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dc.contributor.advisorArana Arrieta, Edorta ORCID
dc.contributor.authorAzpeitia Iruretagoiena, Itziar
dc.description739 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThis PhD dissertation has two main parts. The objective of the first part is to conduct research on the bad reputation of television and of television entertainment in particular, and, at the same time, to enquire into trends, theories, approaches and research models that allow a more positive perspective to the study of both this medium, an the entertaiment genre in particular. Its contributions to public television are also studied. This part consist mainly of documental research. A global, international approach is taken for that, from the pespective of various academic fields and disciplines, among which are sociology, audience and reception studies, cultural and popular culture studies, media effects, psychology, as well as television studies. The opinions and reports of professionals from the television industry are also taken into account. The second part of this research is a case study. A specific entertaiment television programme, the Basque night-shoy magazine Sorginen Laratza, is analysed, to identify its contributions both to the public television channel where it was produced and broadcast, and to the society where it is embedded. This study covers three main areas: content, production/management and audience/recepcion; and various research modes. The reflections and conclusions presented can be extrapolated to similar cases, as well as to public televison in general, at present times. A broad range of topics are posed throughout this doctoral thesis, and the particular features of the current television landscape are also reflected. A holistic approach is taken, several types of research methods are applied and both proffesional and academic analyses are combined.es_ES
dc.subjectcommunications policyes_ES
dc.subjectmass mediaes_ES
dc.subjectpolítica de comunicacioneses_ES
dc.subjectmedios de comunicación sociales_ES
dc.titleBeyond negativity on television entertainment: positive perspectives and research on its contribution to public television. Additional analysis: the Basque night-show magazine Sorginen Laratza at Euskal Telebistaes_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España*
dc.rights.holder(cc)2019 ITZIAR AZPEITIA IRURETAGOIENA (cc by-nc-nd 4.0)
dc.departamentoesComunicación audiovisual y publicidades_ES
dc.departamentoeuIkus-entzunezko komunikazioa eta publizitateaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 3.0 España
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