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      Impact of the phase out of French nuclear plants on the Spanish electricity market 

      Vera Vera, Cynthia Gabriela (2020)
      One of the key elements in the transition to low carbon economies is the phase-out of fossil-fuel based technologies. Nuclear power, despite not being a high emitting source, is one of the technologies at the heart of the ...
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      Improving the understanding of individual and household characteristics in the analysis of poverty in Bolivia 

      Pinto Dorado, Jesua (2022)
      This thesis aims to determine to what extent differences in individual and household characteristics within the same country affect the poverty of different areas of Bolivia or different social groups. The analysis is ...
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      Labor market transitions and the emancipation of young people 

      Bilbao Toucet, Ibone (2022)
      Youth emancipation is defined as the state of independence that young people achieve when they have a job and can afford housing independent of their parents. In the last decade, Spain shows a growing number of young people ...
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      Measuring economic segregation in the US-Metropolitan areas 

      Kurtz, Robert (2021)
      This paper aims to provide empirical evidence on “Income Ethnical Segregation” by constructing an index that analyses US Census Data from 1990 until 2010. Following the groundwork of the “SSI” the results can be considered ...
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      Measuring healthcare deprivation from self-reported data 

      Clemente Marcuello, María (2022)
      The aim of this Master’s thesis is to analyze households’ healthcare deprivation and its determinants in Spain for the years 2014, 2017 and 2020. The analysis is divided in two main sections; the first one aims to determine ...
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      Measuring school income segregation in Spain 

      San Vicente Larrondo, Lander (2020)
      In this work, our goal is to answer if Spanish students are differently located among schools depending on their standard of living. In other words, we analyse the segregation by income in schools in Spain. To do so, we ...
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      Opportunity bias in Spain: empirical evidence, drivers and trends 

      Curull Sentís, Marta (2021)
      The aim of this study is to measure opportunity bias in Spain. This purpose requires to analyse current outcomes as a function of opportunities, and how the latter affect the first. Opportunities are defined in terms of ...
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      Pigmentocracy, social mobility and inequality of opportunity in Mexico 

      Abarca Kerlegand, Rodrigo (2020)
      Wealth inequality in Mexico has gained attention in recent years, with a public responding to economic realities that precipitate less security and a more narrow horizon of opportunity for its citizens. This paper examines ...
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      Poverty in the Basque Country and poverty reduction measures 

      Romero Matilla, Gonzalo (2019)
      After the Great Recession, there is a wide debate about the implementation of Minimum Income Schemes (MIS) in order to reduce poverty. In this paper, we analyze the evolution of poverty and inequality in the Basque Country ...
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      Public and private interest politics 

      Miguélez García, Alba (2019)
      This paper analyses the factors that influence politicians to enter politics. The objective of the project is to examine if the main motivation of politicians to enter politics is public interest or private interest. In ...
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      Robotization in Spanish firms: The impact of automation 

      Belar Totorikaguena, Josu (2023)
      Based on the studies conducted by Acemoglu, Lelarge, and Restrepo (2020) and Koch, Manuylov, and Smolka (2021), this article aims to assess the short-term impact of robot adoption on the performance of Spanish manufacturing ...
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      School bullying and social networks 

      Vasco Ruiz, Mónica (2022)
      Although school bullying has enormous health, social, and economic consequences that last throughout the entire human life, most bullying- prevention programs are ineffective partially because detecting bullies and their ...
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      Social class segregation in upper-secondary school choice in Canada 

      Iraburu Muñoz, Pedro (2020)
      The aim of this work is to analyze how the spoken language at home influences the parental decision on school choice in Canada. There is a vast literature on the factors affecting school choice, but very little research ...
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      Spanish income mobility in the period 2017-2020 

      Pérez San Juan, Nerea (2023)
      Income mobility is a dynamic phenomenon that may pave the way for the establishment of egalitarian societies aimed at enhancing the global welfare of the individuals and dismantling social and economic concerns such as ...
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      Subjective well-being and consumption: defining the relationship and exploring the effects of overconsumption 

      Blevins, Rebecca Jane (2023)
      Previous economic studies on subjective well-being have primarily focused on income, and limited research has been conducted on the relationship between consumption and subjective well-being, which lies at the core of ...
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      Supported degree: a new network measure 

      Serebriakov, Ivan (2021)
      Since interaction between people exists at all levels of human activity, understanding how the patterns of interactions shape behavior and performance of network members is a key question across social sciences. This ...
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      Territorial distribution of immigrants in Europe 

      Gurrutxaga Urzaa, Aiert (2020)
      Uneven distribution of immigrant population has diverse consequences in countries and societies. We call immigrants those that have a nationality different to the reporting country. Some European regions have an important ...
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      The demand for health services in Spain: does having private insurance matter? 

      Alzugaray Garcia, Joaquin (2021)
      The purpose of this thesis is to explore the question of whether there exists any difference in the use of the Spanish healthcare services between privately and publicly insured individuals. The analysis is carried out ...
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      The economic consequences of the Brexit vote 

      Lizarraga Álvarez, Imanol (2019)
      On June 2016, the British people voted to leave the European Union. This unexpected result provides us with the opportunity to study the impact of the vote on the economy. We replicate the work done by Born et al. (2017) ...
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      The effect of a newborn on Spanish households' expenditure 

      Abente Galeano, Raúl Emilio (2020)
      This article aims to carry out an analysis of the effects of a newborn on Spanish households expenditure in 2014 and 2015. A standard difference-in-differences (DID) estimator would then compare the change in expenditure ...