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dc.contributor.authorMendiguren Galdospin, Terese
dc.contributor.authorMeso Ayerdi, Koldobika
dc.contributor.authorPérez Dasilva, Jesús Angel ORCID
dc.contributor.authorGanzabal Learreta, María ORCID
dc.contributor.authorLarrondo Ureta, Ainara
dc.contributor.authorPeña Fernández, Simón ORCID
dc.identifier.citationICONO 14. Revista Científica De Comunicación Y Tecnologías Emergentes, 21(2) : 1-24 (2023)es_ES
dc.description.abstract[ES] La difusión y viralización de la información en los medios sociales ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde diversas perspectivas, incluida la del activismo digital. Por otro lado, el activismo relacionado con la discapacidad ha conquistado el terreno online obteniendo así un alcance que va más allá del espacio offline y generando diálogo en la esfera digital. Este artículo analiza la conversación generada en Twitter tomando como muestra todos los tuits con el hashtag #discapacidad anteriores y posteriores al Día Internacional de las Personas con Discapacidad. Se han analizado más de 18.000 tuits en los que hay casi otras tantas menciones, que han sido interpretadas como las aristas ponderadas de un grafo dirigido con el software Gephi, aplicando el algoritmo de fuerza bruta Force Atlas 2. Se ha puesto el foco en las comunidades conversacionales generadas en torno a ese hashtag, las temáticas principales y los actores destacados en dichas comunidades conversacionales. Se concluye que, aunque la red de menciones es muy dispersa, Twitter es escenario de reivindicaciones que abarcan cierto apoyo institucional y político del entorno latinoamericano, de entidades relacionadas con la causa como La Fundación ONCE y, sobre todo, la predominancia clara de activistas mujeres.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[EN] The dissemination and viralization of information on social media has been widely studied from various perspectives, including the digital activism. On the other hand, disability-related activism has conquered the online esphere, thus obtaining a reach that goes beyond the offline space and dialogue. This article analyzes the conversation generated on Twitter taking as a sample all the tweets with the hashtag #disability before and after the International Day of Diabled Persons. More than 18,000 tweets have been analyzed in which there are almost as many mentions, which have been interpreted as the weighted edges of a directed graph with the Gephi software, using the Force Atlas 2 brute force algorithm. The focus has been placed on the conversational communities generated around that hashtag, the main themes and the prominent actors in said conversational communities. In conclusion, it is verified that, although the network of mentions is very dispersed, Twitter is the scene of claims that include certain institutional and political support from the Latin American environment, from entities related to the cause such as Fundación ONCE and, above all, the clear predominance of female activists.es_ES
dc.description.abstract[PO] The dissemination and viralization of information on social media has been widely studied from various perspectives, including the digital activism. On the other hand, disability-related activism has conquered the online esphere, thus obtaining a reach that goes beyond the offline space and dialogue. This article analyzes the conversation generated on Twitter taking as a sample all the tweets with the hashtag #disability before and after the International Day of Diabled Persons. More than 18,000 tweets have been analyzed in which there are almost as many mentions, which have been interpreted as the weighted edges of a directed graph with the Gephi software, using the Force Atlas 2 brute force algorithm. The focus has been placed on the conversational communities generated around that hashtag, the main themes and the prominent actors in said conversational communities. In conclusion, it is verified that, although the network of mentions is very dispersed, Twitter is the scene of claims that include certain institutional and political support from the Latin American environment, from entities related to the cause such as Fundación ONCE and, above all, the clear predominance of female activists.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipEsta investigación se ha realizado en el marco del Proyecto “Universidad, Discapacidad e Inclusión” (US21/23) de la UPV/EHU en colaboración con Fundación ONCE y de GUREIKER, grupo de investigación del sistema universitario vasco de categoría A (IT1496-22)es_ES
dc.publisherIcono 14es_ES
dc.subjectactivismo digitales_ES
dc.subjectmovimientos socialeses_ES
dc.subjectredes socialeses_ES
dc.subjectdigital activismes_ES
dc.subjectsocial movementses_ES
dc.subjectsocial networkses_ES
dc.subjectativismo digitales_ES
dc.subjectmovimentos sociaises_ES
dc.titleTwitter y el activismo por la discapacidad: liderazgo y temas relevantes en la conversación en redes_ES
dc.title.alternativeTwitter and disability activism: leadership and relevant topics in the online conversationes_ES
dc.title.alternativeTwitter e ativismo por deficiência: liderança e questões relevantes na conversa onlinees_ES
dc.rights.holderLicencia de Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional.es_ES

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