LDGP - Hitzaldi Komunikazioak;;LDGP - Comunicaciones de Congresos: Recent submissions
Now showing items 17-20 of 26
Methodological keys for the acquisition and long-term use of photographic collections representing elements of Heritage
(Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology (CAA), 2010-04)[EN] Photographic pictures contain high-resolution information about the elements of Heritage and they can be obtained at a low cost. Besides, they can be used metrically with different degrees of accuracy: from the ... -
Model of sources: a proposal for the hierarchy, merging strategy and representation of the information sources in virtual models of historical buildings
(Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archeology (CAA), 2010-04)[EN] Virtual models show an image of the historical buildings for a specific moment in time and with a definite level of detail. Many information sources are normally required to build up a virtual model, some common ... -
Time transcendence, metadata and future utilization in 3D models of point clouds for heritage elements
(Ausonius éditions, 2007-11)[EN] Heritage is not static, on the contrary, it is subject to continuous modifications and transformations which, at worst, go as far as to their complete disappearance; for this reason, information referring to heritage ... -
Aportaciones metodológicas a la gestión y explotación de nubes de puntos procedentes de escáneres tridimensionales, aplicados a la documentación geométrica del patrimonio. El caso de la Portada de los Hierros de la Catedral de Valencia
(Centro Internacional para la Conservación del Patrimonio (CICOP), 2008-07)[ES] La medida y representación de elementos patrimoniales, a través de su documentación geométrica, es una de las necesidades previas a la realización de cualquier tipo de intervención para su conservación o restauración, ...