Now showing items 1-4 of 4

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      Film forming hybrid acrylic/ZnO latexes with excellent UV absorption capacity 

      Aguirre Arrese, Miren ORCID; Barrado, Mariano; Iturrondobeitia Ellacuria, Maider; Ocariz Larrea, Ana María ORCID; Guraya Díez, María Teresa; Paulis Lumbreras, María; Leiza Recondo, José Ramón ORCID (Elsevier, 2015-02-17)
      Acrylic/ZnO hybrid latexes were synthesized through a two-step emulsion polymerization process. First, a hybrid seed was synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization, which contained all the hydrophobically modified ZnO ...
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      In-situ phosphatization and enhanced corrosion properties of films made of phosphate functionalized nanoparticles 

      Chimenti, Stefano; Vega Vega, Jesús Manuel; García Lecina, Eva; Grande, Hans-Jürgen; Paulis Lumbreras, María; Leiza Recondo, José Ramón ORCID (Elsevier, 2019-08-05)
      In the present work a thin, stand-alone waterborne coating with excellent anticorrosion performance was successfully designed thanks to a built-in ability to in-situ phosphatize low carbon steel substrates. During film ...
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      Isolation of the effect of the hairy layer length on the mechanical properties of waterborne coatings 

      González Gandara, Edurne; Barandiaran Sarasola, María Jesús; Paulis Lumbreras, María (Elsevier, 2015-07-19)
      The effect of the acidic hairy layer length on the interdiffusion of polymer between particles and as a consequence on the mechanical properties of the films produced from waterborne coatings has been studied. In order to ...
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      Photoactive self-cleaning polymer coatings by TiO2 nanoparticle Pickering miniemulsion polymerization 

      González Gandara, Edurne; Bonnefond, Audrey; Barrado, Mariano; Casado Barrasa, Aurora M.; Asua González, José María; Leiza Recondo, José Ramón ORCID (2015-06-23)
      Titanium dioxide Pickering stabilized methyl methacrylate/n-butyl acrylate (MMA/BA) copolymer latexes were synthesized by miniemulsion polymerization. The particle size of the hybrid latexes was controlled by the concentration ...