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dc.contributor.authorVillalta Bustillo, Igor
dc.contributor.authorBidarte Peraita, Unai ORCID
dc.contributor.authorKretzchmar, Uli
dc.contributor.authorSantos, Gorka
dc.contributor.authorMatallana Fernandez, Asier ORCID
dc.identifier.citationXIV Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones (JCRA14). Valladolid, 17-19 Septiembre 2014es_ES
dc.descriptionComunciación JCRA 2014, Actas de las XIV Jornadas de Computación Reconfigurable y Aplicaciones (JCRA 2014)es_ES
dc.description.abstractIn this paper techniques to detect failures in a FPGA are presented and their application to SEU (Single Event Upset) emulation applications is discussed. SEU emulation in FPGAs consists on programming the device with a configuration file that has an erroneous bit, emulating the effect of a SEU. Once the device has been erroneously programmed a verification method is needed to evaluate the criticality of the modified bits. In this work two verification approaches (hardware verification and software verification) are implemented, experimental results are obtained and conclusions are taken.es_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipThis work was carried out in the R&D Unit UFI11/16 of the UPV/EHU, and supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion of Spain within the projects TEC2011-28250-C02-01/2, and by the Basque Governments Department of Education, Universities and Research within the research fund of the Basque university system IT394-10.es_ES
dc.titleFunctional Verification for SEU Emulation in FPGA Designses_ES
dc.rights.holder(c) 2014 Los autoreses_ES
dc.departamentoesTecnología electrónicaes_ES
dc.departamentoeuTeknologia elektronikoaes_ES

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