Intensive studies of the magnetoimpedance (MI) effect in nanostructured multilayers provide a good phenomenological basis and theoretical description for the symmetric case when top and bottom layers of ferromagnet/conductor/ferromagnet structure have the same thickness and consist of one magnetic layer each. At the same time, there is no model to describe the MI response in multilayered films. Here, we propose the corresponding model and analyze the influence of the multilayer parameters on the field and frequency dependences of the MI. The approach is based on the calculation of the field distribution within the multilayer by means of a solution of lineralizied Maxwell equations together with the Landau-Lifshitz equation for the magnetization motion. The theoretical model developed allows one to explain qualitatively the main features of the MI effect in multilayers and could be useful for optimization of the film parameters. It might also be useful as a model case for the development of MI magnetic biosensors for magnetic biomarker detection.