Examinar Artículos por departamento (eus.) "Hezkuntza Zientziak"
Now showing items 1-20 of 75
Analyzing University Students’ Perceptions Regarding Mainstream Pornography and Its Link to SDG5
(MDPI, 2022)Background: Violence against women and girls continues to be a widespread problem, and its elimination is one of the targets of the Sustainable Development Goal 5 toward achieving gender equality. One of the main causes ... -
Application of indirect observation within mixed methods to contrast the results obtained through direct observation: a discussion with observed Pikler educators
(Frontiers Media, 2024-06)Introduction: This work arises from a previous research, “Pikler educators early in the morning” carried out in the Emmi Pikler Nursery School in Budapest through Systematic Observation. In it, Piklerian choreographies ... -
Assessing the curriculum and profile of pedagogical professionals for new employment opportunities
(Taylor & Francis, 2021-12)The aim of this article is to analyze the extent to which students and teachers in the Degree in Pedagogy perceive the training they receive is consistent with employment opportunities in specific professional areas. To ... -
Attitudes and anxieties of business and education students towards English: some data from the Basque Country
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)The aim of this article is to focus on university students’ attitudes towards English and their anxieties concerning the use of English in the Basque Country, a multilingual context where exposure to English is limited ... -
Autogenic Training Improves the Subjective Perception of Physical and Psychological Health and of Interpersonal Relational Abilities: An Electronic Field Survey During the COVID-19 Crisis in Spain
(Frontiers, 2021-07-27)Currently, humanity is facing one of the most critical situations of this century, the COVID-19. The adverse effects of the pandemic on the mental health of the population are well known. Fear of illness, confinement, lack ... -
Autonomía: las voces de madres y padres
(Ministerio de Educación, Formación Profesional y Deportes - Gobierno de España, 2015-07-10)El debate entre los planteamientos que subrayan la toma de decisiones y los que destacan dimensiones socio relacionales ha enriquecido el concepto de autonomía, aportando, elementos de reflexión en la investigación de ... -
El ámbito educativo de jóvenes que egresan de recursos residenciales de protección en el estado español
(UNED, 2022-01)Education is a key component for "successful" entry into the labor market. This is especially true for young people who spend their childhood and adolescent years in care before leaving the system at the age of 18. The ... -
Challenges for Teachers' and Students' Digital Abilities: A Mixed Methods Design Study
(MDPI, 2022-04-14)Digital education is a recently highlighted challenge for educational innovation. This study aimed to discover the educational conditions in which teachers and students may be involved during the pandemic, and how these ... -
Communicative anxiety in English as a third language
(Taylor & Francis, 2015-11-10)The present study focuses on the link between three factors, proficiency, language certificates and bilingualism, and levels of communicative anxiety in the third language (English) in two groups of adult users, university ... -
Communicative anxiety in the second and third language
(Taylor & Francis, 2017-01-05)The present paper reports a study on communicative anxiety of two groups of adult users. The paper aims at exploring the communicative anxiety of multilingual speakers and at analysing the communicative anxiety in second ... -
Creatividad e innovación: claves para intervenir en contextos de aprendizaje
(Red Iberoamericana de Investigación sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar (RINACE), 2016-01-16)[ES]Este artículo se centra en el estudio de investigación desarrollado en el País Vasco, enmarcado en un proyecto europeo más amplio, denominado Creanova, cuyo equipo aglutina a personas de instituciones y organismos de ... -
Creencias del futuro profesorado: multilingüismo y la enseñanza de lenguas
(2022-06-29)En las últimas décadas, los pilares de la escuela multilingüe se han afianzado en la Unión Europea, plasmándose en infinidad de propuestas metodológicas innovadoras y en iniciativas precursoras a nivel mundial para la ... -
Dating Violence in Adolescence: Comparison between Scholars and Adolescents in Residential Care
(MDPI, 2022-01-10)(1) Background: Dating violence (DV) among adolescents constitutes a serious problem, not only because of the magnitude of the phenomenon, but also because of the seriousness of the personal and social consequences derived ... -
Dating violence in adolescents in residential care: frequency and associated factors
(John Wiley & Sons, 2022-05)Prevalence of dating violence (DV) is increasing, so the detailed study of the related factors can help to intervene in it more specifically. This study had three goals: to analyze the frequency of DV; to explore the ... -
El desarrollo de la autonomía infantil temprana y el profesorado en formación en Educación Infantil. Variables intervinientes
(Universidad de Murcia, 2022-09)Este estudio pretende conocer las creencias del alumnado del Grado en Educación Infantil sobre la autonomía infantil temprana (0-3 años). Se ha elaborado y aplicado un cuestionario a 165 alumnos-as del Grado en Educación ... -
El desarrollo del pensamiento crítico en la formación inicial del profesorado: Análisis de una estrategia pedagógica desde la visión del alumnado
(Universidad de Granada, 2018-03-01)El nuevo marco universitario, orientado a la adquisición de competencias por parte del alumnado, ha reforzado la necesidad de que este aprenda a aprender y adquiera autonomía intelectual. Resulta, por tanto, necesario ... -
Design and Validation of a Scale for Measuring Well-Being of Children in Lockdown (WCL)
(Frontiers Media, 2020-09-18)The objective of this study was to create and validate an instrument to measure the well-being of children in lockdown. As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, and in the interest of maintaining social distancing, millions ... -
Diálogo y empatía en estudiantes de 10 a 14 años
(Sociedad Española de Pedagogía, 2017-07-07)INTRODUCCIÓN. Saber dialogar es una competencia compleja, que es clave tanto para el desarrollo cognitivo y afectivo como para la convivencia democrática en una sociedad culturalmente diversa. Este trabajo se plantea con ... -
e5: euskararen komunitatearen garapenerako marko interpretatibo berria
(Gobierno de Navarra, 2021-12)Lan honetan «Euskararen Etorkizuneko Eszenarioak Elkarrekin Eraikitzen» (e5) egitasmoa aurkeztuko da. e5 bi helburu nagusiren inguruan ardaztu zen: batetik, hurrengo hamarkadetarako euskalgintzaren aro berria konfiguratzen ... -
Egunerokotasuneko negoziazioak bikote parekideetan
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, 2015-07)[EU] Artikulu honek euren burua bikote berdinzaletzat dutenen inguruko ikerketa baten ondorio garrantzitsuenak jasotzen ditu. Zehazki, bikote-eredu horiek garatzen dituzten negoziazio-prozesuetara hurbilduko gara. Horrela, ...