Neurozientziak Unibertsitate Masterra;;Máster Universitario en Neurociencias: Recent submissions
Now showing items 5-8 of 8
Estudio del efecto del rimonabant sobre el impacto de la exposición aguda a delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) a las 24 horas en la ultraestructura del hipocampo y la memoria.
(2023-04-04)[ES] Estudio sobre la exposición aguda al THC, sobre los cambios que genera a nivel ultraestructural en la región CA1 del hipocampo, tanto de manera dependiente como independiente al receptor CB1, que podrían contribuir ... -
Effectiveness of multidisciplinary treatments for fibromyalgia: a systematic review
(2023-04-04)[EN] Introduction: The American College of Rheumatology (ACR) defines fibromyalgia (FM) as a neurologic chronic disorder. Widespread musculoskeletal pain is accompanied by a wide range of symptoms and co-morbid health ... -
Impact of parental mental illness in the attachment style of cluster B personality disorders
(2023-04-04)[EN] Introduction: Cluster B personality disorders are the most controversial conditions in the psychopathological spectrum. Attachment seems to be a relevant factor in the development of these disorders. Emerging studies ... -
Ingurune aberastuaren eragina C57BL6J saguen CB1 hartzaileetan nerabezaroan botiloi ohituraren ondoren
(2023-04-04)[EU] Betekadan oinarritutako alkohol kontsumoa adingabeko gazteen artean ohikoa bilakatzen ari den ohitura kaltegarria da. Mundu mailan, batez beste, 15,3 urteko adinetik aurrera hasten da substantzia psikoaktibo honen ...