Now showing items 1-20 of 23

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      A Decision Tree to Assess Short-Term Mortality After an Emergency Department Visit for an Exacerbation of COPD: a Cohort Study 

      Esteban, Cristóbal; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID; García Gutiérrez, Susana; González Hernández, Nerea; Lafuente Guerrero, Iratxe; Baré Mañas, Marisa; Fernández de Larrea, Nerea; Rivas Ruiz, Francisco; Quintana López, José María (Biomed Central, 2015-12-22)
      Background: Creating an easy-to-use instrument to identify predictors of short-term (30/60-day) mortality after an exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (eCOPD) could help clinicians choose specific measures ...
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      Accurate Determination of the Q Quality Factor in Magnetoelastic Resonant Platforms for Advanced Biological Detection 

      Lopes, Ana Catarina; Sagasti Sedano, Ariane; Lasheras Aransay, Andoni ORCID; Muto Foresi, Virginia ORCID; Gutiérrez Etxebarria, Jon; Kouzoudis, Dimitris; Barandiarán García, José Manuel (MDPI, 2018-03)
      The main parameters of magnetoelastic resonators in the detection of chemical (i.e., salts, gases, etc.) or biological (i.e., bacteria, phages, etc.) agents are the sensitivity S (or external agent change magnitude per Hz ...
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      Analysis of latent tuberculosis and mycobacterium avium infection data using mixture models 

      Villate Navarro, José Ignacio; Ibáñez, Berta; Cabriada, Valentín; Pijoán, José Ignacio; Taboada, Jorge; Urkaregi Etxepare, Arantza (BioMed Central, 2006-09-28)
      Background: Estimation of the frequency of latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI) is difficult in areas with low tuberculosis infection rates and high exposure to non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), including BCG vaccination. ...
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      Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Subtypes. Transitions over Time 

      Esteban, Cristóbal; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID; Aburto, Myriam; Moraza, Javier; Quintana, José M.; García Loizaga, Amaia; Basualdo, Luis V.; Aramburu, Amaia; Aizpiri, Susana; Uranga, Ane; Capelastegui, Alberto (Public Library Science, 2016-09-09)
      Background Although subtypes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are recognized, it is unknown what happens to these subtypes over time. Our objectives were to assess the stability of cluster-based subtypes in ...
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      Derivatives of the diameter and the area of a connected component of the pseudospectrum 

      Armentia Galán, Gorka; Gracia Melero, Juan Miguel; Velasco Angulo, Francisco Enrique (International Linear Algebra Society, 2011-01-01)
      The paper concerns the relation between the following two quantities. (i) The Hölder condition number of an eigenvalue λ of a square complex matrix. (ii) The rate of growth of the diameter and the area of the connected ...
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      Development of appropriateness explicit criteria for cataract extraction by phacoemulsification 

      Quintana López, José María; Escobar, Antonio; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID (BioMed Central, 2006-03)
      Background: Consensus development techniques were used in the late 1980s to create explicit criteria for the appropriateness of cataract extraction. We developed a new appropriateness of indications tool for cataract ...
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      Global Self-Regulation of the Cellular Metabolic Structure 

      Martínez de la Fuente Martínez, Ildefonso Abel; Vadillo Arroyo, Fernando; Pérez Samartín, Alberto Luis ORCID; Pérez Pinilla, Martín Blas ORCID; Bidaurrazaga Van Dierdonck, Joseba; Vera López, Antonio (Public Library of Science, 2010-03-02)
      Background: Different studies have shown that cellular enzymatic activities are able to self-organize spontaneously, forming a metabolic core of reactive processes that remain active under different growth conditions while ...
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      Goal-Oriented p-Adaptivity using Unconventional Error Representations for a 1D Steady State Convection-Diffusion Problem 

      Darrigrand, Vincent ORCID; Rodríguez Rozas, Ángel; Pardo Zubiaur, David ORCID; Muga, Ignacio (Elsevier, 2017)
      This work proposes the use of an alternative error representation for Goal-Oriented Adaptivity (GOA) in context of steady state convection dominated diffusion problems. It introduces an arbitrary operator for the computation ...
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      ICCS 2017 Workshop on Agent-Based Simulations, Adaptive Algorithms and Solvers 

      Byrski, A.; Paszyński, M.; Schaefer, R.; Calo, V.; Pardo Zubiaur, David ORCID (Elsevier, 2017)
      This workshop seeks to integrate results from different domains of computer science, computational science, and mathematics. We welcome simulation papers, either hard simulations using finite element or finite difference ...
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      Identical pseudospectra of any geometric multiplicity 

      Armentia Galán, Gorka; Gracia Melero, Juan Miguel; Velasco Angulo, Francisco Enrique (Elsevier, 2011-02-05)
      If A, B are n × n complex matrices such that the singular values of zIn − A are the same as those of zIn − B for each z ∈ C, then A and B are similar.
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      Implicacion de los profesionales de atencion primaria en el programa de deteccion precoz de cancer colorrectal del Pais Vasco 

      Unanue Arza, Saloa; Arana Arri, Eunate; Portillo Villares, María Isabel; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID (Ministerio de Sanidad, Consumo y Bienestar Social, 2021-01-26)
      OBJETIVO: El Gobierno Vasco (Espana) aprobo en 2008 un programa de deteccion del cancer colorrectal de base poblacional en Atencion Primaria. Se ha logrado una cobertura del 100% con una tasa de participacion media del ...
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      On a formula of Thompson and McEnteggert for the adjugate matrix 

      Castillo, Kenier; Zaballa Tejada, Juan Bernardo ORCID (Elsevier, 2022)
      For an eigenvalue lambda(0) of a Hermitian matrix A, the formula of Thompson and McEnteggert gives an explicit expression of the adjugate of lambda I-0 - A, Adj(lambda I-0 - A), in terms of eigenvectors of Afor lambda(0) ...
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      On the boundaries of strict pseudospectra 

      Armentia Galán, Gorka; Gracia Melero, Juan Miguel; Velasco Angulo, Francisco Enrique (Elsevier, 2017-07-15)
      The boundary of the ordinary ε-pseudospectrum of a square matrix is contained in the boundary of the strict ε-pseudospectrum. This content relation may be strict in some cases.
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      Perforated strict pseudospectra of Demmel's matrices 

      Armentia Galán, Gorka; Gracia Melero, Juan Miguel; Velasco Angulo, Francisco Enrique (Elsevier, 2018-03-09)
      Regarding the pseudospectra of matrices it is easy to derive some conclusions from computer made graphics. However, those conclusions might be false without further analysis. Indeed, it happened when discussing the presence ...
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      Predictive factors over time of health-related quality of life in COPD patients 

      Esteban, Cristóbal; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID; Aramburu, Amaia; Moraza, Javier; Najera Zuloaga, Josu; Aburto, Myriam; Aizpiri, Susana; Chasco, Leyre; Quintana López, José María (BMC, 2020-06-05)
      BACKGROUND: Health-related quality of life (HRQoL) should be seen as a tool that provides an overall view of the general clinical condition of a COPD patient. The aims of this study were to identify variables associated ...
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      Stability of reducing subspaces 

      Armentia Galán, Gorka; Gracia Melero, Juan Miguel; Velasco Angulo, Francisco Enrique (Elsevier, 2014-10-30)
      We characterize the stability of reducing subspaces of a rectangular matrix pencil of complex matrices λB − A, except for the special case in which the pencil has no eigenvalues and only has one row and one column minimal ...
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      Subtypes of Patients Experiencing Exacerbations of COPD and Associations with Outcomes 

      Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID; Esteban, Cristóbal; García-Gutierrez, Susana; Baré Mañas, Marisa; Fernández de Larrea, Nerea; Briones, Eduardo; Quintana López, José María (Public Library Science, 2014-06-03)
      Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a complex and heterogeneous condition characterized by occasional exacerbations. Identifying clinical subtypes among patients experiencing COPD exacerbations (ECOPD) could ...
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      Symmetrical Motifs in Young Children’s Drawings: A Study on Their Representations of Plant Life 

      Villarroel Villamor, José Domingo; Merino Maestre, María ORCID; Antón Baranda, Álvaro ORCID (MDPI, 2018-12-29)
      Young children love drawing; this is without question. Besides that, drawings are also of interest to scholars and educators, since they seem to provide food for thought regarding children's conceptual development during ...
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      The IRYSS-COPD appropriateness study: objectives, methodology, and description of the prospective cohort 

      Quintana López, José María; Esteban, Cristóbal; Barrio Beraza, Irantzu; García Gutiérrez, Susana; González, Nerea; Arostegui Madariaga, Inmaculada ORCID; Lafuente Guerrero, Iratxe; Baré Mañas, Marisa; Blasco, Juan Antonio; Vidal, Silvia; IRYSS-COPD Group (BioMed Central, 2011-11)
      Background: Patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) often experience exacerbations of the disease that require hospitalization. Current guidelines offer little guidance for identifying patients whose ...
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      The nucleus does not significantly affect the migratory trajectories of amoeba in two-dimensional environments 

      Martínez de la Fuente Martínez, Ildefonso Abel; Bringas, Carlos; Malaina Celada, Iker ORCID; Regner, Benjamin; Pérez Samartín, Alberto Luis ORCID; Boyano López, María Dolores ORCID; Fedetz, María; López, Jose I.; Pérez-Yarza Pérez-Irezabal, Gorka ORCID; Cortés, Jesús M.; Sejnowski, Terrence (Springer Nature, 2019-11-08)
      For a wide range of cells, from bacteria to mammals, locomotion movements are a crucial systemic behavior for cellular life. Despite its importance in a plethora of fundamental physiological processes and human pathologies, ...