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      A Simple Model of Anticompetitive Vertical Integration 

      Sandonís, Joel; Faulí Oller, Ramón (2003-01)
      The result of neutrality of vertical integration for competition postulated by the Chicago School can be supported by a benchmark model with (1) an upstream monopolist, (2) homogeneous goods downstream and (3) observable ...
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      Application of the Analysis Cluster in the economic environment. A study of the neighborhoods of Donostia 

      Jiménez López, Mariano ORCID; Zárraga Castro, María Amaya ORCID; Zubia Zubiaurre, Marian ORCID (2000-10)
      [EN] We try to study the quality of life in Donostia, in the sense that we want to study the relationship that can exist among those inhabitants of the housings and the structure of the same ones. We will attempt to look ...
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      Bayesian learning in mis-specified models 

      Schinkel, Maarten-Pieter; Tuinstra, Jan; Vermeulen, Dries (2000-02)
      A central unanswered question in economic theory is that of price formation in disequilibrium. This paper lays down the methodological groundwork for a model that has been suggested as an answer to this question (Arrow, ...
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      Choice of Product Variety for the Durable Goods Monopolist 

      Casado Izaga, Francisco Javier ORCID; Saracho de la Torre, Ana Isabel (1999-01)
      This paper analyzes the strategic choice of variety by a monopolist seller of a durable good as a means to mitigate his commitment problem. The monopolist chooses his product variety with a goal of ensuring that a strong ...
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      Commitment Power in a Non-Stationary Durable-Good Market 

      Usategui Díaz de Otalora, José María ORCID (2001-05)
      This paper derives and evaluates the decisions of a durable good monopolist in a context where demand for the services of the durable good changes over time. It shows that, if the size of the market decreases over time, ...
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      ¿Es necesaria una política redistributiva del ingreso en Chile? Evidencia Empírica desde el principio de igualdad de oportunidades 

      Cabrales Gómez, Fernando; Fernández Sainz, Ana Isabel ORCID; Grafe Arias, Federico Hans (2004)
      [ES] Este trabajo evalúa la política tributaria vigente en Chile desde la perspectiva del criterio de Igualdad de Oportunidades. Bajo este criterio es deseable actuar para compensar a las personas por las circunstancias ...
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      Merging to License: Internal vs. External Patentee 

      Sandonís, Joel; Faulí Oller, Ramón (2003-01)
      In this paper, we endogenize the decision of a research laboratory that owns a patented process innovation on whether to remain independent as an external patentee or to merge with a manufacturing firm, becoming an internal ...
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      Optimal Environmental Taxation When Goods and Contamination are Durable 

      Sagasta Elorza, Amagoia ORCID (1999-11)
      [EN] This paper analyzes the effects of optimal taxation on a polluting monopolist who produces a durable good and cannot precommit to future sale prices. The government establishes the taxes that maximize social welfare, ...
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      Product Differentiation with Consumer Arbitrage 

      Aguirre Pérez, Iñaki ORCID; Espinosa Alejos, María Paz ORCID (2003-03)
      We analyze the consequences of consumers behavior concerning personal arbitrage in a spatial discrimination context where firms know the consumers distribution but cannot distinguish them by location. The firms' equilibrium ...
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      Should Owners of Firms Delegate Long-run Decisions? 

      Bárcena Ruiz, Juan Carlos; Casado Izaga, Francisco Javier ORCID (1999-11)
      This paper analyzes whether owners of firms have incentives to delegate their long-run decisions to managers or not. The result arising from our analysis shows that owners do have incentives to keep their long-run decisions ...
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      Transboundary Externalities in the Environmental Transition Hypothesis 

      Ansuategui Cobo, José Alberto ORCID; Perrings, Charles (1999-01)
      The Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC) is a hypothesis which implies that it is possible to "grow out of environmental degradation." Most theoretical models of the EKC relation have not accounted for transboundary and ...