Now showing items 1-6 of 6

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      Characteristics of the sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conduct evaluation tools in youth sport 

      Sáenz Ibáñez, Alfredo; Gimeno Marco, Fernando; Gutiérrez Pablo, Héctor; Lacambra Correas, David; Marcén Muñío, Celia; Castillo Salazar, Susana (Elsevier, 2013)
      [EN] In youth sport contexts, aggressiveness and violence constitute a deplorable social phenomenon. There are sportsmanlike conducts as forms of alternatives to these types of behaviors. Specifically, the present paper ...
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      Ethnography as a linking method between psychology and sociology: research design 

      Marcén Muñío, Celia; Gimeno Marco, Fernando; Gutiérrez Pablo, Héctor; Sáenz Ibáñez, Alfredo; Sánchez Sanz, María Elisa (Elsevier, 2013)
      [EN] Ethnography is one of the most relevant methods in qualitative research, and both psychology and sociology use qualitative methods in their research. This is essential when the purpose is to keep the historical memory ...
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      Impact of depressive symptoms on subjective well-being: the importance of patient-reported outcomes in schizophrenia 

      Mauriño, Jorge; Sanjuán, Julio; Haro, Josep Maria; Díez, Teresa; Ballesteros Rodríguez, Francisco Javier ORCID (Dove Medical Press, 2011)
      Objective: The subjective experience of psychotic patients toward treatment is a key factor in medication adherence, quality of life, and clinical outcome. The aim of this study was to assess the subjective well-being in ...
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      Language Rights and Community Law 

      Urrutia Libarona, Iñigo; Lasagabaster Herrarte, Iñaki ORCID (ECSA Austria, 2008-11-14)
      The territory of the European Union is made up of a rich and wide-ranging universe of languages, which is not only circumscribed to the "state languages". The existence of multilingualism is one of Europe’s defining ...
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      Socioeconomic status, parental support, motivation and self-confidence in youth competitive sport 

      Marcén Muñío, Celia; Gimeno Marco, Fernando; Gómez Bahillo, Carlos; Sáenz Ibáñez, Alfredo; Gutiérrez Pablo, Héctor (Elsevier, 2013)
      [EN] The relationship between family and competitive sport and its complex interactions has been studied as a key factor by several authors. However, many questions about how psychological, cultural and social variables ...
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      Sportsmanship rating scale in tennis competition with young players 

      Gimeno Marco, Fernando; Lacambra Correas, David; Marcén Muñío, Celia; Sáenz Ibáñez, Alfredo; Castillo Salazar, Susana; Sánchez Sanz, María Elisa (Elsevier, 2013)
      [EN] This study presents the psychometric properties of a rating scale of sportsmanship in tennis competitions with young players. A total of 446 players used this scale to asses the games they played during a season ...