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dc.contributor.authorLarruscain Escobal, Dunixe Marene ORCID
dc.contributor.authorZamora Belver, Inmaculada
dc.contributor.authorValverde Santiago, Victor
dc.contributor.authorBuigues Beraza, Garikoitz
dc.contributor.authorAbarrategi Ranero, Oihane ORCID
dc.contributor.authorIturregi Aio, Araitz
dc.identifier.citationDYNA Ingeniería e Industria 91 : 578-584 (2016)
dc.description.abstractDuring the last decades, the combination of several factors (rapid growth of electricity consumption, deregulation of the electricity market and increase of distributed generation) has led to important changes in power flows in the Spanish Electricity System, overloading power lines that were not initially designed to withstand those levels of energy transmission. Considering the inherent difficulties related to building new power lines, repowering the existing lines emerges as a necessary solution. At the same time, the important development of power electronics based on new semiconductors has boosted the appearance of new technologies applicable to transmission and distribution systems, such as HVDC (High Voltage Direct Current). The technical and economic benefits associated to this technology represent an attractive alternative to AC power line repowering. However, AC-to-DC power line conversion requires converter stations at its ends, as well as adapting the insulation system to the new working conditions. In this regard, the lack of a specific regulation for DC lines and the last change of the existing regulation for AC lines have caused a regulatory gap, whose consequences are analyzed in this paper. Special emphasis is laid on the different criteria to calculate safety clearances, when converting AC power lines into DC lines.es_ES
dc.publisherFederación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industrialeses_ES
dc.subjectsafe clearance distances
dc.subjectDC lines
dc.titleCálculo de distancias de seguridad en la repotenciación de líneas de corriente alterna con tecnología HVDCes_ES
dc.rights.holder© Revista de Ingeniería Dyna 2016*
dc.departamentoesIngeniería eléctricaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuIngeniaritza elektrikoaes_ES

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