Browsing Máster Universitario Erasmus Mundus en Tecnologías del Lenguaje y la Comunicación (LCT) by Author "Erasmus Mundus Master in Language and Communication Technologies (LCT)"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Cross-lingual argument mining in the medical domain
Yeginbergenova, Anar (2023-07-03)Nowadays the medical domain is receiving more and more attention in the applications involving Artificial Intelligence. Clinicians have to deal with an enormous amount of unstructured textual data to make a conclusion about ... -
How does machine translation affect language? Analyzing the effect of machine translation on translated texts
Sarajlic, Jelena (2023-06-30)[EN] This Master Thesis analyses the effect of neural machine translation on the language of the translation in terms of lexical, morphological, and syntactical diversity or richness. Four neural machine translation ... -
NLP Meets Agronomy: Document Classification for Plant Health Surveillance
Vasquez Reina, Luis Antonio (2024-09-25)[EN] In the field of Plant Health Epidemiological Surveillance, accurately analyzing written reports of events affecting agriculture is crucial. This master’s thesis in Natural Language Processing leverages the power of ...