Examinar Artículos por departamento (eus.) "Erizaintza II"
Now showing items 1-20 of 73
A Participatory Community Diagnosis of a Rural Community from the Perspective of Its Women, Leading to Proposals for Action
(MDPI, 2021-09-14)In primary health care, a community diagnosis is necessary to provide a detailed description of the community as well as an evaluation of the community’s health, including the main factors responsible for it and the needs ... -
Active methodologies in Higher Education: reasons to use them (or not) from the voices of faculty teaching staff
(Springer Nature, 2023-12-11)Teaching based on active methodologies emphasizes the importance of giving students a leading role in the learning process. With the implementation of the European Higher Education Area, universities have undergone a reform ... -
Association among University Students’ Motivation, Resilience, Perceived Competence, and Classroom Climate from the Perspective of Self-Determination Theory
(MDPI, 2023-01-30)Self-determination theory (SDT) suggests that motivation can interact with resilience and perceived competence. The climate-related characteristics of the classroom can influence student motivation. This study aimed to ... -
Beneficial effect of bilingualism on Alzheimer's disease CSF biomarkers and cognition
(Elsevier, 2016-12-01)Bilingualism as a component of cognitive reserve has been claimed to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, its effect on cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) AD-biomarkers has not been investigated. We assessed ... -
Brucella outer membrane complex-loaded microparticles as a vaccine against Brucella ovis in rams
(Elsevier, 2005-11-04)Due to the important drawbacks of the Brucella melitensis Rev 1 vaccine, a safer vaccine based on an outer membrane complex from Brucella ovis encapsulated in poly-ɛ-caprolactone (PEC) microparticles (MP) was developed and ... -
Building capacity for health promotion by addressing nurses' role confusion: Study protocol of a pilot clustered randomised controlled trial
(Wiley, 2021-08-21)Aim To describe the protocol for the pilot phase of a complex intervention, designed to address primary care nurses' role confusion in health promotion. Design A pilot clustered randomized controlled trial, with control ... -
Cerebrospinal fluid mitochondrial DNA in the Alzheimer's disease continuum
(Elsevier, 2017-05-01)Low levels of cell-free mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) patients have been identified and proposed as a novel biomarker for the disease. The lack of validation studies ... -
Chronic social instability stress down-regulates IL-10 and up-regulates CX3CR1 in tumor-bearing and non-tumor-bearing female mice
(Elsevier, 2022-10)Extensive literature has reported a link between stress and tumor progression, and between both of these factors and mental health. Despite the higher incidence of affective disorders in females and the neurochemical ... -
El colapso del bacalao: la construcción de la memoria ayer y hoy
(Eusko Ikaskuntza-Sociedad de Estudios Vascos, 2007)[ES]El bacalao de los Grandes Bancos de Terranova sigue sin recuperar sus stoks biológicos en el año 2005. Se llegó a esta situación por una combinación de factores. Este trabajo muestra la respuesta de los pescadores ante ... -
Comparison between multicomponent and simultaneous dual-task exercise interventions in long-term nursing home residents: the Ageing-ONDUAL-TASK randomized controlled study
(Oxford University Press, 2019-10-09)Background: the potential benefits of dual-task interventions on older adults living in long-term nursing homes (LTNHs) from a multidimensional perspective are unknown. We sought to determine whether the addition of ... -
Development, Application and Evaluation of an Active Learning Methodology for Health Science Students, Oriented towards Equity and Cultural Diversity in the Treatment and Care of Geriatric Patients
(MDPI, 2022-11-06)The increased aging of populations and rises in immigration have prompted the design of new methodologies and instruments for fostering the invisible care of geriatric patients among health science students in accordance ... -
Do Hormone Levels Influence Bullying during Childhood and Adolescence? A Systematic Review of the Literature
(MDPI, 2024-02-14)(1) Background: Bullying is one of the most common forms of aggressive behavior during childhood and adolescence. Some decades ago, researchers began exploring the basis of peer victimization from a biological perspective. ... -
Does the perceived neighborhood environment promote mental health during pregnancy? Confirmation of a pathway through social cohesion in two Spanish samples
(Elsevier, 2021-06)Physical neighborhood attributes such as greenness, walkability and environmental pollution may have an influence on people’s behavior and health. It has been claimed that part of such effects may come from the promotion ... -
Effectiveness of a multicomponent exercise program in the attenuation of frailty in long-term nursing home residents: study protocol for a randomized clinical controlled trial
(Biomed Central, 2017-02-23)Background: There is increasing evidence suggesting that cognition and physical frailty interact within a cycle of decline associated with aging which has been called cognitive frailty. Exercise programs have demonstrated ... -
Effects of a multicomponent physical exercise programme on perceived health-related quality of life and on depressive symptoms in older adults living in long-term nursing homes
(Elsevier, 2023-01)Objectives This study aimed to investigate the impact of a multicomponent exercise programme on perceived health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and depressive symptomatology in older people living in a long-term nursing ... -
Effects of an individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise program on blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body composition in long-term care residents: Randomized controlled trial
(Elsevier, 2022)[EN] This study analyzed the effects of an individualized and progressive multicomponent exercise program on blood pressure, cardiorespiratory fitness, and body composition in long-term care residents. This was a single-blind, ... -
La enfermera novel en la relación de cuidado: a propósito de un caso de hemorragia
(Fundación Index, 2014)En el presente trabajo se expone un caso en el que una enfermera novel establece una interacción con una paciente ingresada debido a un dolor abdominal agudo. Tras la asistencia a las necesidades físicas, la enfermera ... -
Enseñanza y aprendizaje sobre nutrición en estudiantes de enfermería: revisión de alcance
(Universidad de Murcia, 2023-04)Introducción: La ingesta de alimentos puede determinar el estado individual de salud y bienestar de la persona. El abordaje de contenido relevante sobre nutrición en el curriculum de enfermería resulta clave a la hora de ... -
La escala CIBISA: herramienta para la autoevaluación del aprendizaje práctico de estudiantes de enfermería
(Fundación Index, 2017)Objetivo principal: Elaborar y validar un cuestionario para medir el aprendizaje de los cuidados enfermeros durante las prácticas en el grado de enfermería. Metodología: Elaboración de la escala inicial de 45 ítems, ... -
Estilo de vida y percepción de los cuidados en pacientes crónicos: hipertensos y diabéticos
(Fundación Index, 2015-12)Conocer el estilo de vida de pacientes crónicos hipertensos y diabéticos, determinar los fenómenos que influyen en su autocuidado y analizar su percepción del cuidado profesional. Metodología: Estudio cualitativo de tipo ...