underlying its constitution. The school model in New Aquitaine depends on the central education system, ...
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      Child-to-Parent Violence Specialist and Generalist Perpetrators: Risk Profile and Gender Differences 

      Loinaz, Ismael; Irureta, Maialen; San Juan Guillén, César (MDPI, 2023-05-17)
      Like other forms of domestic violence, child-to-parent violence (CPV) is a social and health-related problem. The identification of risk factors has preventive and therapeutic implications. This paper analyzes the risk ...
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      Collective effervescence, self-transcendence, and gender differences in social well-being during 8-M demonstrations 

      Zumeta Sánchez, Larraitz Nerea; Castro Abril, Pablo; Méndez Casas, Lander; Pizarro Carrasco, José Joaquín; Włodarczyk, Anna; Basabe Barañano, María Dolores; Navarro Carrillo, Ginés; Padoan Ribeiro de Luca, Sonia Geni; Da Costa Dutra, Silvia Cristina; Alonso Arbiol, Itziar; Torres Gómez de Cádiz Aguilera, Bárbara Clara; Cakal, Huseyin; Delfino, Gisela; Techio, Elza, M.; Alzugaray Ponce, Carolina Beatriz; Bilbao, Marian; Villagrán, Loreto; López López, Wilson; Ruiz Pérez, José Ignacio; Cedeño, Cynthia, C.; Reyes Valenzuela, Carlos; Alfaro Beracoechea, Laura; Contreras Ibáñez, Carlos; Leonardo Ibarra, Manuel; Reyes Sosa, Hiram; Cueto, Rosa María; Carvalho, Catarina, L.; Pinto, Isabel, R. (Frontiers Media, 2020)
      8 March (8M), now known as International Women’s Day, is a day for feminist claims where demonstrations are organized in over 150 countries, with the participation of millions of women all around the world. These demonstrations ...
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      La Comisión de la Verdad en Colombia: conocimiento, percepción, eficacia y emociones asociadas 

      Ruiz, José Ignacio; Castro Abril, Pablo; López López, Wilson; Páez Rovira, Darío; Méndez Casas, Lander; Castro Molinares, Suly; Yadira Cepeda, Zulma; Caicedo Bucheli, María Alejandra; Amaris, María del Carmen; Moncayo, Jorge Eduardo; Camelo Mendoza, Rossana; Orduz-Gualdron, Frank Steward; Beltrán Espitia, Manuel; Mongui, Zulma Lorena; Domínguez, Elsy; Alejo Riveros, Argemiro; Pérez Cervantes, Luis Eduardo; Orozco Castillo, Carolina; Alvarado Pinzón, Laura; Restrepo Soto, Jaime Alberto; Alejo Castillo, Edgar; Orejuela, Johnny; Rocha, Areli; Pérez Arizabaleta, Mar (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022)
      La Comisión de la Verdad en Colombia se estableció a partir del modelo de justicia transicional. Su función es servir como medida de reconocimiento de los hechos violentos durante el conflicto armado, que han dejado más ...
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      Condiciones sociolaborales e integración social de mujeres y hombres españoles en Alemania e Inglaterra 

      Elgorriaga Astondoa, Edurne; Arnoso Martínez, Ainara; Ibabe Erostarbe, Izaskun ORCID (CIS, 2020-04)
      [ES]El presente estudio analiza las características del proceso migratorio (condiciones sociolaborales e integración social, entre otras) de las personas españolas emigradas a Alemania e Inglaterra, atendiendo al país ...
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      Contención psicosocial en el ingreso en prisión por primera vez: variables protectoras y de afrontamiento 

      Martínez de Taboada Kutz, Cristina; Arnoso Martínez, Ainara (Colegio Oficial de Psicólogos de Madrid, 1999)
      [ES]El presente trabajo se enmarca en un Programa de Intervención Psicosocial, puesto en funcionamiento en el Centro Penitenciario de Martutene (Guipúzcoa) gracias a la colaboración de la Cruz Roja de Guipúzcoa, la Universidad ...
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      Cyberbullying in Adolescents: Resilience as a Protective Factor of Mental Health Outcomes 

      Santos, David; Mateos Pérez, Estibaliz; Cantero, María; Gámez Guadix, Manuel (Mary Ann Liebert, 2021-06-14)
      The present cross-sectional research examined the moderating role of resilience in the relationship between cyberbullying victimization and mental health outcomes, measured based on depression symptoms and life satisfaction. ...
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      Deliberate Rumination and Positive Reappraisal as Serial Mediators Between Life Impact and Posttraumatic Growth in Victims of State Terrorism in Chile (1973-1990) 

      Cárdenas Castro, Manuel; Arnoso Martínez, Maitane; Faúndez, Ximena (2016-04-06)
      This study examines the role of coping strategies related to positive reappraisal versus other cognitive strategies (deliberate rumination) as mediators between life impact and posttraumatic growth in survivors of the ...
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      Dual educational rationality and acculturation in Mapuche people in Chile 

      Quilaqueo, Daniel; Riquelme, Enrique; Páez Rovira, Darío; Mera Lemp, María José (Frontiers Media, 2023-03)
      Even though Mapuche people represent the largest indigenous population in Chile, the “logic of double rationality” in their educational knowledge and its link with acculturation dynamics, has been scarcely studied. The aim ...
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      Effects of candidate gender and qualification on hiring recommendations in asynchronous video interview tools 

      Martínez Moreno, Edurne; Elgorriaga Astondoa, Edurne; Gil de Montes Echaide, María Lorena; Larruskain Mandiola, Olaia (Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Madrid, 2024-12)
      The main objective of this study is to examine the relative influence of candidate competencies vs. rater biases on hiring recommendations made using asynchronous video interview (AVI) tools, while considering a candidate's ...
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      Emakume etorkina eta generoindarkeria EAEko testuinguruan: arrisku-faktoreak eta babes soziala 

      Irazu Ibáñez, Ainhoa; Arnoso Martínez, Maitane; Mazkiaran López de Goikoetxea, Mikel; Arnoso Martínez, Ainara (UEU, 2011)
      [EU]Indarkeria matxistari buruzko estatistiketan andre etorkinek duten gehiegizko presentziak, gutxituz doan dinamika izatetik urrun, goraka doan jarrera dirudi EAEn. 2009an, antropologia, soziologia eta psikologiaren ...