Artikuluak;;Artículos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 13-16 of 12377
Phase Asymmetry: A New Parameter for Detecting Single-Phase Earth Faults in Compensated MV Networks
(IEEE, 2011-05-27)Traditionally, the detection of high-resistance earth faults has been a difficult task in compensated medium-voltage (MV) distribution networks, mainly due to its very low-current fault. To date, several techniques have ... -
On the equivalent flexural and shear moduli of laminated beams: Definition and determination by bending tests
(Elsevier, 2023-12)Equivalent flexural and shear moduli of laminated beams of rectangular cross-section made of orthotropic layers are defined by an analytical approach. Equivalent flexural and shear modulus are defined as those that would ... -
Novel methodology to transfer digitized casts onto a virtual dental articulator
(Elsevier, 2013-03-21)This paper introduces a research project aiming at building a digital facebow with which maxillary casts (upper models or arcades) can be located on a virtual dental articulator. Its main goal is to improve the design ... -
Mode decoupling in interlaminar fracture toughness tests on bimaterial specimens
(Elsevier, 2023-09-27)The present work has a two-fold objective: (i) to critically review the methods for fracture mode decoupling in unconventional laboratory specimens, such as the asymmetric double cantilever beam (ADCB) specimen; and (ii) ...