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      Are pine-oak mixed stands in Mediterranean mountains more resilient to drought than their monospecific counterparts? 

      Muñoz-Gálvez, Francisco J.; Herrero Méndez, Asier; Pérez-Corona, M. Esther; Andivia, Enrique (Elsevier, 2021-3-15)
      Climate change projections point to an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme drought events with important negative impacts on forest functioning. Predicting these impacts constitutes a crucial challenge for ...
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      Forest productivity in southwestern Europe is controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations. 

      Madrigal González, Jaime; Ballesteros Cánovas, Juan A.; Herrero Méndez, Asier; Ruiz Benito, Paloma; Stoffel, Markus; Lucas-Borja, Manuel E.; Andivia, Enrique; Sancho-García, Cesar; Zavala, Miguel A. (Springer Nature, 2017-12-20)
      The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) depicts annual and decadal oscillatory modes of variability responsible for dry spells over the European continent. The NAO therefore holds a great potential to evaluate the role, as ...
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      Positive associations among rare species and their persistence in ecological assemblages 

      Calatayud, Joaquín; Andivia, Enrique; Escudero, Adrián; Melián, Carlos J.; Bernardo Madrid, Rubén; Stoffel, Markus; Aponte, Cristina; García Medina, Nagore; Molina Venegas, Rafael; Arnan, Xabier; Rosvall, Martin; Neuman, Magnus; Ari Noriega, Jorge; Alves Martins, Fernanda; Draper, Isabel; Luzuriaga, Arantzazu; Ballesteros Cánovas, Juan A.; Morales Molino, César; Ferrandis, Pablo; Herrero Méndez, Asier; Pataro, Luciano; Juen, Leandro; Cea, Alex; Madrigal González, Jaime (Springer Nature, 2019-12-16)
      According to the competitive exclusion principle, species with low competitive abilities should be excluded by more efficient competitors; yet, they generally remain as rare species. Here, we describe the positive and ...