245-tik 1-20 emaitza erakusten

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      15N Natural Abundance Evidences a Better Use of N Sources by Late Nitrogen Application in Bread Wheat 

      Fuertes Mendizábal, Teresa ORCID; Estavillo Aurre, José María ORCID; Duñabeitia Aurrecoechea, Miren Karmele; Huérfano Salinas, Enith Ximena ORCID; Castellón, Ander; González Murua, María del Carmen Begoña; Aizpurua, Ana; González Moro, María Begoña (Frontiers Media, 2018-06-22)
      This work explores whether the natural abundance of N isotopes technique could be used to understand the movement of N within the plant during vegetative and grain filling phases in wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L) under ...
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      A common fungicide impairs stream ecosystem functioning through effects on aquatic hyphomycetes and detritivorous caddisflies 

      Cornejo, Aydeé; Pérez Viñuela, Javier ORCID; Alonso Blanco, Alberto; López Rojo, Naiara; Monroy Zarzuelo, Silvia ORCID; Boyero González, María Luz ORCID (Academic Press-Elsevier, 2020-06-01)
      Fungicides can reach streams through runoff or adhered to leaf litter, and have the potential to adversely affect processes such as litter decomposition and associated communities. This study investigated the effects of ...
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      A field portable method for the semi-quantitative estimation of dehydration tolerance of photosynthetic tissues across distantly related land plants. 

      López Pozo, Marina; Flexas, Jaume; Gulias, Javier; Nadal, Miquel; Perera-Castro, Alicia; Clemente-Moreno, Maria Jesus; Gago, Jorge; Nuñez-Oliveira, Encarnación; Martinez-Abaigar, Javier; Hernández Hernández, Antonio ORCID; Artetxe Aspiunza, Unai; Bentley, Joanne; Farrant, Jill; Verhoeven, Amy; García Plazaola, José Ignacio ORCID; Fernández Marín, Beatriz (2018-12-04)
      Desiccation tolerant (DT) plants withstand complete cellular dehydration (reaching relative water contents below 30% in their photosynthetic tissues), while desiccation sensitive (DS) plants exhibit different degrees of ...
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      A horizon scan exercise for aquatic invasive alien species in Iberian inland waters 

      Oficialdegui, Francisco Javier; Zamora Marín, José Manuel; Guareschi, Simone; Anastacio, Pedro M.; García Murillo, Pablo; Ribeiro, Filipe; Miranda, Rafael; Cobo, Fernando; Gallardo, Belinda; García Berthou, Emili; Boix, Dani; Arias, Andrés; Cuesta, José A.; Medina, Leopoldo; Almeida, David; Banha, Filipe; Barca, Sandra; Biurrun Galarraga, Miren Idoia ORCID; Cabezas, María Pilar; Calero, Sara; Campos Prieto, Juan Antonio ORCID; Capdevila Arguelles, Laura; Capinha, Cesar; Casals, Frederic; Clavero, Miguel; Encarnação, João; Fernández Delgado, Carlos; Franco, Javier; Guillén, Antonio; Hermoso, Virgilio; Machordom, Annie; Martelo, Joana; Mellado Díaz, Andrés; Morcilloy, Felipe; Oscoz, Javier; Perdices, Anabel; Pou Rovira, Quim; Rodríguez Merino, Argantonio; Ros, Macarena; Ruiz Navarro, Ana; Sánchez, Marta I.; Sánchez Fernández, David; Sánchez González, Jorge R.; Sánchez Gullón, Enrique; Teodósio, M. Alexandra; Torralva, Mar; Vieira Lanero, Rufino; Oliva Paterna, Francisco José (Elsevier, 2023-04)
      As the number of introduced species keeps increasing unabatedly, identifying and prioritising current and potential Invasive Alien Species (IAS) has become essential to manage them. Horizon Scanning (HS), defined as an ...
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      A Marine Biodiversity Observation Network for Genetic Monitoring of Hard-Bottom Communities (ARMS-MBON) 

      Obst, Matthias; Exter, Katrina; Allcock, A. Louise; Arvanitidis, Christos; Axberg, Alizz; Bustamante González, María; Cancio Uriarte, Ibon; Carreira Flores, Diego; Chatzinikolaou, Eva; Chatzigeorgiou, Giorgos; Chrismas, Nathan; Clark, Melody S.; Comtet, Thierry; Dailianis, Thanos; Davies, Neil; Deneudt, Klaas; Diaz de Cerio Arruabarrena, Oihane ORCID; Fortič, Ana; Gerovasileiou, Vasilis; Hablützel, Pascal I.; Keklikoglou, Kleoniki; Kotoulas, Georgios; Lasota, Rafal; Leite, Barbara R.; Loisel, Stéphane; Lévêque, Laurent; Levy, Liraz; Malachowicz, Magdalena; Mavrič, Borut; Meyer, Christopher; Mortelmans, Jonas; Norkko, Joanna; Pade, Nicolas; Power, Anne Marie; Ramšak, Andreja; Reiss, Henning; Solbakken, Jostein; Staehr, Peter A.; Sundberg, Per; Thyrring, Jakob; Troncoso, Jesus S.; Viard, Frédérique; Wenne, Roman; Yperifanou, Eleni Ioanna; Zbawicka, Malgorzata; Pavloudi, Christina (Frontiers Media, 2020-11-30)
      Marine hard-bottom communities are undergoing severe change under the influence of multiple drivers, notably climate change, extraction of natural resources, pollution and eutrophication, habitat degradation, and invasive ...
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      A meta-analysis of drought effects on litter decomposition in streams 

      Ferreira, Verónica; Graça, Manuel A. S.; Elosegi Irurtia, Arturo ORCID (Springer, 2023-05)
      Droughts, or severe reductions of water flow, are expected to become more frequent and intense in rivers in many regions under the ongoing climate change scenario. It is therefore important to understand stream ecosystem ...
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      A Multi-Species Analysis Defines Anaplerotic Enzymes and Amides as Metabolic Markers for Ammonium Nutrition 

      González Moro, María Begoña; González Moro, Itziar ORCID; De la Peña Cuao, Marlon; Estavillo Aurre, José María ORCID; Aparicio Tejo, Pedro M.; Marino Bilbao, Daniel; González Murua, María del Carmen Begoña; Vega Mas, Izargi Aida (Frontiers Media, 2021-01-27)
      Nitrate and ammonium are the main nitrogen sources in agricultural soils. In the last decade, ammonium (NH4+), a double-sided metabolite, has attracted considerable attention by researchers. Its ubiquitous presence in plant ...
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      A physiological approach to study the competition ability of the grassland species Trifolium pratense and Agrostis capillaris 

      Miranda González de Apodaca, Jon ORCID; Mena Petite, Miren Amaia ORCID; Lacuesta Calvo, Maria Teresa ORCID; Muñoz Rueda, Alberto ORCID; Pérez López, Usue ORCID (Elsevier, 2020-09-19)
      (EN) The response of plant species to external factors depends partly on the interaction with the environment and with the other species that coexist in the same ecosystem. Several studies have investigated the main traits ...
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      A wheat cysteine-rich receptor-like kinase confersbroad-spectrum resistance against Septoria tritici blotch 

      Saintenac, Cyrille; Cambon, Florence; Aouini, Lamia; Verstappen, Els; Tabib Ghaffary, Seyed Mahmoud; Poucet, Théo Jean; Marande, William; Berges, Hélène; Xu, Steven; Jaouannet, Maëlle; Favery, Bruno; Alassimone, Julien; Sánchez Valle, Andrea; Faris, Justin; Kema, Gert; Robert, Oliver; Langin, Thierry (Nature, 2021-01-19)
      The poverty of disease resistance gene reservoirs limits the breeding of crops for durable resistance against evolutionary dynamic pathogens. Zymoseptoria tritici which causes Septoria tritici blotch (STB), represents one ...
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      ABC model for estimating sea lamprey local population size using a simple nest count during the spawning season 

      Dhamelincourt, Marius; Tentelier, Cedric; Elosegi Irurtia, Arturo ORCID (EDP Sciences, 2023-02)
      Population estimation implies considering the biology of the species, but also the constraints of logistic aspects such as cost. While common methods based on individual counts can provide precise estimates, they require ...
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      Acceptance of Near-Natural Greenspace Management Relates to Ecological and Socio-Cultural Assigned Values Among European Urbanites 

      Lampinen, Jussi; Tuomi, Maria; Fischer, Leonie K.; Neuenkamp, Lena; Alday, Josu G.; Bucharova, Anna; Cancellieri, Laura; Casado Arzuaga, Izaskun; Ceplova, Natalie; Cerveró, Lluïsa; Deak, Balazs; Eriksson, Ove; Fellowes, Mark D. E.; Fernández de Manuel, Beatriz; Filibeck, Goffredo; González Guzmán, Adrián; Hinojosa, M. Belén; Kowarik, Ingo; Lumbierres, Belén; Miguel, Ana; Pardo, Rosa; Pons, Xavier; Rodríguez García, Encarna; Schröder, Roland; Sperandii, Marta Gaia; Unterweger, Philipp; Valkó, Orsolya; Vázquez, Víctor; Klaus, Valentin H. (Elsevier, 2021-02)
      Grasslands are widespread elements of urban greenspace providing recreational, psychological and aesthetic benefits to city residents. Two urban grassland types of contrasting management dominate urban greenspaces: frequently ...
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      Acquisition of Desiccation Tolerance Unveiled: Polar Lipid Profiles of Streptophyte Algae Offer Insights 

      Arzac Garmendia, Miren Irati; Miranda González de Apodaca, Jon ORCID; Gasulla, Francisco; Arce Guerrero, María; Fernández Marín, Beatriz; García Plazaola, José Ignacio ORCID (Wiley, 2023-11)
      Terrestrialization by photosynthetic eukaryotes took place in the two branches of green microalgae: Chlorophyta and Charophyta. Within the latter, the paraphyletic streptophytic algae divide into two clades. These are named ...
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      Activation of violaxanthin cycle in darkness is a common response to different abiotic stresses : a case study in Pelvetia canaliculata 

      Fernández Marín, Beatriz; Míguez Cano, Fátima ORCID; Becerril Soto, José María ORCID; García Plazaola, José Ignacio ORCID (BioMed Central, 2011-12-26)
      Background: In the violaxanthin (V) cycle, V is de-epoxidized to zeaxanthin (Z) when strong light or light combined with other stressors lead to an overexcitation of photosystems. However, plants can also suffer stress in ...
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      Ageing kinetics of fern chlorophyllous spores during dry storage is determined by its antioxidant potential and likely induced by photosynthetic machinery 

      López Pozo, Marina; Fernández Marín, Beatriz; García Plazaola, José Ignacio ORCID; Seal, C. E.; Ballesteros, Daniel (Elsevier, 2023-12)
      Ageing in dry chlorophyllous propagules is leaded by photooxidation through the photosynthetic machinery, but why species differ in longevity and the ageing mechanisms of when light and oxygen are absent are unknown. We ...
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      Agriculture impairs stream ecosystem functioning in a tropical catchment 

      Cornejo, Aydeé; Pérez Viñuela, Javier ORCID; López Rojo, Naiara; Tonin, Alan M.; Rovira, Dalys; Checa, Brenda; Jaramillo, Nicomedes; Correa, Karina; Villarreal, Allison; Villarreal, Víctor; García, Gabriela; Pérez, Edgar; Ríos González, Tomas A.; Aguirre, Yusseff; Correa Araneda, Francisco; Boyero González, María Luz ORCID (Elsevier, 2020-11-25)
      The expansion of agriculture is particularly worrying in tropical regions of the world, where native forests are being replaced by crops at alarming rates, with severe consequences for biodiversity and ecosystems. However, ...
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      Allergenicity to worldwide invasive grass Cortaderia selloana as environmental risk to public health 

      Rodríguez, Fernando; Lombardero-Vega, Manuel; San Juan, Lucía; De las Vecillas, Leticia; Alonso, Sofía; Morchón, Eva; Liendo Pérez, Diego; Uranga, Marta; Gandarillas, Alberto (Nature, 2021-12-24)
      Allergies to grass pollen affects about 20% of the population worldwide. In the last few decades, the South American grass Cortaderia selloana (CS, Pampas grass) has expanded worldwide in a variety of countries including ...
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      Amphibian loss alters periphyton structure and invertebrate growth in montane streams 

      Alonso Blanco, Alberto; Monroy Zarzuelo, Silvia ORCID; Bosch, Jaime; Pérez Viñuela, Javier ORCID; Boyero González, María Luz ORCID (Wiley, 2022-11)
      Amphibians are declining worldwide due to a combination of stressors such as climate change, invasive species, habitat loss, pollution and emergent diseases. Although their losses are likely to have important ecological ...
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      Analysing the Synergies and Trade-Offs between Ecosystem Services to Reorient Land Use Planning in Metropolitan Bilbao (Northern Spain) 

      Peña López, Lorena ORCID; Onaindia Olalde, Miren; Fernández de Manuel, Beatriz; Ametzaga Arregi, Ibone ORCID; Casado Arzuaga, Izaskun (MDPI, 2018-11-23)
      In the last decades, some European cities have undergone important changes in search of a more sustainable development. This is the case for the city of Bilbao (Bizkaia, Basque Country), where a Greenbelt has been maintained ...
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      Anianabacter salinae gen. nov., sp. nov. ASV31T, a Facultative Alkaliphilic and Extremely Halotolerant Bacterium Isolated from Brine of a Millennial Continental Saltern 

      Azpiazu Muniozguren, Maia; García, Minerva; Laorden Muñoz, Lorena; Martínez Malax-Echevarría, Irati ORCID; Seoane Parra, Sergio; Bikandi Bikandi, Joseba; Garaizar Candina, Javier ORCID; Martínez Ballesteros, Ilargi ORCID (MDPI, 2022-11-21)
      During a prokaryotic diversity study in Añana Salt Valley, a new Rhodobacteraceae member, designated ASV31T, was isolated from Santa Engracia spring water. It was extremely halotolerant, tolerating up to 23% NaCl, and ...
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      Annual Weedy Species of Erigeron in the Northern Iberian Peninsula: a Review 

      Liendo Pérez, Diego; García Mijangos, Itziar ORCID; Biurrun Galarraga, Miren Idoia ORCID; Campos Prieto, Juan Antonio ORCID (Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2021)
      A revision of the alien Erigeron species formerly included in Conyza found in the northern Iberian Peninsula is presented. A close examination of numerous specimens collected by the authors as well as voucher specimens ...