A Milestone in the Chemical Synthesis of Fe3O4 Nanoparticles: Unreported Bulklike Properties Lead to a Remarkable Magnetic Hyperthermia
Ikusi/ Ireki
Castellanos Rubio, Idoia
Arriortua Llarena, Oihane
Iglesias Rojas, Daniela
Barón Torre, Ander
Rodrigo Arrizabalaga, Irati
Marcano Prieto, Lourdes
Saiz Garitaonandia, José Javier
Fernández Gubieda Ruiz, María Luisa
Insausti Peña, María Teresa
Chemistry of Materials 33(22) : 8693-8704 (2021)
Among iron oxide phases, magnetite (Fe3O4) is
often the preferred one for nanotechnological and biomedical
applications because of its high saturation magnetization and low
toxicity. Although there are several synthetic routes that attempt to
reach magnetite nanoparticles (NPs), they are usually referred as
“IONPs” (iron oxide NPs) due to the great difficulty in obtaining
the monophasic and stoichiometric Fe3O4 phase. Added to this
problem is the common increase of size/shape polydispersity when
larger NPs (D > 20 nm) are synthesized. An unequivocal
correlation between a nanomaterial and its properties can only
be achieved by the production of highly homogeneous systems,
which, in turn, is only possible by the continuous improvement of
synthesis methods. There is no doubt that solving the compositional heterogeneity of IONPs while keeping them monodisperse
remains a challenge for synthetic chemistry. Herein, we present a methodical optimization of the iron oleate decomposition method
to obtain Fe3O4 single nanocrystals without any trace of secondary phases and with no need of postsynthetic treatment. The average
dimension of the NPs, ranging from 20 to 40 nm, has been tailored by adjusting the total volume and the boiling point of the
reaction mixture. Mössbauer spectroscopy and DC magnetometry have revealed that the NPs present a perfectly stoichiometric
Fe3O4 phase. The high saturation magnetization (93 (2) A·m2
/kg at RT) and the extremely sharp Verwey transition (at around 120
K) shown by these NPs have no precedent. Moreover, the synthesis method has been refined to obtain NPs with octahedral
morphology and suitable magnetic anisotropy, which significantly improves the magnetic hyperthemia performance. The heating
power of properly PEGylated nano-octahedrons has been investigated by AC magnetometry, confirming that the NPs present
negligible dipolar interactions, which leads to an outstanding magnetothermal efficiency that does not change when the NPs are
dispersed in environments with high viscosity and ionic strength. Additionally, the heat production of the NPs within physiological
media has been directly measured by calorimetry under clinically safe conditions, reasserting the excellent adequacy of the system for
hyperthermia therapies. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such bulklike magnetite NPs (with minimal size/
shape polydispersity, minor agglomeration, and exceptional heating power) are chemically synthesized.