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      Multivariate word properties in fluency tasks reveal markers of Alzheimer’s dementia 

      Ferrante, Franco J.; Migeot, Joaquín; Birba, Agustina; Amoruso, Lucía; Pérez, Gonzalo; Hesse, Eugenia; Tagliazucchi, Enzo; Estienne, Claudio; Serrano, Cecilia; Slachevsky, Andrea; Matallana, Diana; Reyes, Pablo; Ibáñez, Agustín; Fittipaldi, Sol; Gonzalez Campo, Cecilia; García, Adolfo M. (Wiley, 2024)
      INTRODUCTION Verbal fluency tasks are common in Alzheimer's disease (AD) assessments. Yet, standard valid response counts fail to reveal disease-specific semantic memory patterns. Here, we leveraged automated word-property ...
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      The Bilingual Lexicon, Back and Forth: Electrophysiological Signatures of Translation Asymmetry 

      Pérez, Gonzalo; Hesse, Eugenia; Dottori, Martín; Birba, Agustina; Amoruso, Lucia; Martorell Caro, Miguel; Ibáñez, Agustín; García, Adolfo M. (ELSEVIER, 2022)
      Mainstream theories of first and second language (L1, L2) processing in bilinguals are crucially informed by word translation research. A core finding is the translation asymmetry effect, typified by slower performance in ...