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dc.contributor.advisorZuza Elosegui, Rafael
dc.contributor.authorDe Miguel Fernández-Villa, Ricardo
dc.description.abstractWe are experiencing a comeback in the use of wood as a structural material in the construction of buildings, especially in the case of high-rise construction. Several factors are contributing to this rebirth of wood: the development of new materials such as the Crosslaminated Panel or CLT, the improvement of existing materials, gluing and jointing, new technologies such as Numerical Control, wide and fast production capacity, in addition to the lower qualification necessary in labor for its production and installation, overcoming topics such as its affectation by fire and greater degradation than other materials, and changes in regulations are allowing its quick development in its use as structural material, moving to a fast evolution in terms of the height achieved by these structures. Currently the 18 stories have been reached, with plans to double it in a few years with several projects. In this investigation, the different types of structural systems currently used in high-rise buildings are compared, and a new type is proposed, based on timber box-beams as a more sustainable alternative to systems with massive use of wood or mixed systems with concrete or steel, generally used today. In the present work, box beams made with timber panels for the formation of beams, pillars, connections and bracing core for high-rise buildings will be proposed, and their viability will be demonstrated through the design and structural calculation of a 21-storey building made with the proposed method.es_ES
dc.subjecttimber box beamses_ES
dc.subjecttimber high-rise buildingses_ES
dc.titleSecciones huecas en edificios de madera en altura (box-beams)es_ES
dc.title.alternativeBox beams as structural system in timber high-rise buildingses_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial 3.0 España*

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Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España
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