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dc.contributor.advisorEzkurdia Arteaga, Gurutze ORCID
dc.contributor.advisorNaya Garmendia, Luis María ORCID
dc.contributor.authorBiota Piñeiro, Itsaso
dc.description647 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractThe main objective of the PhD thesis is to analyse the movemnets linked to the pedagogical renovation that took place in Hego Euskal Herria during the 20th century (1918-1990), to study the pedagogical work of various collectives that, in spite of making significant contributions to Basque education, have not been studied in depth so far. The aim is to understand the history of the pedagogical renovation in Hego Euskal Herria as a process, trying to analyse the relationships, connections, and influences existing among all the initiatives, to generate a panoramic view of the history of the pedagogical renovation throughout the 20th century. By means of a quilitative methodology, this research analyses the idiosyncrasy of the main pedagogical groups, the nature of their collevtive political subject, their genealogy, their objetives, the initiatives carried out, their contribution to the reinstatement of the Basque language in education, and finally, the pedagogical ideology of each movement. The results of this doctoral thesis show that the pedagogical demands made during the 20th century, which coincide completely with many of the current demands made by teachers and teaching unions, have not become obsolete, which leads us to consider the need to continue promoting studies that investigate the underlying causes of resistance to change in education. An in-depth knowledge of such resistance to change and the necessary resources and ways of implementing educational innovation would provide institutions and governments with more precise tools for designing much more effective educational innovations. Finally, the reconstruction of this strong commitment to education and the recovery of the Basque language shows us the long road travelled towards stablishing a Basque school and pedagogy, which, as the title of this doctoral thesis indicates, have always appeared to be on the horizon throughout the 20th century.es_ES
dc.subjecthistory of educationes_ES
dc.subjecteducational theorieses_ES
dc.subjectpedagogical methodses_ES
dc.subjecthistoria de la educaciónes_ES
dc.subjectteorías educativases_ES
dc.subjectmétodos pedagógicoses_ES
dc.titleBerrikuntza Pedagogikoa Hego Euskal Herrian: Euskal Eskola Zerumugan (1918-1990)es_ES
dc.rights.holder(c)2023 ITSASO BIOTA PIÑEIRO
dc.departamentoesCiencias de la Educaciónes_ES
dc.departamentoeuHezkuntza Zientziakes_ES

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