Experiences of University Students Learning Languages at Academies
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Casal Gómez, Mónica
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[EN]The purpose of this study is to analyse the experience of university students who have been learning or currently learn a language in an academy. In order to do so, I will conduct face-to-face interviews with the participants.
The method of qualitative research used throughout this project will be Grounded Theory. Through this method, the theory will be induced from the data once the interviews are conducted. By this, I intended to get to know the current reality regarding this topic, as well as discovering how the university students function when they want to learn a foreign language.
The conclusions from this study are clear: firstly, students do not consider any other options but attending language classes at an academy when they think about learning a language; secondly, academies are important for the students, but they are not the key factor of their language learning process; and finally, the longer students attend classes, the better they feel their competence in that language is. [EU]Lan honen helburua akademia batean hizkuntzaren bat ikasten ari diren (edota ikasi izan duten) unibertsitate ikasleen esperientziak aztertzea da. Horretarako, parte-hartzaileei aurrez aurreko elkarrizketak egingo dizkiet.
Proiektu honetan zehar erabilitako metodo kualitatiboa laginketa teorikoa delakoa izan da. Metodo honen bitartez, teoria jasotako laginagatik induzituko da, behin elkarrizketak egin eta gero. Honen bitartez, auzi honen inguruko errealitatea eta hizkuntza bat ikasterako orduan unibertsitate ikasleen jokamoldeak ezagutu nahi izan dira.
Ikerketa honetan atera diren ondorioak honakoak izan dira: lehenik, ikasleek akademia batera jotzea besterik ez dute pentsatzen hizkuntza bat ikasi nahi dutenean; bigarrenik, akademiak garrantzitsuak dira ikasleentzat baina ez dira beraien hizkuntza ikaskuntza-prozesuaren gakoa; azkenik, zenbat eta denbora gehiago pasa klaseetara joaten, ordun eta hizkuntza konpetentzia altuagoa dutela diote.