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dc.contributor.advisorGorter, Durk ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorAltuna Urdin, Jon
dc.contributor.authorGartziarena San Policarpo, Mikel ORCID
dc.description300 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractEskuarteko doktorego-tesiaren helbururik behinena da irakasleen eleaniztasun- eta metodologia-usteak ezagutu eta horietatik guztietatik esanguratsuenak identifikatzea. Ikerlanaren euskarri teorikoak Focus on Multilingualism eredua eta susperraldian dauden ikuspegi eleanitzak dira, hizkuntzen arteko mugak malgu ulertu eta, aldi berean, euskaran ardazten direnak. Hizkuntzen ikuspegi integratzaile eta abegikorrak zutabe dira lan honetan. Hizkuntzen ikuspegi tradizionaletik aldentzen da eta komunikazio-ikuspegira hurbiltzen, eleaniztunaren ezaugarriak hizkuntzak ikasteko aukera gisa ulertzen baititu. Eleaniztunaren hizkuntza-ezagutzak baliatzen dituzten teoriak oinarri dira hizkuntzak eraginkortasun handiagoarekin irakasteko eta errealitatetik gertuagoko hizkuntza hauspotzeko. Emaitzek ondorio anitz ekarriko dute, eta azpimarragarrienek erakutsiko dute irakasleek uste positiboak dituztela eleaniztasunaren eta metodologia modernoen alde. Erro sakonak dituzte euskararen aldeko usteek, eta irakasleek soilik ulertuko dute eleaniztasuna euskara baldin bada ardatz. Era berean, hizkuntza ororen mintzamena lantzen lagunduko dieten metodologien aldarria egingo dute irakasleek, hizkuntzaren ezagutzatik eta formatik ahozkorako eta erabilerarako jauzian prestutasuna erakutsirik. Irakasleen ustea da ahozko jarduna hizkuntza ororen bihotza dela. Irakasleen metodologia-usteak modernoak dira, eta ikuspegi komunikatibotik edaten dute; edonola ere, nahi baino gehiago darabiltzate metodologia tradizionalak. Doktorego-tesi honek osagai aproposak identifikatuko ditu irakasleak jardun-eleaniztunetan eta ahozkotasunean oinarritutako metodologietan trebatzeko, etorkizunari begira euskal hezkuntzan lagungarri izan daitezkeenak.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the doctoral thesis is to detect and understand beliefs of teachers about multilingualism and teaching methodologies and to identify the most significant patterns. The theoretical base of the study is the Focus on Multilingualism model, which implies a multilingual view of languages, and which assumes in soft boundaries between languages while keeping the focus on the Basque language. The integrative approach to languages is the basis of this investigation and it moves away from a traditional vision of languages and comes closer to communicative and multilingual approaches as it considers the characteristics of multilingualism opportunities to learn languages. Theories that value the use of the learners¿ linguistic knowledge are the basis for teaching more effectively and for teaching approaches which are closer to the multilingual speech.In terms of methodology, the study is mainly quantitative, but qualitative data is also present. Based on several existing questionnaires, the online questionnaire gathered the responses from almost 1,100 teachers. As a second step, four focus group discussions were organized with in-service teachers, one in each historical territory. The results are discussed extensively, and the most remarkable show that teachers have positive beliefs in favor of multilingualism and of modern methodologies. The convictions in favor of the Basque language are deeply rooted, and these teachers seem to consider multilingualism only positive if the focus remains on the Basque language. Teachers claim that they prefer methodologies that help them to work on the oral aspect of languages, and that support a switch from the knowledge to the actual use of the language. Teachers believe that oral activity is at the heart of any language. Teachers beliefs about methodologies are mostly modern and from a communicative perspective, although they admitted to using more often traditional methodologies than they wanted. This doctoral thesis identifies a need to train teachers in multilingual approaches and speaking-based methodologies that can be helpful for the future of teaching languages in the Basque school.es_ES
dc.subjectteaching of languageses_ES
dc.subjecteducational theorieses_ES
dc.subjectenseñanza de idiomases_ES
dc.subjectteorías pedagógicases_ES
dc.titleHegoaldeko lehen hezkuntza-irakasleen eleaniztasun eta metodologia usteakes_ES
dc.title.alternativePrimary school teacher's beliefs about multilingualism and metholologies in hegoaldees_ES
dc.departamentoesCiencias de la Educaciónes_ES
dc.departamentoeuHezkuntza Zientziakes_ES

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