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dc.contributor.advisorBengoetxea Caballero, José Ramón ORCID
dc.contributor.authorCruz Balbuena, Roberto Leopoldo
dc.description397 p.es_ES
dc.description.abstractFreedom matters is a strong statement on one of the most important concepts behind the political scene in modern times. This research features two significant contributions: it shows the hegemonic theoretical conceptualization of freedom insocial sciences and unveils those theories as the ideological foundations of modern global freedom indices. Using mixed methodologies proper of the social sciences, I developed a discourse analysis in its qualitative aspect of the most influential texts inthe field to continue with the data analysis of secondary data provided by essential freedom indices from around the globe. It links both methods into a matrix of analysis that provides valuable information about ideological and political alignments of the institutions behind the production of each index. The research also unveils the methodology currently used for measuring freedom (although not exclusively on this subject) and how this is detrimental to the plural and multicultural understanding of the global and local reality. With its unique theoretical-practical components, this research has significant implications for social policy. It will soon provide a more unified understanding of security, self-preference, and opportunity as components of a more integrating knowledge of freedom.es_ES
dc.subjectcommon lawes_ES
dc.subjecthuman rightses_ES
dc.subjectsociology of lawes_ES
dc.subjectderecho consuetudinarioes_ES
dc.subjectderechos humanoses_ES
dc.subjectsociología del derechoes_ES
dc.titleFreedom matters: A theoretical-practical approach to the measurement of freedomes_ES
dc.rights.holderAtribución-NoComercial 3.0 España*
dc.rights.holder(cc)2023 ROBERTO LEOPOLDO CRUZ BALBUENA (cc by-nc 4.0)
dc.departamentoesDerecho Administrativo, Constitucional y Filosofía del Derechoes_ES
dc.departamentoeuAdministrazio Zuzenbidea, Konstituzio Zuzenbidea eta Zuzenbidearen Filosofia Sailaes_ES

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Atribución-NoComercial 3.0 España
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