Wannier90 as a community code: new features and applications
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Pizzi, Giovanni
Vitale, Valerio
Nomura, Yusuke
Paulatto, Lorenzo
Ponce, Samuel
Arita, Ryotaro
Bluegel, Stefan
Freimuth, Frank
Géranton, Guillaume
Gibertini, Marco
Gresch, Dominik
Johnson, Charles
Koretsune, Takashi
Ibañez Azpiroz, Julen
Lee, Hyungjun
Lihm, Jae-Mo
Marchand, Daniel
Marrazzo, Antimo
Mokrousov, Yuriy
Mustafa, Jamal Ibrahim
Nohara, Yoshiro
Ponweiser, Thomas
Qiao, Junfeng
Thöle, Florian
Tsirkin, Stepan S.
Wierzbowska, Malgorzata
Marzari, Nicola
Vanderbilt, David
Souza, Ivo
Mostofi, Arash A.
Yates, Jonathan R.
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Journal of physics. Condensed matter : 32(16) : (2020) // Article ID 165902
Wannier90 is an open-source computer program for calculating maximally-localised Wannier functions (MLWFs) from a set of Bloch states. It is interfaced to many widely used electronic-structure codes thanks to its independence from the basis sets representing these Bloch states. In the past few years the development of Wannier90 has transitioned to a community-driven model; this has resulted in a number of new developments that have been recently released in Wannier90 v3.0. In this article we describe these new functionalities, that include the implementation of new features for wannierisation and disentanglement (symmetry-adapted Wannier functions, selectively-localised Wannier functions, selected columns of the density matrix) and the ability to calculate new properties (shift currents and Berry-curvature dipole, and a new interface to many-body perturbation theory); performance improvements, including parallelisation of the core code; enhancements in functionality (support for spinor-valued Wannier functions, more accurate methods to interpolate quantities in the Brillouin zone); improved usability (improved plotting routines, integration with high-throughput automation frameworks), as well as the implementation of modern software engineering practices (unit testing, continuous integration, and automatic source-code documentation). These new features, capabilities, and code development model aim to further sustain and expand the community uptake and range of applicability, that nowadays spans complex and accurate dielectric, electronic, magnetic, optical, topological and transport properties of materials.