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dc.contributor.advisorDe la Fuente Arana, Ander
dc.contributor.advisorAzkarate Garai-Olaun, Agustín
dc.contributor.authorLalana Encinas, Laura
dc.description.abstractThe development of the optical telegraph in the 19th century was a significant step forward in humanity’s quest for fast and secure telecommunications. The optical telegraph’s network was one of the first vehicles of globalization. It spread quickly over Europe and was displaced just as swiftly by the electric telegraph. Today, the optical telegraph rests in relative obscurity, but it is not trivial. __ In Spain, security concerns led to the design of the optical telegraph as an infrastructure of fortified towers, connected by sight. By their nature, its sites form a complex linear landscape that spans across regional boundaries. Even after 150 years of disuse, several of the buildings remain. In many cases, they are conspicuous landmarks on the territory. They bear the memory of a distinct piece of our past. In short, the remnants of the optical telegraph have the potential to be beneficial resources for their associated landscapes, but they have often been underutilized, and they are undeniably at risk. There is an increasingly urgent need to take action before the sites degrade further, but this intervention will only be successful if it comes from a clear understanding of the stations’ distinctive tangible and intangible values. __ In this dissertation, I have sought to develop a systematic approach to evaluate the optical telegraph sites that considers their duality as milestones of a trans-regional network and as local heritage objects. Accordingly, I have sought to identify the methods and the criteria that can be used to form an efficient and sustainable framework for intervention. This interpretative framework could feasibly form the foundation for a solid strategy that preserves the optical telegraph sites while capitalizing on the added value they bring to their environments.es_ES
dc.subjectoptical telegraphes_ES
dc.subjectlinear infrastructurees_ES
dc.subjectheritage managementes_ES
dc.subjectcultural landscapeses_ES
dc.subjectvaluing processes_ES
dc.titleThe remnants of the optical telegraph in the north of Spain as a socio-cultural resource: the valuing process and a framework for interventiones_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-CompartirIgual (cc by-sa)
dc.contributor.degreeMáster Universitario en Gestión del Paisaje. Patrimonio, Territorio y Ciudad
dc.contributor.degreePaisaiaren Kudeaketa. Ondarea, Lurraldea eta Hiria Unibertsitate Masterra

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