Euskal fonologiarantz: Julien Vinsonen "Premier essai de phonétique basque" (1870-1873)
Bihotz ahots. M. L. Oñederra irakaslearen omenez : 311-324 (2019)
[EN This paper’s aims to introduce and examine a forerunner work in Basque Phonology: Julien Vinson’s “Premier essai de phonétique basque” (1870-1873). Firstly, I have briefly summarized the researches on Basque sounds in Vinson’s lifetime through the end of the 19th century (§ 2). Secondly, in the main section, I have examined Vinson’s article; I have described its structure and added some details about Vinson’s methodology (§ 3.1), and then, according to Lass (1984), I have shown the evidence of a phonological analysis which can be found in Vinson’s article: phoneme inventory (§ 3.2), allophonic rules (§ 3.3) and phonotactic constraints (§ 3.4); at the end of the section, it is given further details about some reflections which can be found at the conclusions of Vinson’s work (§ 3.5). Finally, this contribution is closed by my conclusions (§ 4). [EUS Artikulu honek euskal fonologiaren lan aitzindari bat aurkeztu eta aztertzeko asmoa du: Julien Vinsonen «Premier essai de phonétique basque» (1870-1873), alegia. Horretarako, lehenik, Vinsonen garaian eta xix. mendea amaitu arte euskal hotsei buruz egin ziren ikerketen aurkezpen laburra egin dut (§ 2). Gero, atal nagusian Vinsonen artikulua aztertu dut; artikuluaren egitura deskribatu eta erabilitako metodoaz zertzelada batzuk erantsi ondoren (§ 3.1), Vinsonen artikuluan identifikatu ditudan analisi fonologikoaren zantzuak azaldu ditut (Lass 1984): fonemen inbentarioa (§ 3.2), arau alofonikoak (§ 3.3) eta murriztapen fonotaktikoak (§ 3.4); atala amaitzeko, Vinsonen artikuluko ondorioetan agertzen diren gogoeta batzuk ekarri ditut (§ 3.5). Ondorioek itxi dute nire ekarpena (§ 4).