Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations
Ikusi/ Ireki
Marques Oliveira, Joana
Sicardy, Bruno
Gómes Junior, A.R.
Ortiz, J.L.
Strobel, D.F.
Bertrand, Tanguy
Forget, F.
Lellouch, E.
Desmars, J.
Bérard, D.
Doressoundiram, A.
Lecacheux, J.
Leiva, R.
Meza, E.
Roques, F.
Souami, D.
Widemann, Thomas
Santos Sanz, Pablo
Morales, N.
Duffard, Rene
Fernández Valenzuela, Estela
Castro Tirado, A.J.
Braga Ribas, Felipe
Morgado, Bruno
Assafin, Marcelo
Bueno de Camargo, Julio Ignacio
Vieira Martins, Roberto
Benedetti Rossi, Gustavo
Santos Filho, S.
Banda Huarca, M.V.
Quispe Huaynasi, F.
Pereira, Chrystian Luciano
Rommel, Flavia Luane
Margoti, Giuliano
Dias Oliveira, A.
Colas, F.
Berthier, J.
Renner, S.
Pérez Hoyos, Santiago
Beisker, W.
Kretlow, Mike
Herald, D.
Gault, D.
Bath, K.-L.
Bode, H.-J.
Bredner, E.
Guhl, K.
Haymes, T.V.
Hummel, E.
Kattentidt, B.
Klös, O.
Pratt, A.
Thome, B.
Avdellidou, Chrysa
Gazeas, K.
Karampotsiou, E.
Tzouganatos, L.
Kardasis, E.
Christou, A.A.
Xilouris, Emmanuel
Alikakos, I.
Gourzelas, A.
Liakos, Alexios
Charmandaris, Vassilis
Jelínek, Martin
Štrobl, Jan
Eberle, A.
Rapp, K.
Gährken, B.
Klemt, B.
Kowollik, S.
Bitzer, R.
Miller, M.
Herzogenrath, G.
Frangenberg, Dirk
Brandis, L.
Pütz, I.
Perdelwitz, Volker
Piehler, G. M.
Riepe, P.
von Poschinger, K.
Baruffetti, P.
Cenadelli, D.
Christille, J.-M.
Ciabattari, F.
Di Luca, R.
Alboresi, D.
Leto, Giuseppe
Zanmar Sánchez, R.
Bruno, P.
Occhipinti, G.
Morrone, L.
Cupolino, L.
Noschese, A.
Vecchione, A.
Scalia, Cesare
Lo Savio, R.
Giardina, G.
Kamoun, S.
Barbosa, R.
Behrend, R.
Spano, M.
Bouchet, E.
Cottier, M.
Falco, L.
G. Gallego, Sofía
Tortorelli, Luca
Sposetti, S.
Sussenbach, J.
Van Den Abbeel, F.
André, P.
Llibre, M.
Pailler, Frédéric
Ardissone, J.
Boutet, Michel
Sánchez, J.
Bretton, M.
Cailleau, A.
Pic, V.
Granier, L.
Chauvet, R.
Conjat, M.
Dauvergne, J.L.
Dechambre, O.
Delay, P.
Delcroix, Marc
Rousselot, Lionel
Ferreira, João
Machado, Pedro
Tanga, P.
Rivet, J.-P.
Frappa, Eric
Irzyk, M.
Jabet, F.
Kaschinski, M.
Klotz, A.
Rieugnie, Y.
Klotz, A.N.
Labrevoir, O.
Lavandier, D.
Walliang, D.
Leroy, A.
Bouley, S.
Lisciandra, S.
Coliac, Jean-François
Metz, F.
Erpelding, D.
Nougayrede, Jean-Philippe
Midavaine, T.
Miniou, M.
Moindrot, S.
Morel, P.
Reginato, B.
Reginato, E.
Rudelle, J.
Tregon, B.
Tanguy, R.
David, J.
Thuillot, W.
Hestroffer, D.
Vaudescal, G.
Baba Aissa, D.
Grigahcene, Z.
Briggs, D.
Broadbent, Stephen
Denyer, P.
Haigh, Nicholas
Quinn, N.
Thurston, G.
Fossey, S. J.
Arena, C.
Jennings, M.
talbot, J.
Alonso Burgos, Sergio
Román Reche, A.
Casanova, V.
Briggs, E.
Iglesias Marzoa, Ramón
Abril Ibáñez, J.
Díaz Martín, M.C.
González, H.
Maestre García, J.L.
Marchant, Jonathan
Martorell, P.
Salamero, J.
Organero, F.
Ana, L.
Fonseca, F.
Peris, V.
Brevia, O.
Selva, A.
Perelló Pérez, Carlos
Cabedo, V.
Gonçalves, Rui M. D.
Ferreira, M.
Marques Dias, Filipe
Daassou, A.
Barkaoui, Khalid
Benkhaldoun, Z.
Guennoun, M.
Chouqar, J.
Jehin, E.
Rinner, C.
Lloyd, J.
El Moutamid, Maryame
Lamarche, C.
Pollock, J.T.
caton, D.B.
Kouprianov, Vladimir
Timerson, B.W.
Blanchard, G.
Payet, B.
Peyrot, A.
Teng-Chuen-Yu, J.-P.
Françoise, J.
Mondon, Bernard
Payet, Thierry
Boissel, C.
Castets, M.
Hubbard, William
Hill, R.
Reitsema, H. J.
Mousis, Olivier
Ball, L.
Neilsen, G.
Hutcheon, S.
lay, K.
Anderson, P.
Moy, M.
Jonsen, M.
Pink, I.
Walters, R.
Downs, B.
Astronomy & Astrophysics 659 : (2022) // Article ID A136
Context. A stellar occultation by Neptune's main satellite, Triton, was observed on 5 October 2017 from Europe, North Africa, and the USA. We derived 90 light curves from this event, 42 of which yielded a central flash detection.
Aims. We aimed at constraining Triton's atmospheric structure and the seasonal variations of its atmospheric pressure since the Voyager 2 epoch (1989). We also derived the shape of the lower atmosphere from central flash analysis.
Methods. We used Abel inversions and direct ray-tracing code to provide the density, pressure, and temperature profiles in the altitude range similar to 8 km to similar to 190 km, corresponding to pressure levels from 9 mu bar down to a few nanobars.
Results. (i) A pressure of 1.18 +/- 0.03 mu bar is found at a reference radius of 1400 km (47 km altitude). (ii) A new analysis of the Voyager 2 radio science occultation shows that this is consistent with an extrapolation of pressure down to the surface pressure obtained in 1989. (iii) A survey of occultations obtained between 1989 and 2017 suggests that an enhancement in surface pressure as reported during the 1990s might be real, but debatable, due to very few high S/N light curves and data accessible for reanalysis. The volatile transport model analysed supports a moderate increase in surface pressure, with a maximum value around 2005-2015 no higher than 23 mu bar. The pressures observed in 1995-1997 and 2017 appear mutually inconsistent with the volatile transport model presented here. (iv) The central flash structure does not show evidence of an atmospheric distortion. We find an upper limit of 0.0011 for the apparent oblateness of the atmosphere near the 8 km altitude.
Bestelakorik adierazi ezean, itemaren baimena horrela deskribatzen da:© J. Marques Oliveira et al. 2022.
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