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dc.contributor.authorHirahara, T.
dc.contributor.authorOtrokov, Mikhail M.
dc.contributor.authorSasaki, T. T.
dc.contributor.authorSumida, K.
dc.contributor.authorTomohiro, Y.
dc.contributor.authorKusaka, S.
dc.contributor.authorOkuyama, Y.
dc.contributor.authorIchinokura, S.
dc.contributor.authorKobayashi, M.
dc.contributor.authorTakeda, Y.
dc.contributor.authorAmemiya, K.
dc.contributor.authorShirasawa, T.
dc.contributor.authorIdeta, S.
dc.contributor.authorMiyamoto, K.
dc.contributor.authorTanaka, K.
dc.contributor.authorKuroda, S.
dc.contributor.authorOkuda, T.
dc.contributor.authorHono, K.
dc.contributor.authorEremeev, S. V.
dc.contributor.authorChulkov, Evgueni V.
dc.identifier.citationNature Communications 11(1) : (2020) // Article ID 4821es_ES
dc.description.abstractMaterials that possess nontrivial topology and magnetism is known to exhibit exotic quantum phenomena such as the quantum anomalous Hall effect. Here, we fabricate a novel magnetic topological heterostructure Mn4Bi2Te7/Bi2Te3 where multiple magnetic layers are inserted into the topmost quintuple layer of the original topological insulator Bi2Te3. A massive Dirac cone (DC) with a gap of 40-75meV at 16K is observed. By tracing the temperature evolution, this gap is shown to gradually decrease with increasing temperature and a blunt transition from a massive to a massless DC occurs around 200-250K. Structural analysis shows that the samples also contain MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3. Magnetic measurements show that there are two distinct Mn components in the system that corresponds to the two heterostructures; MnBi2Te4/Bi2Te3 is paramagnetic at 6K while Mn4Bi2Te7/Bi2Te3 is ferromagnetic with a negative hysteresis (critical temperature similar to 20K). This novel heterostructure is potentially important for future device applications.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipT.H. was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 18H03877, the Murata Science Foundation (No. H30-084), the Asahi Glass Foundation, Tokyo Tech. Challenging Research Award, and the Iketani Science and Technology Foundation (No. 0321083-A). M.K. was supported by the Spintronics Research Network of Japan (Spin-RNJ). The ARPES measurements were performed under the UVSOR proposal Nos. 29-837, 30-571, 30-860 and the SARPES measurements were performed under the HiSOR proposal No. 16BG001. The XMCD measurements were performed at JAEA beamline BL-23SU in SPring-8 (Proposal No. 2018B3843) and also at PF-KEK (PF PAC No. 17P006). The work at SPring-8 was performed under the Shared Use Program of JAEA Facilities (Proposal No. 2018B-E21) with the approval of Nanotechnology Platform project supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Proposal No. A-18-AE-0039). The support by Tomsk State University competitiveness improvement program (No., the Saint Petersburg State University (Project ID 51126254), the Russian Science Foundation (Grant No. 18-12-00169) and the Government research assignment for ISPMS SB RAS, project No. III.23.2.9 is gratefully acknowledged. M.M.O. acknowledges the support by Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion (Grant No. PID2019-103910GB-I00).es_ES
dc.titleFabrication of a Novel Magnetic Topological Heterostructure and Temperature Evolution of its Massive Dirac Conees_ES
dc.rights.holderThis article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0)es_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución 3.0 España*
dc.departamentoesFísica de materialeses_ES
dc.departamentoeuMaterialen fisikaes_ES

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