Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Observation of Xi(1620)(0) and Evidence for Xi(1690)(0) in Xi(+)(c) -> Xi(-) pi(+) pi(+) Decays
(American Physical Society, 2019-02-21)
We report the first observation of the double strange baryon Xi(1620)(0) in its decay to Xi(-) pi(+) via Xi(+)(c) -> Xi(-)pi(+)pi(+) decays based on a 980 fb(-1) data sample collected with the Belle detector at the KEKB ...
Observation of TransverseΛ= ̄ΛHyperon Polarization ine+e−Annihilation at Belle
(American Physical Society, 2019-01-29)
We report the first observation of the spontaneous polarization of Lambda and (Lambda) over bar hyperons transverse to the production plane in e(+)e(-) annihilation, which is attributed to the effect arising from a polarizing ...
Measurements of Isospin Asymmetry and Difference of Direct CP Asymmetries in Inclusive B→Xsγ Decays
(American Physical Society, 2019-02-20)
We report measurements of isospin asymmetry Delta(0-) and difference of direct CP asymmetries Delta A(CP) between charged and neutral B -> X-s gamma decays. This analysis is based on the data sample containing 772 x 10(6)B ...
Measurements of Branching Fraction and Direct CP Asymmetry in B-+/- -> (KSKSK +/-)-K-0-K-0 and a Search for B-+/- -> (KSKS0)-K-0 pi(+/-)
(American Physical Society, 2019-02-20)
We study charmless hadronic decays of charged B mesons to the final states (KSKSK +/-)-K-0-K-0 and (KSKS0)-K-0 pi(+/-) using a 711 fb(-1) data sample that contains 772 x 10(6) B (B) over bar pairs and was collected at the ...
First Measurements of Absolute Branching Fractions of the Xi(0)(c) Baryon at Belle
(American Physical Society, 2019-02-25)
We present the first measurements of absolute branching fractions of Xi(0)(c) decays into Xi(-)pi(+), Lambda K-pi(+), and pK(-)K(-)pi(+) final states. The measurements are made using a dataset comprising (772 +/- 11) x ...
Search forΩ(2012)→KΞ(1530)→KπΞat Belle
(American Physical Society, 2019-08)
Using data samples of e(+)e(-) collisions collected at the Upsilon(1S), Upsilon(2S), and Upsilon(3S) resonances with the Belle detector, we search for the three-body decay of the Omega(2012) baryon to K pi Xi. This decay ...
Measurement of the CKM matrix element vertical bar V-cb vertical bar from B-0 -> D*(-)l(+)nu(l) at Belle
(American Physical Society, 2019-09-11)
We present a new measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element vertical bar V-cb vertical bar from B-0 -> D*(-)l(+)nu(l) decays, reconstructed with the full Belle data set of 711 fb(-1) integrated luminosity. ...
Observation of tau(-) -> pi(-)nu(tau)e(+)e(-) and search for tau(-) -> pi(-)nu(tau)mu(+)mu(-)
(American Physical Society, 2019-10-15)
We present the first measurements of branching fractions of rare tau-lepton decays, tau(-) -> pi(-)nu(tau)l(+)l(-) (l = e or mu), using a data sample corresponding to 562 fb(-1) collected at a center-of-mass energy of 10.58 ...
Evidence for B+ -> h(c)K(+) and observation of eta(c()2S) -> p(p)over-bar pi(+)pi(-)
(American Physical Society, 2019-07-10)
A search for the decays B+ -> h(c)K(+) and B-0 -> h(c)K(S)(0) is performed. Evidence for the decay B+ -> h(c)K(+) is found; its significance is 4.8 sigma. No evidence is found for B-0 -> h(c)K(S)(0). The branching fraction ...
Search for X(3872) and X(3915) decay into chi(c1)pi(0) in B decays at Belle
(American Physical Society, 2019-06-12)
We report a search for X(3872) and X(3915) in B+ ->chi(c1)pi K-0(+) decays. We set an upper limit of B(B+ -> X(3872)K+) x B(X(3872) -> chi(c1)pi(0)) < 8.1 x 10(-6) and B(B+ -> X(3915)K+) x B(X(3915) -> chi(c1)pi(0)) < 3.8 ...